This chart shows all Marine Corps authorized awards in proper precedence. The Vietnam Service Medal was awarded to any servicemen and women that served in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and/or Thailand from 1965 to 1973 for 30 consecutive or 60 nonconsecutive days. On paper they are just parts of history and a timeline about the war, but for the veteran who lived through it, its much more. The Silver Star device applies to an individual Sacrificed his life in an attempt to assist a wounded soldier, Along with another soldier attacked and defeated multiple enemy bunkers. Sign the Log Contact Disclaimer, SECNAVINST 1650.1H, Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual. Philippine Defense Ribbon. Merchant Marine who, on or after September 3, 1939, distinguished him or herself during the war by outstanding conduct or service in the line of duty. Applicants must provide proper documentation of the candidate's merchant marine service for consideration, and include his or her full name, Z or book number, and copies of voyage discharge certificates. Awarded duplicates of the medal to individuals who, between December 7, 1941, and December 31, 1946, were members of the United States Merchant Marine, or other related services. territory on which troops have actually landed or are present and (1) while engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States; Australia and New Zealand awarded British and Commonwealth orders and decorations to their servicemen in Vietnam, including the Distinguished Service Order, and the Military Cross. He then directed fire at the enemy and although wounded adjusted artillery and air strikes within fifty yards of his position until the enemy had been repelled. The Purple Heart. Vietnamese counteroffensive as well as the U.S. air offensive of 1972. the area. For absorbing an explosive charge and continuing to fight with weapons and hand to hand before successfully defending a bunker. equivalent of the French Croix de Guerre. The Air Medal is the more appropriate recognition for meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight. 73 [Only those in direct support of Cambodia Through their superlative performance, the personnel of The Bronze Not more than one medal shall be issued to any one seaman. The Combat Distinguishing Device may be authorized. Assistance Command, Vietnam DA GO, 8, 1974. a. Medals awarded and earned have always had emotional attachment and deep meaning. Single-handedly destroyed a Viet Cong bunker and was then killed while chasing the retreating enemy soldiers. The red stripes indicate the three ancient empires of Vietnam Tonkin, Annam, and Cochin China, mirroring the Republic of Vietnams flag. The Vietnam war is more than a conflict, like any war, it tore families apart, took fathers away from their wives and children, and many still suffer invisible wounds and health issues. Established by the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces Order No. Minor acts of heroism in actual combat, single acts of merit or meritorious service connection with military or naval operations may justify this award. Warner Defended several fallen comrades and forced the Vietnamese to kill him rather than be captured. Originally awarded the, Risked his life to assist a group of Marines who had been attacked by a larger enemy force. E.O.11231 (reference (w)). The AFEM, authorized by E.O. Thanks! meet the criteria established for the AFEM (Vietnam) or the Vietnam Sacrificed his life to shield another soldier from a rocket blast, absorbing the full blast with his body. The "V" device may only be worn if specifically authorized in the citation. [according to whom?] The Vietnam Service Medal is a U.S. medal introduced during the War. Service Medal during the period of service required are considered He assumed command and directed the defense of their position and despite being wounded by a grenade, he continued to direct them, saving many lives. Fujii was rescued by a helicopter on Feb. 22. The first Medal of Honor presentation for Vietnam was to Captain Roger Donlon for actions on 6 July 1964 as commanding officer of the U.S. Army Special Forces Detachment defending Camp Nam Dong against a Viet Cong attack. Assumed command of a rifle company upon death of the commander in an ambush and directed the counterattack. As part of ourOutreach activities, the Maritime Administration awards medals and war zone ribbon bars to civilian mariners who supportthe nations armed forces in conflict, as well as during peacetime when contributions are significant. For smothering a grenade blast with his body. MARAD is authorized under Public Law 100-324 (1988) to accept original applications for any war zone bar listed above, in which case a corresponding medal will represent the original war zone bar. Continued to lead his squad, fight the enemy, and help the wounded despite being wounded himself four separate times. It may be worn by all merchant seamen who served as members of the crews of U.S. merchant ships from September 8, 1939 and December 7, 1941. established by the Vietnam Government by Decree No. For example, the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal has the U.S.s national colors in the center, light blue sections on either side to represent water or overseas service, and the colors on the outward edge of the ribbon represent areas of the world American troops may go for service. COPYRIGHT 2018 MEDALS OF AMERICA, INC. Theme by, Awards and Decorations for the Vietnam War,, Cold War Shadow Boxes and What to Include in Them. (3) while serving with friendly foreign forces in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party. For destroying three enemy bunkers with grenades and rifle fire, helping to secure an enemy supply cache and directing his men after being seriously wounded. Awarded to merchant marine veterans who participated in convoys to Murmansk during World War II. Awarded for service in the American merchant marine during the Korean Conflict in waters adjacent to Korea between June 30, 1950and September 30, 1953. He led the assault on several enemy gun emplacements and, single-handedly, destroyed three such positions. or inactive duty, of the grade of lieutenant commander/major and below. Awarded to military personnel of all grades and civilians who render staff service to the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces through outstanding initiative and devotion to their assigned duty. It remains awarded to "the unknown soldier" as a tribute to the war dead who have not yet been identified. medal awarded to marines at nam phong. United NationsMilitary Assistance Command - Killed protecting others during an ambush, Risked his life by flying his helicopter into heavy enemy fire to evacuate several wounded passengers and aircrew of a downed helicopter, Threw himself on an enemy grenade as it exploded, saving the lives of four comrades at the sacrifice of his life, For rescuing a downed airman despite heavy fire. (c) Reflect most creditably on the efforts of the individual toward the accomplishment of the unit mission. (2) For Meritorious Achievement. operational schedule in the face of torrential rains, sweltering heat and The medal recognizes the special service prisoners of war gave to their country and the suffering and anguish they endured while incarcerated. Pacific War Zone Medal. Task Force Delta Disbursing Office (SU MarCorFinCtr) ~1 Jan - 31 Aug Merchant Marine Medal for Outstanding Achievement. For smothering a grenade blast with his body. I was Tad with MABS 15, MAG15 First MAW. Vietnam Service Medal to be authorized the RVN Gallantry Endured hostile gunfire and serious injuries to save several wounded soldiers. Vietnam(MACV) during the period 8 February 1962 and 30 April Awarded to any seaman in the U.S. An accumulation of minor acts of heroism does not justify the award. Merchant Marine Academy National Register Nominations, The Department of Defense also offers several award options, Instructions on applyingfor this medal can be found here, Department of Defense and Foreign Government Recognition, In 1992, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced several. These two medals are almost always simultaneously awarded alongside the National Defense medal. All units (and their An official website of the United States government Here's how you know. Participate as a the gratitude to the American and Allied soldiers who once worked (a) Be noteworthy Exposed himself to enemy fire and overran an enemy squad, continuing to provide cover fire until the lead element had overrun a second enemy squad and he fell mortally wounded. U.S. OPERATIONS OF ASSISTANCE Therefore, the country of South Vietnam's awards and decorations are considered obsolete. It was originally created to honor junior members who are not generally eligible for the Navy & Marine Corps Commendation Medal or the Meritorious Service Medal. For the rescue of a six-man special forces unit. For gallantry and intrepidity in defending his position and giving aid to wounded Marines, For eliminating enemy fire with available weapons and shielding his men from an enemy grenade, For attempting to rescue one of his wounded men on a Marine recon patrol, Sacrificed his life to save his fellow soldiers by smothering a grenade with his body, For efforts in retrieving wounded personnel and defending his platoon, Sacrificed his life to destroy an enemy bunker and protect several of his fellow soldiers. Despite being wounded after his unit was attacked, he assumed command of the unit when the company commander was killed, organized the defense, and helped arrange a helicopter evacuation of the wounded. Sacrificed his life to eliminate two companies of the enemy, rescue a fellow soldier and destroyed the starlight scope attached to his rifle to prevent its capture and use by the Viet Cong. The criteria, however, should not be the period of service involved, but rather the circumstances and conditions under which the service was performed. Sacrificed his life to save other soldiers by smothering a grenade with his body, For smothering an explosive blast with his body to protect those around him. The medal reflects North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand and the United States all issued awards and decorations to their personnel during, or after, the conflict. The recipients must have distinguished themselves at the risk of their own life above and beyond the call of duty in action against an enemy of the United States. Awarded to World War II merchant marine veterans held prisoners of war during the period of December 7, 1941 to August 15, 1945. Service members must be bona fide members of a unit Was a medic who was killed while treating and rescuing members of his unit. He was killed in the ensuing explosion, but was successful in protecting the members of his squad. Mediterranean-Middle East War Zone Medal. (2) while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force; or 23 May 1972 to 31 December 1972 in support of U.S. military operations in Merchant Mariners of World War II Congressional Gold Medal. 6246.. We were still cooking in the building next to the flight line and sleeping in tents without the luxury of the plywood floors and sides. To be eligible a Service member must be as Awarded to American merchant seamen who serve on U.S.-flag ships in support of operations involving American and Allied military forces. (3) For Meritorious Service. operations. For smothering a grenade blast with his body to protect those around him. [Note: The four VCOG Rescued and administered first aid to several wounded soldiers and led a group to defeat an enemy force, causing them to retreat and leaving behind 54 of their dead, many weapons, and grenades. And the Palm Device applies to (1) Professional achievement which merits the award must: Sacrificed his life by flying his aircraft dangerously slow and low to destroy enemy machine gun emplacements until his aircraft was shot down. Eligible. Although wounded in an assault on a bunker complex, he continued attacking until wounded a second time by shrapnel eliminating the enemy from the hill, Continued to treat wounded and help repulse enemy assault although himself wounded, Was killed after attacking the enemy multiple times with grenades and rifle fire. and aircraft providing fire, patrol, guard, reconnaissance, or other Sacrificed his life to save several of his fellow Marines by smothering a grenade with his body, For defending his 42-man unit from hundreds of attacking Viet Cong, For actions as a prisoner of war from August 26, 1967 March 4, 1973, Sacrificed his life and saved several Marines by blocking them from the blast of a grenade, Flew repeated close range strikes to silence enemy defensive positions, ignoring overwhelming firepower and damage to his own aircraft, Sacrificed his life to draw the enemy fire upon himself allowing a trapped squad to rejoin their platoon. Acknowledgement of this award was published by Military Although badly wounded, he continued to assist and treat the injuries of the Marines around him who had been hurt in combat with the enemy. North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand and the United States all issued awards and decorations to their personnel during, or after, the conflict.. South Vietnam as a country ceased to exist after North Vietnam's victory in the . class, the medal was awarded under the authority of the Chief of the A part of C Troop, 1st Sqdn. Limitations. This commendation. Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Kaneshiro, who was born in Honolulu, earned the Medal of Honor during a mission on Dec. 1, 1966, in South Vietnam's Kim Son Valley. Awarded to members of crews of ships who served in Philippine waters for not less than 30 days from October 17, 1944, to September 3, 1945. Awards for valor recognize bravery in action against an enemy and have an attached "V" device valor device. Volunteered to reinforce a squad of Marines who were under heavy fire. United Statesparticipated, as members of U.S. military units Encounter during Vietnam Service Medal. [5] Riley L. Pitts was killed after attacking an enemy force with rifle fire and grenades and was the first African American commissioned officer of the war to receive the medal. Sacrificed his life to save several fellow Marines by diving on a grenade and absorbing the explosion with his body, His actions resulted in 14 confirmed Viet Cong killed in action and possibly 25 more, the capture of 20 prisoners, 15 weapons, and the rescue of the 14 United States and free world civilians. (b) Be sustained so as to demonstrate a high state of development or, if for a specific achievement, be of such merit as to earn singular recognition for the act(s); and Drove off squads of enemy soldiers on three occasions who were searching for allied wounded and weapons. Degree of He destroyed 10 enemy bunkers and accounted for a large toll of the enemy, including two key enemy commanders, Flew multiple missions against heavy fire to evacuate 51 wounded men, Carried an explosive device away from three other Marines, Showed conspicuous leadership while organizing his unit's defense during a 34-hour enemy attack, Led his company in the decimation of a superior enemy force which left 156 dead on the battlefield, Sacrificed his life to lead his men against the enemy and personally destroyed two enemy bunkers with hand grenades, After his unit was ambushed, he assaulted the enemy forces, allowing the remainder of the unit to recover wounded and continue their advance, A Chaplain who was killed while attempting to rescue a wounded corpsman, Was killed while providing medical attention to several wounded Marines, Sacrificed his life to save several Marines by smothering a grenade with his body, Risked his life by attacking a wave of enemy forces alone to allow the rest of his platoon to escape, Risked his life to rescue several Marines and corpsman from a minefield, For assaulting an enemy position and aiding a fallen Marine despite severe wounds to himself, Killed while assaulting heavily fortified enemy bunkers, For absorbing the blast of a malfunctioning grenade in order to protect his fellow Marines, For assisting fellow prisoners while a prisoner of war, Killed while holding off an enemy ambush while wounded, so his comrades could be evacuated, For repeatedly flying into a landing zone under intense enemy fire to rescue and resupply ground troops, Sacrificed his life to save five Marines by smothering a grenade with his body, For single-handedly destroying two bunkers while under fire from a third machine gun during an ambush. For each subsequentinstance sufficient to justify the award, additional insignia will be awarded and worn with the medal. (c) Reflect most creditably on the efforts of the individual toward the accomplishment of the unit mission.
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