Our country will suffer everyday that this is an issue. The Wailuku Catholic records being missing because their rectory burned down BUT they would NOT have married Obama-Dunham because they werent Catholics. It has been my contention all along that he is still an Indonesian citizen. A 1981 Columbia University student ID card identifies Barack Obama as a foreign student named Barry Soetoro. He should not of even eligible to be elected to the senate! And on Page 41 we . Well, thanks to YouTube and Mucktales (?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSVxoqs2bVg. Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. http://www.plainsradio.com/obama.html Judge Joe Brown talks about Obama's involvement with the Bush family, his being the beneficiary of one of the top 15 richest men in the world, and the CIA . banking space. Barry, AKA Obama, was lawfully adopted by a foreign national, Lolo Soetoro, and Barry's name was legally changed to "Barry Soetoro". Well, at least they are the first ones to be seeing it. diplomats.Barry, while in Indonesia, enjoyed benefits from the wealthy connections of his adoptive father Lolo Soetoro, whose family lived in a large, gated Trump doesn't . (LogOut/ The photo of Obama on the fake card does not depict the future President in the early 1980s but during his time at Harvard, which heattendedfrom 1988 through 1991. My husband and I applied for passports today. HOLLISTER. Stop Socialism Now, When Nothing is Truly Historic Clinging to G & G, Obamas Sealed Background Documentation Stop Socialism Now, Lucas Smith Affidavit now filed with the US District Court - Obama Kenyan BC - Politics and Other Controversies - Page 15 - City-Data Forum. Columbia ID Cards Scott and Barry 3rd grade 1969. Obamas real name is Barry Soetoro. In 1999, the United Nations confirmed that the plebiscite vote that led to Hawaiis statehood was in violation of article 73 of the United Nations charter. Is it real, and being called a hoax because the Obama Admin wants to keep it secret? Pingback: Obamas Sealed Background Documentation 1dragon's Blog, Pingback: Who Can Be Trusted In Media PPP Democrat Strategy in 2010 Birther Natural Born Citizen Strategy- Navy Seals Prosecution The BOPAC Report The BOPAC Report & Larry Sinclairs Alle, Pingback: THE MYSTERY SURROUNDING OBAMA THE MILLSTONE DIARIES, Pingback: The Right Side of Life Eligibility Update: Updated Obama Facts, Apartment Mystery, Taitz and CA SoS, Pingback: PUBLISHED 1 1/2 years ago and still nothing has been done! | NwoDaily.com, were is the divorce papers of Biological Father of Obama. Whenn I went to get my drivers license I had to bring my noterized birth certificate. Obamas birth father was a citizen of Kenya under British rule. Barry Soetoro returned to New York from Pakistan and began using the fictitious name "Obama" for some reason. He obtained a US passport in 2003 as Barack Obama when he became a US senator as a requirement for going on fact-finding missions. Obama later went on to meet very wealthy Muslim elites whilst in college, some who had come to study from Karachi, Pakistan. As Obama Sr. did not object the paperwork simply went through unchallenged. Customize your search to narrow down the funds that suit your investment style. Obama Is Going DOWN! The $5 million figure, which was previously . I have a copy of the SS index if someone wants to see it. Too small. So when some at Occidental started to call him Barack, he came to prefer it for several reasons. This is a very serious situation for all of us. Obamas photograph isnt in the school yearbook. The timing is amazing. "Somewhere along the way, though, he'd stepped into the fullness of his birth name - Barack Hussein Obama.". There were reports that due to fund swap with Annenberg per se, . A quick search of D.C. Board of Elections records conducted by PJ Media found a voter named "Barry Soetoro" registered to vote in the nation's capital with the address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. Books about Barry Soetoro (a.k.a. In 2013, it was discovered that Barry Soetoro was registered to vote in Washington, DC, but Barack Obama was not. Biographer David Maraniss 's explosive book on the life of Barack Obama reveals a young President when he was just known as 'Barry'. Dear FBI, here's my (self) Assessment: "Target believes that FBI is a pack of tards who can't do the job. Sweetie, no. Zach. Two decades after his death, he made news headlines after Obama decided to run . A parent can be a US citizen and not reside in the US. This is obviously a birther trick and only somebody hopelessly naive would fail to recognize this. analyze. Mr. Obama could have been declared a US citizen and entered the US without a passport, as a US citizen. That does not mean you are wrong. My, what an active and fertile imagination you have. BARRY SOETORO I.D.s AND PHOTOS-YOU NEED TO SEE THIS! SriLanka new head of government replacement is also a Klaus Schwab puppet. Donnie. However, there is no doubt he is a US citizen since the background checks he must clear are very extensive. See the original, full-sized imagehere. The document lists Barry Soetoro as a Indonesian citizen, born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, and shows his Muslim step-father listed the boy's religion as Islam. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. http://www.divine-way.com/forgery_evidences_sss_reg_colb_birth_cert_for_obama_impeachment.html, God has solutions to world problems we created by ignoring His wisdom, Pingback: Barrys First Executive Order Imagine That! Now I also know why he totally dissed his WHITE side of his family, he couldnt afford for the spotlight to be put on them due to their communistic lifestyle and illegal activities. barry soetoro trust fund. Champion Of The People. Soetoro and Obama. Since said Court and Senate have not yet vetted BO, while readily clearing McCain in the same matter, it is clear that there is trouble for BO and our United States of America in this matter of authentic citizenship, one of the most prized possessions to be found on this planet Earth. Change). Barack Obama won and Guillermo Perez got sad. The Supreme Court and the US Senate are acting far too slowly on this matter. FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT against BARRY SOETORO, JOSEPH R. BIDEN, JR, DOES filed by GREGORY S. But certainly no bombshell, All it says is Barry is a trust fund baby. Founder of The Weather Channel goes live on air & tells Brian Stelter on CNN that climate change & global warming are just made up lies & a big hoax .. When he was 18, @BarackObama was Barry Soweto. It was found that they were investigated in over 14 different states for voter fraud. THESE ARE PUBLIC RECORDS AND THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS BLIND!!! (again Barry's own admission) The adoption would be noted in Barry's vital statistics record in Hawaii on his original . The two divorce papers at least show two things: Unfortunetly its up to individual interpitation. As long as no one cross-checked Barry Soetoro with Barry Dunham/Barry Obama/Barack Obama, these two identities could co-exist without problems. And I am quite certain that the courts can count to 12 and would not leave out 4 numbers inbetween 7 and 12.So if Berg had this for months and didnt copy it off of Plains radio.I would like Berg to answer.were are pages 8-9-10-11 ??? The revelation or discovery of any of the following should be treated as cause for further detailed inquiry before the Committee decides whether the law student registrant or applicant possesses the requisite character and fitness to practice law: (a) unlawful conduct; (b) academic misconduct; (c) making false statements, including omissions; (d) misconduct in employment; (e) acts involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; (f) abuse of legal process; (g) neglect of financial responsibilities; (h) neglect of professional obligations; (i) violation of an order of a court; (j) evidence of conduct indicating instability or impaired judgment; (k) denial of admission to the bar in another jurisdiction on character and fitness grounds; (l) disciplinary action by a lawyer disciplinary agency or other professional disciplinary agency of any jurisdiction; (m) acts constituting the unauthorized practice of law; (n) failure to comply with the continuing duty of full disclosure to the Board and the Committee subsequent to the date of registration or application.. Or, is it simply, as many believe, a hoax? He was a colonel in the Indonesian army and later worked in government relations at Union Oil Company. All articles were originally published on freedomoutpost.com and belong to their respective authors. Accurate enough that I was awarded my own star on the Las Vegas Walk of Stars. and it contains content that details what HILLARY had to say TODAY Just wondering. However, recall that this usurper of the People's White House was caught on video not only claiming to be Barry Soetoro, but also claiming that he had never used any other aliases. Its prolly BS. Thanks for playing. If you want to view the documents as a whole so that you can see there are NO missing pages go to http://countryfirst.bravehost.com click on Forum, scroll down until you see New News Articles Start Here Obama Related, click on that and then scroll to the Divorce records of Obama and you can also view the Soetoro Divorce records there. I read someplace that Barry is like 11th cousin to Bush Sr. Its all in the family. The same lawyer who handled this divorce of Obamas mom from Lolo Soetoro was also the attorney for the Hawaiian Democratic Party (HDP) in 2008 when it refused to certify Obama as constitutionally eligible for the office he was seeking, the President. Thus Obama was in an enviable position to be two separate entities two distinct identities. The Hawaii statehood vote, under treaty then in effect, was illegal and non-binding. Google: Washington ports of entry We had to show and they kept our birth certificates and will return in about 2 weeks. On March 9, Soetoro signed an executive order forcing taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research. When Obama was sworn in as an Illinois attorney, he claimed that he had no full former names. All he had to do was every five years contact the Indonesian embassy/consulate of his intentions to pursue a student visa in America. Well President Obama went high school in Hawaii under the name of Barack (or Barry) Obama, not Soetoro. Now we have the divorce, but anyone here going through a divorce ever remember having to produce your marriage certificate? However, the Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual Bottom line the no back bone US Congress let Race trump US Constitutional law in 2008 and 2012 . He was and is a traitor to this country and all we stood for. Listen to this government committee hearing testimony. Wow he looks gorgeous in green! 1970) Yusuf Aji (b. We the people elect our senators and congresspeople to look out for us. Halliburton was founded in 1919 by Erle Halliburton. I will update here as soon as I do see it. Otherwise it is just talk. Obama knows the best defense is a bold offense. Or, not at all? Why are Obamas college records still sealed (hidden). The document reveals several When counting the electoral votes, either Congress finds by 1/8/09 that Obama, not being an Article II natural born citizen, fails to qualify as President whereupon Biden becomes the full fledged President under 3 USC 19 (free to pick his own VP such as Hillary) or thereafter defers to the Supreme Court to enjoin Obamas inauguration with Biden becoming only Acting President under the 20th Amendment until a new President is duly determined. You also agree to this sites Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Below is a copy of the Divorce Decree between Stanley Ann Soetoro and Lolo Soetoro that became final on Nov 6 1980. People have gone down that road before, only to find out it was a spoof! The question should be what does the fraud and usurper aka barack hussein obama have on Chief Justice John Roberts because he is the one who swore berry soetoro aka barack hussein obam into office TWICE ! . Obamagate, will be brushed over, but not by alternative media. He was a colonel in the Indonesian army and later worked in government relations at Union Oil Company. If Brown has the goods on Obama, then produce them. He does not have to be born in the US. var widget_id = 25358; Wow, this is trully something. Imagine this world without the internet. widget_id = 37847; We are guaranteed the right to cast a vote for an individual to hold an office with in or goverment and know that they have been found eligible to have their name on the ballot. But lots of people overcome childhood trauma and live healthy happy lives. It is not just the US Congress but the US Supreme Court that knows berry soetoro aka barack hussein obama is a FRAUD . The design was announced in 1996 in the February 2, 1996 edition of the Columbia University Record. fact alone means that Obama is not a natural born citizen. It was a hick-town with very few tourists in 1961 and the people of Maui liked it that way. That's cool, but I wouldn't trust that cat for a second. How can he convert under Fatwa for Apostasy Burkhari 9 #17. With the Indonesian citizenship, he could qualify for foreign student preference and tuition assistance. At the time, Mr. Soetoro was hosting a 60th Birthday Party under the name Barack Obama. CHINA Tanks deployed on streets to protect the banks as they declared peoples savings are now investment products & cant be withdrawn. Thanks for the input. I think we can all agree that there have been and is an overwhelming amount of proven evidence that Obama is a fake, a liar, and definitely not fulfilling what is necessary, just, and pure in order to be a leader of the United States of America. he used the name Barry Soetoro. [14][15] The purge was a pivotal event in the transition to the New Order and the elimination of PKI as a political force, with impacts on the global Cold War. Sandy Hook Hoax FAKE Sloppy Sniper is David Wheeler, End Stage United States Philadelphia PA, July 2021. Because when his step daddy died, he was one of the 10-15 richest men on Earth and he left everything in a trust fund, operating out of Indonesia, . Sounds like a terrorist, sounds just like an Anne Rice novel and I heard he likes to fucking gobble all the cum, fucking white guys, business men, to get cocaine in the 80's, crack wasn't . Those who have dedicated their time, money, and energy to uncover the truth should be awarded a metal of honor and are heroes in my mind. I am looking forward to seeing this,as far as I know, never before released document. If Lolo Soetoro had not adopted little Barry so he could go to school in Indonesia, he would not have been listed as 1 child over 18 dependent on the parties for education. How come he has 2 social certificates. What else needs said? We know that he has all the force of the United Nations and the Royal Bloodlines behind him. Target bases that conclusion on decades of USGOV clusterf**ks and s**tshows." washingtontimes.com. Required fields are marked *. ITS FUKKIN OVER The judge allows her to use her maiden name again. This information is not mandatory to disqualify Obama from the exemption for fair use of copyrighted works. Obama's oval office speech in . One of these friends was his room mate, radical muslim Mohammad Hassan Chandoo who he took a trip to Pakistan with. Get 'The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament' now. This is just my non-legal background interpretation of the document which is presented here. However, unless she legally changed to Stanley Ann, it should state her birth name, Stanley Armour Dunham. I know people who have allowed their children to go by the last name of a step father at school for the purpose of continuity of name, but are not legally adopted by the step parent. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. If you dont see a commenting section below, please disable your adblocker. Root also was a political science, pre-law major in a graduating class of about 700 students, of which it is . GIVE ME A BREAK!!! Numerous rumors have been circulated over the years claiming . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Officially he collected 50 million from Annenberg plus 110 million matching funds = 160 million total. You remind me of the folks who tried to impeach Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren after Brown vs. Books about Barry Soetoro (a.k.a. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. See charges and convincing evidences of forgery against President Barack Obama for forgery of Selective Service System Registration Form, RIMS History printout verifiying registration and a COLB Certificate of Live Birth to deceive voters. Hopelessly naive would fail to recognize this senators and congresspeople to look out US... 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