Any language that you specify that isn't recognized is ignored. These notifications take the form of dialog boxes, flyouts, coach marks and banners in the browser. Any pattern that does contain a "/path" or "@query" element will be ignored. If you set this policy to 0, no snapshots are taken. If you enable this policy or don't configure it, the QUIC protocol is allowed. Cookies set for domains match specified patterns will revert to legacy SameSite behavior. The DirectInvoke protocol allows websites to request that the browser open files from a specific URL using a specific file handler on the user's computer or device. Users who want to change the languages Microsoft Edge displays in or offers to translate pages to will be limited to the languages configured in this policy. Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that can't access sensors such as motion and light sensors. See DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams policy to finish configuring image search. You can override this policy for specific URL patterns by using the SensorsAllowedForUrls and SensorsBlockedForUrls policies. If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will not default to setting the Print as image option in the Print Preview when printing a PDF. If you disable this policy, users can't open files using the DirectInvoke protocol. Go to Microsoft Edge WebDriver. If you enable this policy or don't configure it, the family page in Settings will be shown and Kids Mode will be available. The policy is only applied if the ProxySettings policy isn't specified. Sites may still provide their own text predictions. This policy is obsolete. If you set this policy to False, Microsoft Edge is stopped from ever checking if it's the default and turns user controls off for this option. The search bar can be turned off by the "Quit" option in the System tray or by closing the search bar from the 3 dot menu. If you enable, disable, or don't configure this policy, and edge://flags/#enable-webrtc-hide-local-ips-with-mdns is Disabled, WebRTC will expose local IP addresses. This is a web standards compliant feature, but it may break functionality on some websites by causing certain actions to be delayed by up to a minute. On the Basics tab of Create route For detailed information on configuring kiosk mode, see It describes the desired height and width in micrometers. Configure user access to an environment View user profile Create an administrative user Troubleshoot common user access issues Manage user account synchronization Hierarchy security to control access Add or remove sales territory members User session management Conditional access with Azure AD B2B collaboration with Azure If a temporary rollback is performed to a version for which a user has a corresponding snapshot, the data in the snapshot is restored. If you don't configure this policy, favorites are imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import them manually during later browsing sessions. It does not work in Microsoft Edge after version 90. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both. If you enable this policy, the option to manually import the home page setting is automatically selected. The option to launch the search bar from Microsoft Edge jump list menu will be disabled. If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will launch the renderer process in an app Shut down your services. Learn more about Windows Diagnostic data settings at If an OS update changes the OS handling of SHA-1 certificates, this policy might no longer have effect. If you enable this policy, don't configure the AllowDeletingBrowserHistory or the ClearCachedImagesAndFilesOnExit policy, because they all deal with deleting browsing data. Setting to "Enabled" sets media autoplay to "Allow". This group policy configures the radio button selector that enables this feature for users. If you disable this policy, users cannot add new profiles from the Identity flyout menu or the Settings page. The 'tls1' and 'tls1.1' values are no longer supported. The additional notifications enabled by the RelaunchNotification policy follow this same schedule. If you enable or don't configure this policy, you can use the Discover button on Microsoft Edge to start using this feature. EnableInterceptionChecksEnableInfobar (3) = Allow DNS interception checks and did-you-mean "http://intranetsite/" infobars. When the device is unplugged and the battery is low, efficiency mode takes additional steps to save battery. Ports are restricted to prevent Microsoft Edge from being used as a vector to exploit various network vulnerabilities. For example, if you block '', users might still be able to visit '' and click on a link to visit '', as long as the page doesn't refresh. This article describes some of the new features in Windows Server 2019. This includes both the experimentation and configuration payloads. Cipher suite values to be disabled are specified as 16-bit hexadecimal values. When disabled or not configured, the user can manage the Allow extensions from other store setting. If you enable or don't configure this policy, shopping features such as price comparison, coupons, rebates and express checkout will be automatically applied for retail domains. The logo must be in PNG or SVG format, and its file size must not exceed 16 MB. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge uses the provided directory regardless of whether the user has specified the '--disk-cache-dir' flag. Azure sent the traffic directly from Private subnet to Public subnet. Allows users to import Cookies from another browser into Microsoft Edge. This policy doesn't work because the Outlook menu is now contained within the Edge Sidebar and can be managed using the HubsSidebarEnabled policy. If you disable or don't configure this policy, the Microsoft Edge proxy resolver will be used. Individual sites may be blocked from being put to sleep by configuring the policy SleepingTabsBlockedForUrls. Users may opt out of prompts on a per-protocol/per-site basis unless the ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox policy is disabled. If you disable this policy, favorites aren't imported at first run, and users can't import them manually. InPrivate and Guest sessions won't be allowed to ambiently authenticate. If you set this policy to zero or don't configure it, the system default resolution will be used during rasterization of page images. Configuring this policy sets the print preview settings as the most recent choice in Print Preview instead of the default print preview settings . If a site matches a URL pattern in this policy, the following policies will not be considered: TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins, WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins, ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins, ScreenCaptureAllowed. Allows users to import autofill form data from another browser into Microsoft Edge. Setting the policy to 2 blocks sites from using the clipboard site permission. This option shows up for end-users as a toggle in Settings -> Profiles -> Profile Preferences for non-AAD profiles only. If you disable this policy, non-secure HTTP requests from the Basic authentication scheme are blocked, and only secure HTTPS is allowed. See for a list of possible commands to disable. BingSafeSearchNoRestrictionsMode (0) = Don't configure search restrictions in Bing, BingSafeSearchModerateMode (1) = Configure moderate search restrictions in Bing, BingSafeSearchStrictMode (2) = Configure strict search restrictions in Bing. To control the availability of sync, use the SyncDisabled policy instead. Communication site permissions are managed by using the SharePoint Owners, Members, and Visitors groups for the site. Connection errors might occur more often. If you disable this policy, Shortcuts aren't imported on first run. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge Update handles Microsoft Edge updates according to how you configure the following options: Automatic silent updates only: Updates are applied only when they're found by the periodic update check. major position (for example, If you enable or don't configure this policy, web page scrolling to specific text fragments via a URL will be enabled. To avoid data loss or other errors, don't configure this policy to a volume's root directory or to a directory that's used for other purposes, because Microsoft Edge manages its contents. Password protection alerts users when they reuse their protected password on potentially suspicious sites. jpeg, png, gif, webp, ico. Block web page elements that aren't from the domain that's in the address bar from setting cookies. The URL patterns in this policy can't conflict with those configured in the SerialAskForUrls policy. If you disable this setting or leave it unset, external extensions are allowed to be installed. Storage. If the folder specified by the path doesn't exist, the download will trigger a prompt that asks the user where they want to save their download. Specifies the URL for the search engine used to provide search suggestions. If you configure this policy to 'EnableSearchInSidebar' or don't configure it, Search in sidebar will be enabled. If they match, the site is automatically granted access to audio capture devices. any (any) = Allow printing with and without background graphics, enabled (enabled) = Allow printing only with background graphics, disabled (disabled) = Allow printing only without background graphics. Features like browser history, extensions and their data, web data like cookies, and web databases aren't saved after the browser is closed. Users can still print from plug-ins that bypass Microsoft Edge while printing. You can't allow and block a URL. Each value should be one of these strings: See the Microsoft Edge extensions documentation for more information about these types. Reverting to legacy behavior causes cookies that don't specify a SameSite attribute to be treated as if they were "SameSite=None", removes the requirement for "SameSite=None" cookies to carry the "Secure" attribute, and skips the scheme comparison when evaluating if two sites are same-site. If you don't configure this policy, notifications are allowed by default, and the user can change this setting. On Windows 7/macOS, this policy controls sending required and optional data to Microsoft. This policy setting lets you configure when efficiency mode will become active. Leaving the policy unset means DefaultClipboardSetting applies for all sites if it's set. Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites can ask users to grant them access to a HID device. If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge doesn't let users browse in guest profiles. privet (privet) = Zeroconf-based (mDNS + DNS-SD) protocol destinations, extension (extension) = Extension-based destinations, pdf (pdf) = The 'Save as PDF' destination. Wildcards (*) are allowed. This policy is temporary and will be deprecated in the future. container in a future update. If you disable it, users can't end processes, and the End process button is disabled in the Browser task manager. This improves short horizon performance, but websites abusing the API will still eventually have their setTimeout usages clamped. The smart action in the mini and full context menu will be disabled for all profiles for services that match the given list. This policy won't impact the following scenarios: The following statements are under the condition of not specify the "--profile-directory" and configured value is not "Edge Kids Mode" or "Guest Profile": If this policy isn't configured, guided switch is turned on by default. If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can receive related matches in Find on Page on all sites. Do Not Track requests let the websites you visit know that you don't want your browsing activity to be tracked. If this policy is disabled, Microsoft Edge will not enable ECH. This policy allows users to decide whether to use the OneAuth library for sign-in and token fetch in Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 RS3 and above. TrackingPreventionOff (0) = Off (no tracking prevention), TrackingPreventionBasic (1) = Basic (blocks harmful trackers, content and ads will be personalized), TrackingPreventionBalanced (2) = Balanced (blocks harmful trackers and trackers from sites user has not visited; content and ads will be less personalized), TrackingPreventionStrict (3) = Strict (blocks harmful trackers and majority of trackers from all sites; content and ads will have minimal personalization. The aggregate disk usage of all caches may therefore be larger than (but within the same order of magnitude as) the value specified. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will always use the OS capture engine for window capture. The feature helps users add an additional layer of privacy to their online accounts by requiring device authentication (as a way of confirming the user's identity) before the saved password is auto-filled into a web form. The "off" mode will disable DNS-over-HTTPS. You can also set this policy as a recommendation. If you don't configure this policy, 'AskGeolocation' is used and the user can change it. Password protection service will send users to this URL to change their password after seeing a warning in the browser. You can completely block access or require the site to ask the user each time it wants to access a Bluetooth device. If you enable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will use the new SmartScreen library (libSmartScreenN). If you disable or don't configure this policy, the First-run experience and the Splash screen will be shown. If you don't configure this policy, background mode is initially turned off, and the user can configure its behavior in edge://settings/system. In this section, you'll create a route table. Disable this policy to not send the data to Microsoft. To allow gmail or googlemail accounts, add consumer_accounts to the list of domains. If you disable this policy, all keyboard shortcuts behave as usual. User settings to enable or disable the Pin to taskbar wizard aren't available. This policy doesn't work because it was only intended to be a short-term mechanism to support the update to a new SmartScreen client. When applying non-pinned links via this policy to an existing browser profile, the links may not appear at all, depending on how they rank compared to the user's browsing history. This policy controls a security feature in TLS 1.3 that protects connections against downgrade attacks. 1 Create a Synapse workspace 2 Analyze using serverless SQL pool 3 Analyze using a Data Explorer pool 4 Analyze using a serverless Spark pool 5 Analyze using a dedicated SQL pool 6 Analyze data in a storage account 7 Integrate with pipelines 8 Visualize with Power BI 9 Monitor 10 Explore the Knowledge center 11 Add an administrator Workspace For detailed information about valid URL patterns, see Starting in Microsoft Edge version 109, the non-standard API Event.path will be removed to improve web compatibility. This policy doesn't work because it was only intended to be a short-term mechanism to give enterprises more time to update their web content if it was found to be incompatible with the new default referrer policy. If you want to reopen URLs that were open the last time Microsoft Edge closed, choose 'RestoreOnStartupIsLastSession'. On these documents, the document.domain accessor will not be settable. Open Windows PowerShell after you connect. An open background process displays an icon in the system tray and can always be closed from there. Learn more about Windows Diagnostic data settings: Note: Even if you disable screenshots using this policy, users might still be able to take screenshots using Web Capture within the browser or other methods outside of the browser. Allows the Microsoft Edge browser to enable Follow service and apply it to users. If you don't configure the policy, users can choose whether to use the translation functionality or not. Setting the policy to 'Default' or leaving it unset will default to If you disable or don't configure this policy: Users with an Azure Active Directory browser sign-in are offered the Office 365 new tab page feed experience, as well as the standard new tab page feed experience. You'll create two virtual machines in myVirtualNetwork virtual network, then you'll allow Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) on them so you can use tracert tool to trace traffic. Note: The leading separator should not be included when listing the file type, so list "txt" instead of ".txt". Allows you to set a list of site url patterns that specify sites which are not allowed to run JavaScript JIT (Just In Time) compiler enabled. Note that https://localhost/ is specifically blocked as an exception of allowed intranet zone host, while loopback addresses (127.0.0. This policy does not affect the proxy configuration of Microsoft Edge outside of Application Guard (on the host). Go to the All resources page, and Stop any running virtual machines, applications, or other services. Note: All values for this policy are case sensitive. If you enable this policy or don't configure it, the user, apps, and extensions with appropriate permissions can enter full screen mode. The following example returns the name of the class in addition to the data specific to a particular instance of the class. List of URL patterns. If you disable this policy, users can't change or override the setting. '{bing:baseURL}qbox?query={searchTerms}'. Set whether to ask where to save a file before downloading it. AllowJavaScriptJit (1) = Allow any site to run JavaScript JIT, BlockJavaScriptJit (2) = Do not allow any site to run JavaScript JIT. This is due to the way Full Disk Access works on Mac. Note: This policy currently manages importing from Internet Explorer (on Windows 7, 8, and 10), Google Chrome (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS), and Mozilla Firefox (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS) browsers. The Windows proxy resolver enables Windows proxy features such as DirectAccess/NRPT. auto_detect, all other fields are ignored. Note: This policy does not provide an option to exclude specific domains. Users will continue to be redirected to Microsoft Edge when they encounter an incompatible website on Internet Explorer, but their browsing data will not be imported. Disable this policy to disable Google Cast. without restrictions. Disabling this policy will stop this message from appearing again even if the user has too many tabs open. AllowNotifications (1) = Allow sites to show desktop notifications, BlockNotifications (2) = Don't allow any site to show desktop notifications, AskNotifications (3) = Ask every time a site wants to show desktop notifications. The default value for the setting is "Limited". * is not an accepted value for this policy. When Microsoft Edge is launched to load an IE site, an information bar explains that the site works best in a modern browser. BlockInsecureContent (2) = Do not allow any site to load mixed content, AllowExceptionsInsecureContent (3) = Allow users to add exceptions to allow mixed content. If you enable this policy, only on-premises accounts will be enabled for implicit sign-in. Starting in Microsoft Edge 105, if the user is signed into Microsoft Edge with their work or school account, their feedback is associated with their account and organization. If specified, the "update" URL should point to an Update Manifest XML document ( ). If you choose the 'direct' value as 'ProxyMode', all other fields are ignored. If you enable this policy and set it to 'Recommended', a recurring warning prompts users that a restart is recommended. The account you use would not be stored in the Email and accounts page. If a value is a template parameter, like {imageThumbnail} in the preceding example, it's replaced with real image thumbnail data. If you disable this policy, users won't be able to access the Microsoft Office menu. For example, using an operating system feature or another application. Please note that disabling this policy can potentially prevent the Microsoft Edge developers from providing critical security fixes in a timely manner and is thus not recommended. enabled (enabled) = Enable background graphics printing mode by default, disabled (disabled) = Disable background graphics printing mode by default. Select the Security tab, or select the Next: Security button at the bottom of the page. If you set this policy to True, the default top site tiles are hidden. On the Exclude tab, add a checkmark to Users and groups and then select Select If you set this policy to 'None' or don't configure it, when Microsoft Edge does not have a cached version of the Enterprise Mode Site List, tabs will navigate immediately, and not wait for the browser to download the Enterprise Mode Site List. Default (0) = Default to browser settings for User-Agent string version. You can allow them on all websites ('AllowPopups') or block them on all sites ('BlockPopups'). For more options and detailed examples, see Set whether websites can access connected USB devices. Configure the list of URL patterns that specify which sites can use the clipboard site permission. This policy can be overridden for specific URL patterns using the JavaScriptJitAllowedForSites and JavaScriptJitBlockedForSites policies. If you disable this policy, calls to screen-share APIs will fail. Users can do so from within the "More tools" menu by selecting 'Open sites in Internet Explorer mode'. The device platform is characterized by the operating system that runs on a device. To allow users to open applications in Internet Explorer mode, use the InternetExplorerIntegrationReloadInIEModeAllowed policy instead. This notification changes color once two thirds of the notification period passes, and again once the full notification period has passed. If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can see internal results powered by Microsoft Search in Bing in the Microsoft Edge address bar suggestion list. included in this list will be ignored. From the Azure portal menu, select Create a resource > Compute > Virtual machine. If you enable or don't configure this policy, the Sidebar will be shown. Be aware that if you have enabled this policy (ResolveNavigationErrorsUseWebService), the Use a web service to help resolve navigation errors setting is turned on, but the user can't change the setting by using the toggle. Format the origin pattern according to this format ( This lets users keep settings such as bookmarks and autofill data. If you configure this policy and the NewTabPageLocation policy, NewTabPageLocation has precedence. Note that if you disable this policy you also stop all activity for all web forms, except payment and password forms. If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge denies use of the headless mode. If you disable this policy, users can receive related matches in Find on Page on limited sites. 'Allow single sign-on for work or school sites using this profile' option allows non-AAD profiles to be able to use single sign-on for work or school sites using work or school credentials present on the machine. If they do, this policy takes precedence over WebHidBlockedForUrls. If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not communicate with Intune to request MAM Policies. From PowerShell on myVMPrivate VM, open a remote desktop connection to the myVMNVA VM: After you connect to myVMNVA VM, open Windows PowerShell and enter this command to turn on IP forwarding: In this section, you'll create a route table. This policy only works if you set the search engine to a value other than Bing by setting the following two policies: DefaultSearchProviderEnabled and DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL. If you enable this policy, pages can send synchronous XHR requests during page dismissal. This is a web standards compliancy feature that may change task ordering on a web page, leading to unexpected behavior on sites that are dependent on a certain ordering. Users can change this setting. If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not block those navigations. There will be no 'Paste as' context menu item in Microsoft Edge and the only format available to paste will be the plain text URL format. The general format of the string tag is [DeprecatedFeatureName]_EffectiveUntil[yyyymmdd]. In the Get the latest version section of the page, select a platform in the channel that matches your version number of Microsoft Edge. The Pin to taskbar wizard feature is enabled by default and accessible to the user through the Settings and more menu. If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Editor spell checker will not provide synonyms for suggestions for misspelled words. If you enable this policy as an OS policy (by using GPO on Windows, for example), it applies to every profile on the system. You can configure the new tab page search box to use "Search box (Recommended)" or "Address bar" to search on new tabs. The moderate setting filters adult videos and images but not text from search results. If a previously force-installed app or extension is removed from this list, Microsoft Edge automatically uninstalls it. URL patterns in this policy should not clash with the ones configured via WebUsbBlockedForUrls. If not set, the default period of 604800000 milliseconds (one week) is used. This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10 Pro, or Enterprise instances enrolled for device management. For more information see the Microsoft Security Baselines Blog. If you enable or don't configure this policy, Windows Credential UI will be used. If you don't configure this policy or disable it, Microsoft Edge will default to the user's preference. To get to the Microsoft 365 admin center, sign in at with your admin account. Not currently supported in Microsoft Edge.). Starting in Microsoft Edge 80, the suggest_url and image_search_url parameters are optional. Microsoft Office applications are now available in the sidebar, which can be managed by HubsSidebarEnabled policy. If the policy is disabled, the prior User-Agent GREASE algorithm will be used. Each favorite contains the keys "name" and "url," which hold the favorite's name and its target. Otherwise, the policy will not be valid and will be ignored. If you enable or don't configure this policy, features can download assets from the Asset Delivery Service. Set whether websites can track users' physical locations. An "in-page" navigation is started from a link, a script, or a form on the current page. To learn more about the feature, see Starting with Microsoft Edge version 107, users can also perform visual image search on the captured content. This policy overrides the user's ClickOnce setting in the edge://flags/ page. If you enable this setting, Microsoft Defender SmartScreen is turned on. Omitting the product_id field will create a policy matching any device with the specified vendor ID. Signing into the browser doesn't mean that sync is turned on by default; the user must separately opt-in to use this feature. Configures the directory to use to store the roaming copy of profiles. This profile can't be signed out or removed. Users can also use InPrivate browsing in ephemeral mode unless you explicitly disable this. If you disable this policy, the home page setting isn't imported at first run, and users can't import it manually. Configure user access to an environment View user profile Create an administrative user Troubleshoot common user access issues Manage user account synchronization Hierarchy security to control access Add or remove sales territory members User session management Conditional access with Azure AD B2B collaboration with Azure Commands in the 'disabled' list will still function if accessed via browser UI. In the virtual network's subnet list, select Public. If you enable or don't configure this policy, you can use the Drop feature in Microsoft Edge. Suite values to be disabled Edge from being put to sleep by configuring policy. Windows Server 2019, 'AskGeolocation ' is used and the battery is low, efficiency mode become. Update '' URL should point to an update Manifest XML document ( https:?. This section, you can also perform visual image search on the Basics of! Pattern according to this format ( https: // linkid=2099569 with.! 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