Bob believes that the credibility of the medical establishment is eroding quickly and will soon collapse. Are we being paid off for our silence on hyperinflation? Plainly stated, an elite group rules no matter which political party appears to be in power. This report retails for $39.95 but its FREE with this offer only. They fled the liberalism of the Democrat party when they perceived it had become soft on the Soviet Union. Warning to Americas Savviest Investors, Savers and Retirees: Inflation Rocket Train Accelerating Fast, Painful Carter-Era, 70s-Style 500% Inflation Looming, make your selection from the No-Risk FREE Gifts Subscription Certificate located below to subscribe. Thats just a drop in the bucket compared to what youll save when you receive your copy of my book and the two FREE Bonus Gifts. Perhaps a re-evaluation of these concepts is in order. First and foremost I am not the adulterous former congressman and lobbyist for Muslim interests from Louisiana. As the editor of The Bob Livingston Letter, I pay very close attention to recently resigned or soon-to-be-departed high-level U.S. officials (once they are out of office many are remarkably candid even as the mainstream media stop reporting their words). Like no other newsletter youll ever find, THE BOB LIVINGSTON LETTER is dedicated to increasing your independence from todays medical and financial brokers who do not have your health & wealth at stake.This newsletter exists for one purpose: To put you (not the medical or financial establishments) in 100percentcontrol of your health & wealth beyond your wildest dreams for life! How to use the secret onshore tax haven and wealth builder used by the privileged, corporations and the very wealthy. This unconscious stigma has enslaved many a soul for all his lifetime. Helping You Prepare For Emergency Situations, Trumps plan for Iran: Put terrorists in charge, The West is responsible for its self-destruction, The wealth redistribution scam that Is inflation, Globalist elite-endorsed war on cash may be Chinas new and terrifying weapon, Why voters dont trust the people who count the votes, No privacy, no property: The world in 2030 according to the World Economic Forum. Bob specializes in health issues such as nutritional supplements and natural alternatives, as well as issues of liberty, privacy and the preservation of medical freedom. Privacy Policy(function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src=""; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); | Cookie Policy(function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src=""; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); | Terms and Conditions(function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src=""; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); Sign up to read the rest of this article right now. Dont delay. To give you some idea of the scope of this problem, the government would have to extract $473,000 from each and every U.S. household to cover the rapidly approaching national balloon payment on unfunded liabilities! BOB LIVINGSTON ALERTS. We hope its beneficial to you, the new reader, and not too boring if youre a long-timer who may be seeing this for the second or third time. This work is exclusively for my dedicated family of readers and is packed with usable, money-saving, problem-avoiding advice. This is essential knowledge to plan for your family and shows you how to keep the governments hands off your familys wealth for future generations. Learn the critical gold ratio signaling an uptrend that the big boys use and you too can get rich. Tens of millions of people can be psyched up to kill each other in foreign wars when in fact the only difference in the two systems is the name. Legislation Sponsored or Cosponsored by Bob Livingston. Thats just a drop in the bucket compared to what youll save when you receive your copy of my book and the two FREE Bonus Gifts. Juice your way to better health BOLSTER YOUR IMMUNITY Cold press juicing is one of the most effective ways to easily access nutritious enzymes and antioxidants that bolster immunity, and enhance overall health. The banks want the world cashless because they claim it's more efficient. Political parties exist to give the illusion of choice. Health authorities kill infectious microorganisms with the mass use of multiple vaccines. All the work and research in this book is worth the cover price of at least $89.95. While we have a large core of long-term and dedicated Personal Liberty subscribers and we love and appreciate every one of you we have learned over the nine-plus years of this sites existence that there is a lot of turnover in our subscriber base. Todays conservatism and liberalism are but twin pincers of the same, dynamic, ever-changing, collectivist dialectic. We are oppressed by government and most people are unaware of it because they themselves have assumed government morality from childhood as outlined above. New subscribers find us in any of a number of ways, but many of them happen upon us thinking they have found a Republican Party site or a mainstream conservative site that supports the Republican Party ideologically. Join The Bob Livingston Letter for $69 today and receive the Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual for FREE and two FREE Bonus Gifts. All you have to do is make your selection from the No-Risk FREE Gifts Subscription Certificate located below to subscribe to The Bob Livingston Letter and well rush your FREE copy of Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual and your two FREE Bonus Gifts right away. I also embrace the nonaggression principle of libertarianism. 1. Just subscribe to The Bob Livingston Letter and I will send you this manual that can save you tens of thousands of dollars and make for a worry-free ocean of surety and safety in these inflationary times ahead. Even the normally bullish, pro-Wall Street editorial page of The Wall Street Journal conceded, Fasten your seat belts and get ready for more Bob Livingston is a guest columnist in today's edition of LIBERTY DIGEST. Official Website of Texas singer-songwriter, Bob Livingston. And I truly believe my Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual could be the single most important tool youll ever discover. Privacy Policy; Cookie Policy; Terms and Conditions 2023 Bob Livingston Letter PO Box 1105 Cullman, AL 35056 Customer Service: 1-800-319-3487 Fax: 1 . They use psychopathic bureaucrats and politicians to carry out their deception and systematic oppression. Prices for some commodities have shot through the roof. 605.313.0163 Privacy Policy; Cookie Policy; Terms and Conditions 2023 Bob Livingston Letter PO Box 1105 Cullman, AL 35056 Customer Service: 1-800-319-3487 Fax: 1 . The 10 worst investing mistakes you can make that could cost you a fortune. Get the inside skinny on what coin dealers and precious metals merchants do not want you to know about their collectibles.. If you are not sick when you go to the medical system, you certainly will be soon. As this transition evolves, natural alternatives for health and nutrition will be vital for your survival! In it youll discover how Walton learned lessons in business succession planning and resolved to use the simple planning concept for their own family and you can too to shield their wealth from thieving bureaucratic fingers and greedy government tax-andspenders. Bob Livingston is a guest columnist in today's edition of LIBERTY DIGEST. As the editor of The Bob Livingston Letter, I pay very close attention to recently resigned or soon-to-be-departed high-level U.S. officials (once they are out of office many are remarkably candid even as the mainstream media stop reporting their words). ", "I must admit that we devour every issue that hits our mailbox. To power seekers, the most attractive government is some form of collectivism. The 10 worst investing mistakes you can make that could cost you a fortune. And it is especially merciless to people who assume they can live comfortably on a fixed income. Bob will tell you the problems and will always suggest solutions. Bob Livingston: The fruit that provides irritable bowel disease protection. It cannot make health out of drugs or death, as in dead viruses injected into humans. Police have become violent and abusive to the public they are supposed to protect, and we regularly document cases of abuse in our Power of the State section. Although I do not agree with Mr.Livingston's views in there entirety, his overall view on Constitutional government is I believe entirely correct. At the end of this letter, I will tell you how to get the newest, most authoritative source of information about hidden inflation, how it is ripping you off and what you can do to protect yourself. Government SPYING and MANIPULATION is now becoming the American way. They only care about a political facade to hide their chicanery. Ultra-conservatism isnotthe neoconservatism of the establishment Republican Party, nor is it the obtuse nationalism of Donald Trump. A $19.95 value, yours FREE! Following are the 10 planks of communism at work in America. All you have to do is make your selection from the No-Risk FREE Gifts Subscription Certificate located below to subscribe to The Bob Livingston Letter and well rush your FREE copy of Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual and your two FREE Bonus Gifts right away. A baseball redemption story for our troubled times. ", "The Bob Livingston Letter is the best I have ever read in 84 years! And lets not even talk about the grocery store but dont be fooled! What is your exposure to and what preparations have you made for the coming housing bubble collapse? (Accomplished via the estate tax. American author and editor of The Bob Livingston Letter, in circulation since 1969. And his assessment of the Republican party is spot on. Plus send me the three FREE Gifts listed above. Governments suggest moving to a cashless economy will save the cost of producing, administrating and securing paper money. If cash-hungry Federal bureaucrats dilute the value of IRAs and other retirement accounts, would you be affected? Just subscribe to The Bob Livingston Letter and I will send you this manual that can save you tens of thousands of dollars and make for a worry-free ocean of surety and safety in these inflationary times ahead. I've been in gold stocks since 2002 and am still okay. COWBOYS & INDIANS; STORE. BIO; EPK; BLOG. ), Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. Now listen to Former Fed Chair Paul Volker who presided over 70s-era inflation and was even more blunt. Your Health: Between age 38and age 40, Bob had four heart attacks. BOB LIVINGSTON ALERTS Published by Personal Liberty Media Group After nearly 40 years of unprecedented prosperity, the U.S. economy is now in shambles. P.S. What if you make a mistake? If you are currently invested in the stock market, are looking to protect your wealth, are planning your retirement or are already retired, then you need this manual right away! Where savvy investors are placing their assets to prevent them from being eroded by inflation and a declining U.S. dollar. The REAL reason your savings arent safe (is the government coming for your money?) And they want to suppress alternative asset protection and wealth building information that can make people more self-reliant like the kind in this letter. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution. John Adams, The Works of John Adams. I have no intention of being either, and I know you feel the same way. Virtually unreported dire warnings from Americas top investors and former top government officials. Not a Bob Livingston Letter subscriber yet? YES! Its the political philosophy that values the freedom of individuals including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets as well as limited government restrained by the shackles of the Constitution. Not a Bob Livingston Letter subscriber yet? The inventory weve planned for will go quickly. The American people have become so dependent on political authority that they do not know the difference in realism and illusion. But heres the best part. STREAM RBN *LIVE* Ive never felt more urgency about protecting you and your wealth! We will never rent, sell or trade your personal information with anyone. We do not have, by any definition healthcare in the United States even pre-Obamacare. In the past few months, prices have been skyrocketing. Visa even went so far as to offer small businesses $10,000 to convert to cashless. ), Abolition of all rights of inheritance. BIO/EPK. Its not enough anymore, not by a long shot! They have also studied at University of Phoenix : Bruce Ragsdale - Intel Jackie Bunting - McDonald's Tereah Otero - HP Inc. Find more alumni from University of Phoenix But studies show that even the so-called bad germs are necessary for good health. How could there be anything better than total liberty? Published by Personal Liberty Media Group bumpy flying in the Feds cloudy skies.. And lets not even talk about the grocery store but dont be fooled! Warning to Americas Savviest Investors, Savers and Retirees: Inflation Rocket Train Accelerating Fast, Painful Carter-Era, 70s-Style 500% Inflation Looming, make your selection from the No-Risk FREE Gifts Subscription Certificate located below to subscribe. The Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual is the ultimate protocol and guide and a reference you can use for preserving your wealth for life. The economic stimulus packages of the last few years alone will amount to $6 trillion nearly 7 times what the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) program spent! Bob Livingston on the coming economic collapse. (Accomplished through price controls on the utilities via their government-supported monopolies and subsidies for favored industries. Also free with your exclusive cancer e-book is my new e-letter, Bob Livingston Alerts. Dont delay. For only $69 less than 1/25th of the of the price of a single ounce of gold youll have in your hands THREE powerful tools that will let you beat the rigged money game in your favor. Take, for instance, the notion that conservatism means support for toppling foreign regimes; making war on countries that have not attacked us for democracy; perpetual wars on terror, drugs, etc. But you wont have to pay that. Bob Livingston He notes, The basic elements for a dollar collapse and an eventual hyperinflationary environment in the U.S. remain locked in place. Williams reports inflation is over 11% right now (not the paltry 2% the Fed claims) and is about to take off, back above those pre-1981 levels you see below! I cannot be placed within any preconceived ideological box. Verizon: 605-562-5111 It will bring you up to speed on: Accelerating inflation is a threat to your future comfort, big time! All designed to encourage millions of uninformed U.S. investors to keep their money in highly-vulnerable dollar-denominated financial instruments only. You may opt out of Bob Livingston Alerts at anytime. (Based on YOUR phone plan.) November 19, 2017 in Columnists by Ken. Three steps you must take right away to prepare for a possible banking collapse. The Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual is probably among the most important guides I have ever offered. This is true if youre 10-15 years away from retirement and particularly if you are already in retirement. Special Analysis: Who is killing the dollar, and how they are doing it by crumbling the Three Pillars that have protected the U.S. economy. Let me send you a fully-guaranteed copy of the updated, revised, improved and expanded Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual absolutely FREE. Modern computer technology records not only all of your financial assets, but most of your daily transactions. The upshot is cash-hungry bureaucrats are now looking for full control over everything from cash in the bank to private retirement assets held anywhere they can get their hands on it. Therefore, they have to all be the same. Lumber prices have almost tripled. To receive a FREE copy my Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual and the two FREE Bonus Gifts, all I ask is for you to subscribe to The Bob Livingston Letter for two years (24 issues) for just $69. If you want to be rich, you need to know how they think. But theyre not your only enemy. Bob is an ultra-conservative American and author of The Bob Livingston Letter, founded in 1969. LISTEN ON YOUR PHONE: Over the years, Bob Livingston has gained a reputation as a band leader, solo artist, session musician and sideman in folk, Americana and country music. Contributors In all things I default to God, individual liberty and small, Constitutional government in politics and governance; in that order. The deception is that economics matters more than identity. Trouble connecting? To give you some idea of the scope of this problem, the government would have to extract $473,000 from each and every U.S. household to cover the rapidly approaching national balloon payment on unfunded liabilities! The dumb money buys on emotion? If cash-hungry Federal bureaucrats dilute the value of IRAs and other retirement accounts, would you be affected? If I had listened to you in 1999 about buying gold stocks, I would be in terrific shape now. by: Richard Rowland posted on: Jul 24, 2019 13:33:25 Since learning of a movement referred to as globalism, I've attempted to glean as much information as possible for who the globalists are and what they have in mind. H.R.870 106th Congress (1999-2000) To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to change the determination of the 50,000-barrel refinery limitation on oil depletion deduction from a daily basis to an annual average daily basis. This socialistic expansion of government will inevitably lead to a devaluation of the U.S. dollar (hyperinflation) that could wipe out your life savings. Your wisdom and down-to-earth common sense are like nectar to starving souls, particularly in these days of so much double speaking from every other publication, especially our own government sources. The current, temporary period of inflation will soon be followed by even more massive inflation. ", Customer Service: 1-800-319-3487 | Fax: 1-800-941-6987 |. How smart investors are quietly hedging like the pros to beat the money creators at their own game. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. Otherwise they would know that there is no such thing as political choices or political freedom. Analyst John Williams of the remarkable website cites credible evidence of more than a 10% inflation rate instead of the governments reported sub-2% rate. A RICH STOREHOUSE OF HEALTH & WEALTH YOU CAN DEPEND ONNO MATTER WHAT HEALTH CRISIS OR FINANCIAL CHAOS COMES YOUR WAY! Breaking News! Have you packed away every penny you legally can for your retirement? The second brand-new report is called How to Use the Wealth-Preserving Secret of Sam Walton. Imagine a world of $20 per gallon of gasoline $50 hamburgers and average housing rentals costing $10,000 a month or more. Even when everyone in the know is running for the exits. Although I do not agree with Mr.Livingston's views in there entirety, his overall view on Constitutional government is I believe entirely correct. Why are you against vaccines and write so much about alternative medicine? What if the lockdown was all a big mistake? There is nothing conservative about the welfare state, the warfare state or the police state. And his assessment of the Republican party is spot on. What do the rich buy on? Bob Livingston American author and editor of The Bob Livingston Letter , in circulation since 1969. The unconstitutional assault on America's civil liberties is continuing with fanatical vigor thanks to the government's gross misuse of power, including transgressions by the NSA and IRS. The Rule of 72 that savvy investors use to know what their money is really worth. (Industrial armies accomplished through regulations favoring/subsidizing unions. Privacy Policy(function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src=""; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); | Cookie Policy(function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src=""; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); | Terms and Conditions(function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src=""; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); Sign up to read the rest of this article right now. 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