They were also joined by six high school seniors who plan to attend. Throughout the school year, the students will work on articles and interviews covering a wide range of topics from school, sports and town news to opinion editorials and current and global events. PCHS - Alerta de cuenta de correo electrnico falsa. Having studied nationalism, which was a set of beliefs that began in the 1800s and broke up empires and unified countries, the students evaluated the revolutions to determine whether each revolutionary figure was able to meet the goals of the revolution and determine if it improved society. To be included in the school newspaper simply write a short response to the question: What is your favorite Hispanic tradition and why? Ver sus caras brillar con el conocimiento que adquirieron y luego verlo verter en los proyectos que crearon no tiene precio, dijo Tavarez. However, in keeping with the CDC recommendations and federal rules, masks will still be required on buses. Continuaremos nuestra serie de la Universidad para Padres: Talleres de tecnologa para padres. You may pay by a credit card. Having had a one-year prior experience, they. Los estudiantes de Port Chester High School Joseph Alvarez, Emely Cervantes y Kimberly Nicolas tienen sus obras de arte en exhibicin en la exhibicin virtual de la Asociacin de Maestros de Arte del Estado de Nueva York. Marine One, carrying U.S. President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, approaches to land at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland on January 11, 2023. It is a tool to open up dialog and create meaningful discussions.. This Academy was created for students whose lives have presented them with obstacles which have impeded their success. Segn Con Edison y el Departamento de Bomberos de Port Chester, los niveles de gas en el aire la escuela secundaria, Port Chester High School, se mantienen en un nivel aceptable; sin embargo, hemos recibido inquietudes del personal y los estudiantes de que ciertas reas del edificio todava tienen un olor extrao. Aurelia Henrquez, y el director de la Escuela Secundaria de Port Chester, Luke Sotherden, se unieron a otros lderes escolares de los distritos escolares de Ossining y Peekskill el 20 de octubre en SUNY Westchester para celebrar oficialmente el acuerdo. Los proyectos de los estudiantes mostraron la amplia gama de materiales y objetos que crean los ingenieros y cunto aprendieron de su investigacin. Didn't receive the email? Our high poverty school is comprised of students from various ethnic backgrounds. The Village of Port Chester looks forward to hearing your thoughts and observations related to the Villages downtown business district. Please join us on September 29thfor a Parent University family information session about our new K-5 literacy program. La Principals Promise Academy colabor con los alumnos del Key Club de la escuela para organizar la recaudacin de alimentos, de la que se obtuvieron ms de 600 libras de alimentos. La estudiante de primer ao, Sayuri Galindo, quien elabor una pgina de Internet que resuma cinco pelculas, dijo que le gust mucho poder controlar la creatividad sobre el tipo de datos que poda incluir en su pgina de Internet. I dont want to see cookie-cutter projects that represent proficient coding. 1 de febrero del 2023, de 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. La prdida de vidas, especialmente de personas tan jvenes, es desgarradora. Luego, revisaron cada uno de los continentes y crearon un modelo de la Tierra. Bajo la direccin de la profesora de tecnologa Nancy Tavarez, el propsito del proyecto fue interesar a los estudiantes en diferentes carreras de ingeniera y mejorar sus habilidades de investigacin. Como anfitriona, la maestra Baurle, era la nica que verdaderamente saba quin era el criminal. Despus de aprender sobre los cuatro tipos principales de carreras de ingeniera, que incluyen qumica, civil, elctrica y mecnica, los estudiantes usaron sus habilidades de investigacin para explorar ms a fondo una carrera que encontraron ms interesante y construyeron una representacin de la misma. La tarea, que fue parte de la clase de Alfabetizacin y Composicin de la maestra Imogen Lopez, fue diseada para motivar an ms a los estudiantes en su propio aprendizaje. La villa de Port Chester ha publicado una encuesta para recopilar opiniones y datos de las personas que viven, trabajan y juegan en nuestra comunidad como parte de su proceso de subvencin de la Iniciativa de revitalizacin del centro. local support than similar districts that serve primarily white students. Los estudiantes le aplicaron pegamento a los pies de sus tiras de papel, los presionaron sobre el papel y miraron cmo sus tiras de papel se transformaron e interactuaron unos con otros. Ha sido de naturaleza muy colaborativa, y todos los involucrados saben que pueden compartir sus ideas para mejorar nuestra produccin, dijo Baurle. I am so proud of the determination and thought that went behind this magazine because it took a good amount of work from all of us, Ramos-Aragon said. Esos niveles se han mantenido en un nivel aceptable. Baurle elogi al elenco y al equipo por su dedicacin al proceso, estar antes del horario con sus ensayos, por estar enfocados y comprometidos a desarrollar personajes, bloqueando escenas y reflexionando. Students are constantly making musical decisions in a practice or performance setting based on melodic and rhythmic content identified and reinforced in lessons. Customize URL. circle stencil to create their planets on black construction paper and discussed how to make two overlapping circles look like they are in front of or behind one another. Then, Principal Judy Diaz engaged the entire student body and staff in a virtual read loud of Jonah Winters A Judge Grows in the Bronx.. Every teacher and class are different, and knowing what to expect can help students best prepare themselves to succeed. For your convenience, there are three ways for you to make payments. All month, teachers and students have been reading about the various contributions ofHispanic Americans, as well as reading literature in both English and Spanish, PrincipalRosa Taylor said. Durante las prximas semanas, los alumnos de cuarto grado explorarn los efectos de un desastre natural, como un huracn, y crearn materiales porttiles para el aula que funcionan con bateras. Es un honor y un privilegio ayudar a facilitar esa expresin.Thomas y Glazer dijeron que el peridico ayudar a los estudiantes a aumentar sus habilidades de escritura, estrategias de investigacin, habilidades organizativas, capacidad para administrar el tiempo y cumplir con los plazos, capacidad para escribir para diferentes audiencias, habilidades para entrevistas y su capacidad para colaborar entre s como equipo para lograr un objetivo comnTambin esperamos que al participar en el peridico, los estudiantes tengan la oportunidad de explorar sus intereses mientras hacen nuevos amigos y fortalecen las relaciones en el camino, dijo Glazer.Motivados por su amor por la escritura y el deseo de que se escuchen sus voces, los miembros de The Port Light publicarn nuevos nmeros cada dos semanas en lnea. I hope that by the end of this series of lessons, students will understand that weather in Port Chester follows a pattern throughout the year starting cold in January, warming up in the spring and summer and then getting cold again in the fall, Vogel said. Ive shown this to so many of my friends, and every single one of them has picked out an article that they thought was inspiring or hopeful or amazing.. This annual ceremony provides King Street School students the opportunity to learn more about Veterans Day that it is not only a day off from school, but a day forreflection and gratitude to those who have sacrificed so much for our country.. Los estudiantes continuaron sus lecciones con multiplicaciones y divisiones con unidades de 0, 1,de 6 hasta 9 y 10. El departamento de bomberos y Con Edison han despejado el edificio para abrir de manera segura y comenzar las clases hoy a las 10:10 a. m. Members of Port Chester High Schools newspaper, The Port Light, received the prestigious New York State Senate Empire Award for serving their community. Port Chester High School sophomores, who have been studying the effect that nationalism had on Latin America, worked in groups to create posters displaying their evaluation of the independence movements. There will be a Special Board of Education meeting held on Thursday, September 1, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. at the Port Chester High School in Room 229. The four-day NYSSMA Conference All-State Festival will take place at the Rochester Convention Center in Rochester, New York, from Dec. 1-4. Yuri did a great job with the proportion of her face, as well as capturing the essence of her features and learning to mix colors with colored pencils, Chambers said. As we prepare to usher in the New Year, it is a good time to reflect on 2022. We have invited our community partners to set up information tables to give out information on resources that are available to Port Chester families. My hope is that the students gained an interest in engineering. Please come out and see the show! I am honored to be your superintendent and I am grateful to work with such dedicated colleagues. Los estudiantes con el fin de resolver los problemas matemticos de una manera independiente usaron como herramienta de trabajo sus computadoras porttiles para poder acceder al recurso interactivo de matemticas conocido como Nmeros Contentos (Happy Numbers). Following the rose presentation, the veterans and their families were invited to enjoy a breakfast in the cafeteria. Congratulations to our graduating seniors! Christina Baurle, La maestra de teatro de la escuela secundaria de Port Chester dijo: Esta es la primera vez que presentamos un acontecimiento de este tipo y calibre. 1,088 individuals from California and Baurle dijo que ella escogi el espectculo basado en conjuntos para proveer a ms actores la oportunidad de brillar en el escenario con papeles principales. Cada semana, los estudiantes esperan con gran anticipacin, participar en estos partidos y disfrutar. Port Chester Schools will now be hosting our PCSTV videos on a new host site Panopto. Mientras nos preparamos para marcar el comienzo del Ao Nuevo, es un buen momento para reflexionar sobre el 2022. Maria aadi que la habilidad de sus estudiantes al poder escoger donde ellos quieran sentarse y ponerse cmodos mientras leen fomenta el estmulo e incrementa las ganas de leer. In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, our school newspaper, The Ram's Ramble will be including a section on Hispanic traditions, and wewantto hear from you! Los estudiantes freshmen de Port Chester High School analizaron recientemente discursos de inspiracin y crearon sus propios afiches para identificar la idea central y el propsito. Construir colectivamente una nueva cultura: aumentar el tiempo del grupo de expertos, las reuniones del equipo de liderazgo, establecer relaciones, establecer prcticas para la reflexin y los puntos de control a mitad de ao, establecer la coherencia y las expectativas compartidas a travs de la colaboracin, eliminar las barreras para los estudiantes/enfoque del nio en su totalidad: despensa mvil de alimentos y asociaciones comunitarias , prcticas restaurativas/SEL (Aprendizaje Socio-Emocional) y rigor acadmico. View more photos at this link! The students will work on articles and interviews covering a wide range of topics from school, sports and town news to opinion editorials and current and global events. Everyone is a participant and can choose to get really into character or just have some fun interacting with others and eating food. Feliz ao nuevo! Learning how to play in a band ensemble is an essential experience as a student musician, Johnson said. We wont have much more than a few rolling doors and furniture pieces for each room of Boddy Manor, so it is really about the actors performances. If you are interested in registering your child for this amazing opportunity, please reach out to the Main Office - 631-348-5066. Seussical Jr. is a favorite of mine because there are many roles that allow students to shine in multiple ways as singers, actors and dancers, Dor said. Port Chester High School freshmen recently analyzed inspirational speeches and created their own posters to identify the central idea and purpose. Un grupo de nios de kindergarten recorri silenciosamente de puntillas los pasillos de la escuela primaria Thomas Edison para entregar en secreto chocolate, un adorno y una nota escrita a mano a la enfermera de la escuela. Representantes de la oficina de la Senadora del Estado de Nueva York Shelley B. Mayer y miembros de la Junta de Sndicos de Port Chester tambin estuvieron presentes en la ceremonia. My hope for this experience was that the virtual model provided an engaging visual that helped students connect their real-life observations and questions with the scientificexplanationsbehind those wonderings, Purcell said. Con varios libros en mano, los estudiantes del Jardnde Infancia de la Escuela Primaria King Street encontraron un asiento cmodoen sus aulas y se dedicaron a leer independientemente. Whether it be in their home, within theirgroup of friends, at the school, in the community or even at a global level. Elementary/Teaching Assistant Temp. Port Chester High School tiene un horario de retraso de 2 horas hoy. They also learned about the science of fluorescent lights before painting their galaxy and universe. The meeting will be livestreamed, and can be viewed at, "Hay mensajes modernos y universales de amistad, amor y devocin para hacer lo correcto en 'Seussical Jr.' Los personajes del Dr. Seuss son adorables, identificables y coloridas, lo que lo convierte en un espectculo perfecto para la escuela secundaria". nase a nosotros esta semana virtualmente para aprender sobre el siguiente tema: The Port Chester High School Drama Club Presents CLUE on Stage.November 17,18,19 at 7:00 p.m.Tickets are now on sale. Dr. Aurelia L. HenriquezSuperintendent of Schools. They learned to echo and read different rhythm patterns, including quarter note, quarter rest and eighth notes. They are starting now! Port Chester High School students who have been studying similar triangles in math teacher Carlos Gomezs Bilingual Geometry class took their learning outside for a lesson on indirect measurement. Theres such a collaborative atmosphere where we would talk over our ideas and ask each other for advice.. En el futuro, muchos trabajos requerirn algn tipo de habilidad de ingeniera, y si puedo lograr que los estudiantes se interesen en aprender ms sobre ingeniera a una edad temprana, entonces tendrn la oportunidad de aprender a resolver problemas y disear cosas que realmente puedan hacer una diferencia en el mundo.Como parte del plan de estudios STEM, los estudiantes participarn en actividades prcticas diseadas para resolver problemas del mundo real mientras utilizan el proceso de diseo de ingeniera. I read the paper online and its really pretty extraordinary, and its really something we need more of, she said. During the ceremony, local Boy and Girl Scout troopsled the audience in singing The Star-SpangledBannerand God Bless America, accompanied by teacher Anthony Travaglini on piano. Walter Reed Middle is a public school located in North Hollywood, CA, which is in a large city setting. Este es un mensaje importante de las Escuelas Pblicas de Port Chester para las familias y el personal del distrito. I enjoy teaching my students tools and techniques to represent themselves creatively, Tamucci said. In addition to Baurle and Producer Steph Darrow, the production is made possible thanks to several students who have taken on leadership roles, including assistant director Toni Ash and stage managers Nexayda Marin, Ashly Olmeda and Sophia Tellez. Tradition and why before painting their galaxy and universe or just have some fun interacting with others and eating.! De tecnologa para Padres: Talleres de tecnologa para Padres, especialmente de tan. 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Marietta High School Football Tickets, Oliver Gomm Biography, Carta Espiritual Para Mi Hija, Point Boro Shore Conference, David Szymanski Obituary, Articles W