This means a member's vote against or for such omnibus bills may not reflect a member's true position on a veterans' benefit or issue. Brewdog boss pays out 500,000 in gold can row. American Legion William C. Dexter Post No. In selection of candidates, preference should be given to members who have held or are holding leadership roles no higher than district/county level. Section 4. Any contracts involving maintenance, alterations to the real property, repairs or modifications of the fixtures, or remodeling of the interior or exterior of the Post in an amount in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00), shall be reviewed by the Post Commander and the Executive Committee and presented to the Post membership to be voted upon at a regularly scheduled meeting. The date of such meeting shall be determined by the Post or the Executive Board. You can also find a listing of American Legion certified Service Officers on our web site at ), but as much a traditional thing as anything else, and one which goes way back in it's origins. It's possible that you may be able to join one of the other organizations in the "Legion Family." %%EOF For instance, if the department sponsors four young. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. 2. I to, had to get use to the idea of wearing headgear indoors, where this is strictly prohibited in the military. It further states that the Department Executive Committee (DEC) shall define the powers of the intermediate bodies (county, district, zone, area, etc.) The history of the United States government constitutes the formation, growth, development, and evolution of the federal government of the United States, including the constitution, the United States Code, the office of the presidency, the executive departments and agencies, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the lower federal courts.It includes government roles, structure, and policy in all . No. The Legislative Division has a wealth of useful information on members of Congress, the Executive Branch, the media and individual pieces of Legislation. A Legionnaire is considered to be in uniform if wearing an official American Legion cap. There is a requirement that the post must send a rifle inventory to the Army. Many posts have an active SAL program and you can contact one near you to learn more. k7oc7 B?pt9? ;]K2J(Kwh/d6R5`pQQ0 v Section 7. Section 2. store info, Privacy Policy Site Map 2023 The American Legion. Post 243's standard embroidery for their caps is: Right side has "243". VA reaches 1 million in military exposure screenings, American Legion welcomes victories for veterans in budget agreement, Legion to HVAC: Expanding VA Home Loan Guaranty benefit a thank you for service, Legion leads call for fixing GI benefits for Guard, Reserves, Upcoming job fairs include event at Washington Conference, Task Force Movement: Running at warp speed, Legion report: critical U.S. economic needs can be met by veterans, Proposed legislation could expand education benefits, veterans access to commercial drivers licenses amid trucking shortage, Task force aims to take action to help veteran-owned small businesses, California Legionnaires getting free access to Google Cloud Skills Boost, Montana post supporting community, local teachers, Time for a fresh look at the Army Alumni idea, Awards honor those who assist veterans, provide homes, All veterans in suicidal crisis can now get free mental health care from VA, VA app achieves 1 million download milestone, VA proposes rule that would waive copays for eligible Native American, Alaska Native veterans, OCW grants: over $360,000 help servicemembers, veterans, OCW assists active-duty gamers, Irreverent Warriors, Our Countrys Veterans comic book gets a refresh, Operation A.L.F. 673. Additional lettering, restricted to either the name of a Post or to an officer title, such as Past Commander. I'm taking a quick break at work at the moment so can't do anything about the wings here. According to the Federal Charter, the United States Code Annotated Title 36, Chapter 217, Section 21704 titled Powers: The American Legion may "provide guidance and leadership to organizations and local chapters, but may not control or otherwise influence the specific activities and conduct of such organizations and local chapters.". Section 2. Section 1. Membership in the American Legion Riders shall be governed by such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the National Executive Committee of The American Legion and thereafter approved by The Department of New York Executive Committee. Your post number is embroidered on the right side of your cap at no charge. Seven (7) members of this Post shall constitute a quorum at any regularly scheduled meeting of the Post. He shall approve all orders directing the disbursements of funds and shall make an annual report covering the business of the Post for the year, and recommendations for the coming year, which shall be read at the annual meeting and a copy thereof immediately forwarded to the County Adjutant. VA reaches 1 million in military exposure screenings, American Legion welcomes victories for veterans in budget agreement, Legion to HVAC: Expanding VA Home Loan Guaranty benefit a thank you for service, Legion leads call for fixing GI benefits for Guard, Reserves, Upcoming job fairs include event at Washington Conference, Task Force Movement: Running at warp speed, Legion report: critical U.S. economic needs can be met by veterans, Proposed legislation could expand education benefits, veterans access to commercial drivers licenses amid trucking shortage, Task force aims to take action to help veteran-owned small businesses, California Legionnaires getting free access to Google Cloud Skills Boost, Montana post supporting community, local teachers, Time for a fresh look at the Army Alumni idea, Awards honor those who assist veterans, provide homes, All veterans in suicidal crisis can now get free mental health care from VA, VA app achieves 1 million download milestone, VA proposes rule that would waive copays for eligible Native American, Alaska Native veterans, OCW grants: over $360,000 help servicemembers, veterans, OCW assists active-duty gamers, Irreverent Warriors, Our Countrys Veterans comic book gets a refresh, Operation A.L.F. 3s^|sa!g|iC` / The Post House Committee shall consist of the Post Commander, Finance Officer, and the three Trustees. The American Legion Cap is both symbolic and illustrative ot Legionnaires and conveys a distinct message to the general public about American Legion Membership. It is great to be able to learn something new and I am always discovering new goodies on the forum. Section 3. Visit Legiontown U.S.A. to share your story. He shall ensure that any paperwork submitted by a veteran is forwarded to the Department Service Officer or to any National Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation points of contact, in a timely manner. My family member served on active duty so can I join under his/her service? Section 1. The goal is having a department level American Legion College to further train members for leadership positions within the departments, districts, counties and posts. The Legislative Division also sends out action alerts via email when important legislation is pending. Since this is protected information, National Headquarters doesn't have this available on its records. The Post Executive Board shall review the sealed bids and shall decide if they want to accept any of the bids, a vote shall be taken and if a majority vote to accept a bid is passed the bid will be submitted to the Post membership at a monthly meeting for approval; a majority vote of the Post membership is required to accept the bid and authorize the expenditures of Post monies. Box 36460 Submissions can be sent by e-mail to or by mail to American Legion Magazine, PO Box 1055, Indianapolis, IN 46206. This stance is best maintained by neutrality on all individual candidates or political parties. All vacancies existing in any office of the Post from any cause other than the expiration of term of office shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Board, and a person so chosen shall hold office for the unexpired term of the member of the committee or officer when he succeeds. You would need to contact the member's department headquarters to inquire about a possible death benefit; you can find a listing of the department offices on our website at no felonies); over 18 years of age; and have weapon safety training. The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. USMCRECON, This one has WW-I, Mexican Border, and Legion ribbons over the left breast pocket. Let us know about the activities and members of your honor guard. Section 1. A vacancy shall exist when a member or officer is absent from his Post for three consecutive meetings if considered by the Executive Board to be detrimental to the best interests of the Post. You can also contact the Legislative Division by emailing You can also contact the US Department of Veterans Affairs at (800) 827-1000 as well as the appropriate state Veterans Affairs Office to see if there would be a death benefit as a result of the veteran's military service. When I get home this evening I'll take another higher resolution photo of the wings and post them, assuming I'm able to log on again. Membership in the said Auxiliary Organization shall be governed by such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the National Executive Committee of The American Legion and thereafter approved by this Department of The American Legion. Section 3. It, by itself, is considered in uniform when When worn by a Legionnaire, this single uniform item puts the Legionnaire "in uniform." Caps should not be worn while eating. All applications for new membership accompanied by service discharge papers or a copy of an active duty ID card, or Data Form application request for transferring in, shall be referred to the Membership Committee, who shall report their finding to the Vice Commander. National Officers. ARTICLE VIII - SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION. The administration of the Posts affairs, between meetings of the Post, and except as may be otherwise provided in these By-laws, shall be under the supervision of the Executive Board. future. (888) 453-4466. The CPR is essential in collecting the data to compile this report to Congress. The post Adjutant or Commander must contact the Army Donations Program Office for disposition (return) instructions prior to closing the Post. By Navy blue 44" single breasted trench coat with cut thru pockets. The Post shall expeditiously collect the annual dues for its members and shall pay to The American Legion, Department of New York such amount due to the National, Department, District, and County Organizations. It's from New York. The website provides information about individual members of Congress and their voting records. Dues breakdown is as follows: National $13.50, Department of New York $16.00, District $2.00, and Post $8.50. Here are the close-ups of the wings you asked for. This Constitution is adopted subject to the provisions of the National, Department, and Jefferson County Constitution and By-laws, The American Legion. Section 3. Members may be suspended or expelled from this Post of The American Legion only upon proper showing of cause. 5. However,an official American Legion cap, dark blue or black civilian coat, dark trousers, white shirt, black four-in-hand tie, black shoes and socks, make a very attractive uniform. Section 3. This post recognizes an auxiliary organization to be known as the Auxiliary Unit of _____ Post ___, The American Legion. The post or department may fill out a CPR to just submit a report but the level of participation is what is essential. In order to reach national print media, the story and/or photo must relate directly to a national issue, value, resolution or initiative. Submissions cannot be returned, so the Magazine strongly urges members not to send original photos or documents. Hnk4#0R^iw@A5>+!m a Section 2. No. You are required to report by model, manufacturer, and serial numbers all types of rifles. The magnitude of our numbers from just 68% (which is yearly average at National level) of our posts reporting has a major impact on Congress. Section 1. One nice thing about that stuff, is that nobody reproduces it (at least that I've found). The American Legion cap or Can I wear my American Legion cap to a political event? Each member shall furnish the Post Adjutant with an address for mailing purposes and inform the Adjutant of any change in such address. Section 2. The Post Commander or a majority of the Executive Board shall have power to call a special meeting of the Post at any time.;q&f=false. The weapons are not to be shared or loaned or utilized by anyone other than that organization's members. More publications in General. Upon the written request of four Post members, the Commander or the Executive Board shall call a special meeting of the Post. It has the capability to keep a running total and save the data until the next event. He shall furnish such surety bond in such sum as shall be fixed by the Post Executive Board. The House Committee shall not authorize or approve any expenditures over five hundred dollars ($500.00) unless it is an emergency pertaining to the unexpected maintenance or a major repair to the equipment, building, or property of the post that may result in damage to said items or result in an unsafe environment for the members, employees, and guests of the Post. The trousers have what I believe was the standard thin gold braid on the trouser legs. Hi Lee. Female members of the Legion should wear their caps in the manner prescribed for female personnel of the armed services. The official uniform of the American Legion is the American Legion Cap. DATED at _____________________ New York, this ______ day of _____________________ 20 ______. The best way to know a lawmaker's position on any issue is to ask by email, letter, phone call, town hall meeting, etc. The order of procedure at meetings of this Post shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, except as otherwise provided herein. Section 6. I haven't done any research on the owner yet but it would appear he was Army Air Service. The duties of officers shall be those usually appertaining to such officers or Committeemen and as further provided in the By-laws. For myself, I am okay calling myself a liberal or a progressive. Anyway, that's why there has been a delay in my replies to your and other posts. No. Those who submit articles are encouraged to include a query letter that expresses the national issue, value, resolution or initiative that matches the submission. Preview (888) 453-4466 2 hours ago P.O. The Sons of The American Legion (SAL) is comprised of male descendants, adopted sons and step-sons of American Legion members. Men's Dress Overcoat. The American Legion must avoid any perception of supporting any candidate or political party at all times. Duties of Post Service Officer: The Service Officer shall be the initial contact between The American Legion and any veteran to provide basic information and assistance, including referrals to the Department of New York Service Officer. 382 0 obj <> endobj The district commander is the liaison between the post and department, but also has the implied obligation to provide guidance and supervision within the guidelines established by the DEC. For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes. Section 1. ) "n`M`}vE93( x @A8 Rk)PGqDh}"mBy|_6Idu9JHdR"cf\Wd:t4,!VE.z"catC\6eKT-&91Y,b9JLs$vT-g30.n81JRq"U30qI%O&6IR7=}`#l:U]C}*7f{s;cz^RW#d&J.+ e~u4uC_;..n}=QMkhvq}WJqVL, The amount of annual Post dues shall be forty dollars ($40.00), payable in advance on the 20th day of August of each year. Such standing committees shall consist of such members, and the chairman thereof, as shall be designated by the Post Commander. The American Legion Veterans and Children Foundation. 0 uniform. All Post monies shall be deposited in a duly authorized banking institution as designed by the Post Executive Board, and none of such monies shall be withdrawn except upon draft or check signed by the Post Finance Officer and one other person designated by the Post Executive Board. The Post shall elect annually such delegates and alternates to represent the Post at all County meetings or County Annual conventions as may be required, pursuant to such proportional representation covering such delegates or alternates as may be provided for by the Constitution and By-laws of the department and Jefferson County Organizations. (Visit for more information.). Could you post a closeup of the front and back of them? Make your judgment based on his or her response to you. Section 1. When the National Commander testifies before Congress, the Consolidated Post Report (CPR) data is used to provide numerical data of what the collective American Legion is doing. Dues shall be paid annually of for life. In order to provide local posts and members a forum to share their stories, The American Legion Media & Communications Division has developed and maintains the Legiontown USA web site for members and posts to share their stories, photos and other materials. (There are no age limitations.) 673 THE AMERICAN LEGION, DEPARTMENT OF NEW YORK. No person, who has been expelled by another Post shall be admitted to membership in this Post without the written consent of the expelling Post, except that where such consent has been asked for and has been denied by such Post, he may then appeal to the Department Executive Committee for permission to be admitted to membership in the Post and he shall be ineligible for membership until such permission is granted. The Adjutant shall cause to be posted on the Post bulletin board, notice of meetings and each special meeting of the Post at least seven days prior to such meeting, except as otherwise provided in the Constitution and By-laws, and all notices as required by the Constitution and By-laws. I hope it "takes" this time. Therefore, The American Legion as an organization is never to help or endorse a candidate. and here's the reverse side. From the looks of the cap, this fellow was a veteran of the Air Service. Not sure if it is the same Fay Ickes, but he is mentioned in "The Story of the American Legion" and is shown as a member of the 310th Field Signal Bn. Departments. The terms He, Him, Man, Men used from here on shall refer to both male and female gender. Section 1. I've had an 1930's vintage American Legion uniform on display for a while and finally got around to taking some photos. The amount of annual Post dues shall be forty dollars ($40.00), payable in advance on the 20, Section 6. Here are the rest of the pictures. Candidates for all parties must be presented equal opportunity to use the facilities on the same terms and conditions as other competing candidates. ? A member who has been expelled or suspended from this Post for any cause other than non-payment of dues may be reinstated to membership by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board and a majority vote of the Post Membership present at a regular membership meeting; provided, however, that he shall make payment of any arrears in his dues and/or damages incurred from the time of the expulsion or suspension, and also other regular dues or damages incurred which have been payable in the interval between their expulsion or suspension and their reinstatement. Dress Uniform Coat. so as not to invade the prerogatives invested in the post, department or National. Any amendments to said National, Department or County Constitution and By-laws, which are in conflict with the provisions hereof shall be regarded as automatically repealing or modifying the provisions of these By-laws to the extent of such conflict. National Constitution and By-laws. The intent of NALC is to mold leaders for the. The elective officers of this Post shall be elected in the month of April, annually. Section 1. When a new or transfer member has been approved by a majority vote of the Post membership and has paid any initiation fee and dues that may be required, a membership card shall be issued in their name and delivered to them by the Post Adjutant or the Post Service Officer. The Legislative Division also sends out a semi-weekly newsletter that provides information on legislative issues and news concerning The American Legion's legislative initiatives. This Post is a civilian organization and membership therein does not affect or increase liability for military or police service. 1. The name Fay Ickes and Post 99 is penned on the tag in the inside pocket (Post 99 is in Decatur IL). Each member shall serve for a period of three years from the date of their installation. The Post Executive Committee shall consist of three elected members of the Post. 406 0 obj <>stream As you can see, this is from Pennsylvania and, with the 40&8 patch, clearly a WW-I veteran. SECTION 2. The Post existing under these By-laws is to be known as William C. Dexter Post No. The Post Executive Board shall meet for organization and such other business as may come before it at the call of the Post Commander within ten days after the installation of the new officers. An Executive Committee meeting shall be held the 2nd Thursday of each month unless otherwise specified and shall be called to order at 5:00 pm. Section 1. It has a Mass patch on one sleeve and a Plymouth Rock patch on the other. The Commander shall call a meeting of the Post Executive Board upon the joint written request of three or more members of said Post Executive Board; seven members of the Board shall constitute a quorum thereof. I have a small group of American Legion and VFW uniforms fron the between the wars and early WW-II period and I thought I'd post a couple pictures if one here. The Post Executive Board has the right to reject any or all bids submitted. Section 4. That is a super uniform. No. 673, The American Legion, Department of New York Jefferson County. This organization shall be absolutely non-political and non-sectarian, and shall not be used for the dissemination of partisan principles or for the promotion of the candidacy of any person seeking public office or preferment. When returned to and seated in pews, the cap should be removed.Legion posts marching in formation into a place of worship should uncover at the door, hold the cap with the right hand over the heart until the arrival in the pews and commanded to take seats, remaining uncovered during the entire service. Eisenhower-style jacket, unlined with elastic waist insert, Wool-blend navy blue lined jacket with Legion emblem buttons, available in men's and women's sizes, Navy blue 44" single breasted trench coat with cut thru pockets, 100% tropical weave polyester with velcro closure, Relief design with emblem, gold highlighted finish, American Legion Flag & Emblem 9. See current Officers Guide and Manual of Ceremonies (available for download from the website) for additional guidance. There is a name in the inside pocket (middle picture) on the Jacob Reed, Phila label. The tunic has a WW-I victory medal, a pair of American Legion wings, and a Am Legion Past Commander's medal. A standard, Life or Paid Up For Life membership card shall be issued to each member approved by the Post. All votes of members of Congress are public; unfortunately, many veterans' bills are agreed to under unanimous consent (voice vote). cover is the only item of apparel that designates a member as being in Such membership cards shall indicate the consecutive years of service in the Post. Why is so much emphasis placed on district commanders when these offices are not even required by the organization. Hi Sarge. I could only fit three pics in this post so will put the others in a follow-on. Section 2. American Legion Catalog 2022 Daily Catalog. Section 8. Membership in the Auxiliary shall be prescribed by the National Constitution of the American Legion Auxiliary. @\N.acv`[`p@!3CbWSOYg23g9xLVSi`'gr%oro9xvIxB-71ec,5zx"WG^7Jr%-^|T#X.A1A& BgH fSH_CD X a! Lu yPoVt`j A member whose dues for the current year have not been paid by January first shall be classed as delinquent. I collect veterans organizations caps and insignia. $329.00. In the event the issue is with the post commander, the issue should be brought forward to the other department- defined intermediate bodies such as counties and district commanders before addressing persons within the department. There is also the Membership/Training newsletter created by the Internal Affairs and Membership Division. Section 1. Eisenhower-style jacket, unlined with elastic waist insert. The Post Commander, immediately upon taking office each year, shall appoint the following standing committees: Membership, Publicity, Americanism, and Athletic. Section 1. Vintage American Legion Wool Dress Uniform Jacket Wisconsin Navy Blue Gold M ad vertisement by LVPinkPeacock. The American Legion cap is considered the official legion uniform (see p. 40 of 2018 Officer's Guide). The designation "Centennial Seven" the only African American men to command submarines within the first 100 years of the submarine service recognizes their accomplishment. On 28 May 1983, Pete Tzomes became the first African American to command a nuclear-powered submarine, USS Houston (SSN-713). The alerts provide key message points and a specific request for action. The Commander shall call a meeting of the Post House Committee upon the written request of the House Committee Chairman. If desired, the following items may be placed on the right side of the cap: 3. Item #: 705.102. Each Trustee shall serve for a period of three years from the date of their installation. The senior Trustee shall serve as the Chairman of the Committee. The minimum annual dues of individual members of the Post shall be FIFTEEN DOLLARS ($ 15.00) and, in addition thereto, any amount charged as dues by any intermediate body between the Post and Department of New York per member; the amount of the Annual Post dues shall be as set forth in the Post By-laws. These By-laws may be amended at any regular Post meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the members attending such regular meeting, provided that the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing, and read at a preceding regular meeting of said Post, and provided further, that written notice shall have been posted on the Post bulletin board at least ten days in advance of the date when such amendment is to be voted upon, notifying said members that at such meeting a proposal to amend the By-laws is to be voted upon. hbbd```b``ndXD2m 6WX6X2da"@G%@g`` m# This came with the original belt and tie in addition to the coat and trousers. We adhere to American Legion National protocol, rules and regulations when wearing uniform items. Membership in the said Auxiliary Organization shall be governed by such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the National Executive Committee of The American Legion and thereafter approved by this Department of The American Legion. Issues within a post should be brought to the respective local post commander. This next one is an American Legion uniform from Post #40 in Massachusetts. The Post Headquarters shall be located at 113 E. Dexter Street, Black River, NY 13612; all notices and documents addressed to the Post shall be sent to these Headquarters. Any modifications, repairs or maintenance in excess of $1,500.00 will require sealed bids. Section 3. From my understanding as an American Legion member, at least here in my state the Aerial Roundup is a statewide Legion membership drive, and actually conducted by airplane! The revenue of this Post shall be derived from membership or initiation fees from annual membership dues and from such other sources as may be approved by the Post. I'll go ahead and append the other three to this one now; I apologize if they end up being redundant. The Officers Guide and Manual of Ceremonies (available for download from the website) has the procedures for requesting rifles, ammunition and static military equipment. Post at any regularly scheduled meeting of the Post Executive Committee shall consist of three from. Sal ) is comprised of male descendants, adopted Sons and step-sons of American Legion cap a! & quot ; single breasted trench coat with cut thru pockets membership Division middle picture on! Am always discovering new goodies on the 20, Section 6 % EOF for instance if... Gold m ad vertisement by LVPinkPeacock is: right side has & quot ; single breasted trench with. Uniform ( see p. 40 of 2018 Officer 's Guide ) concerning the American National. 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