Why does misskelley now that he has been released refuse to go near Echols or Baldwin and stay out of the limelight. if they were so for getting the truth out there why did they not present the whole thing as it really was showing damiens true colors? Have you interviewed and spoken to every single WM3 supporter in the entire world or is this speculation based on obsessive internet research? Damien Echols and his legal team are moving forward in their hopes of clearing Echols' name in the infamous . More Angels & Archangels: A Magician's Guide Best-selling author Damien Echols releases his newest book, Angels & Archangels: A Magician's Guide, for anyone seeking to enlist helping forces on the path of awakening. The whole thing is heart breaking. these places are all corrupt (and all occult elite societys) and all are the main perps of ritual abuse /and Mk-ultra that are creating dissocitive identity disorder Mk-ultra robot slaves for The (N W O) an army run and programmed robotic MK slaves By the devil himself Only Jesus Christ can stop these Vile evil satanic crimes crimes committed against His people as the casulties are so very many Its still happening to this day in 2012 (i pray for them all to be free from S R A/and MK) (amen) God bless. Because, either we are ALL innocent until proven guilty or NONE of us are. He then describes the WM3 as Jason Baldwin and Dylan Klebold-like sycophants. Jason(looked like a deer caught in twisted friendship and romantic ties had a lot to do with muddying the waters of this case just enough to create sufficient doubt to effect the eventual release of the WM3. Damien Echols of the West Memphis 3 has asked the Arkansas Supreme Court to hear an appeal regarding a decision to use new technology to test DNA evidence. what happened to said dogs body then?? In my opinion, Echols is the second coming of Charles Manson. They pled GUILTY to the murders of those 3 boys. Do you have legal background as well? Having expert witnesses with no credentials (one had a PHd mail order degreeLOL, didnt even take ONE CLASS) the whole trial was based on a mentallychallengedteenager who said he participated/witnessed the killings at around noon, but happened at night, had only the facts the police told him BEFORE they started recording his confession. lord knows i am not a lawyer or a criminal investigator, but like johnny depp, i could play one on tv. Misunderstood goth persecuted by Bible Belters my a**. Jan. 20, 2012. He wont, however, tell you that the confessions or the bloody necklace were never evidence used in the trial or that there most likely wasnt any knife wounds on the victims. Evidence of ritual was extantboth circumstantial and physical: 1) Misskelleys spoke of Jason and Damien being in the waterto ritually bathe. The WMPD took a recorded statement from Byers on May 19, 1993, yet that wasnt enough for supporters when he was their go to suspect. All of which you can read for yourself on anyone of two websites. And just how many other comparisons with famous murders are you going to compare this too? To think hes been under our noses this whole time And he would have gotten away with it if it werent for you, you meddling kid! it seems that everyone jumped on the wm3 bandwagon after watching the terribly biased hbo crapumentaries. I created almost 20 years of content on this website where .01% of it deals with the WM3 just to hide my tracks. (They didnt stop giving him his antidepressants until he was sent to death row.) In order to be classified as mass murder, four or more people would have to have been murdered. I feel it was just the right of combination of classic (if painfully cliched and unrealistic) tropes that attractedhis myriadfamous supporters to him. They released a man I saw on the news the other day for murder up north. Celebrities, interviews, women, He probably thought he was doing a really groovy sacrifice when he raped and killed those boys. If youre going to respond, answer my question please. I mean, now that this is over, all those righteous subcultural deities (ummand Maines)need a new cause, stat, lestthey get bored. You can commit vicious crimes without leaving Echols will stick to his script and no interviewer will dare to ask him the real questions. P.SI AM involved in the fight to end the barbaric and archaic practice of capital punishment, Jeff. Todd Moore, now divorced from Diana Moore, says he can't believe . 3) He names every person he remembers being sent to death row in his book. Ug. Damien Echols is my childs godfather. Guess Id rather be a bleeding heart than a blathering fool who wears his ignorance as a badge of pride. any reasonable doubt. Les West Memphis Three ( Les trois de Memphis West ) sont trois hommes accuss et condamns en 1994, alors qu'ils sont adolescents, pour les meurtres en 1993 de trois garons West Memphis en Arkansas aux tats-Unis. If someone would have hauled me into court as a teenager and accused me of torturing and killing children, my reaction would not be to laugh. Also, Christopher Byers dad was a drug informant. Multiple times in fact, The only reason theyre out now is because a prosecutor saw it as a way of advancing his career. am amazed that John Mark Byers did not seem to be able to tell a truth no Well unless youre a brainless dolt who refuses to look at anything that might prove that youre wrong about something. Pam Hicks has been trying since 2012 to get the Prosocuter to grant her permission to examine her sons belongings, she keeps getting denied on the basis that the case is still an ongoing investigation. you know i am far from being a supporter, but Miskellys confessions should have never been allowed. hes twisted clever and evil. sunlight and more. (I believe I made a funny there. Mostly from those schools that advertise during daytime tv, but I digress. Echols admitted in a televised 48 Hours interview to having admitted to the killings at that softball game just as the prosecution witness testified, though insisted he was joking (poor sense of humor to say the least). That is NOT the way our justice system is supposed to work. and if trump was in office when this was going on, echols would have visited old sparky by now. At first, I didnt even realize that Paradise Lost WAS about the case, but I vaguely remembered the moniker West Memphis 3 and decided to watch. !Stop watching there movies, buying there books, and lapping up everything they say or do as gospel. Echols stands inside Salem Commons in March of last year. Man you people are fucking morons. But that was so Arkansas did not have to pay these men a dime! Colin Firth and Reese Witherspoon have been cast to star in the movie which is scheduled to . Youre right about lies and sprinkles of truth, but Ive personally heard enough of Echols bullshit not to be eager for any more. His mom stated that she was not sure where he is and he moves a lot. That means that while you dont plead guilty you plead that you believe that the prosecution has enough evidence to convict you. guilt or innocence. All I know from extensive reading is that the entire place seemed like a cesspit full of shitty people with crime, drugs and abuse seemingly accepted as the norm. That said, I think the Paradise Lost and West of Memphis documentaries and what has now become the generally accepted narrative of this case (that the WM3 were railroaded by superstitious self righteous rednecks) is in many ways BS. My mistake. Echols is not some sort of mastermind. The second reason is that Damien Echols was a known animal abuser who not only bragged about killing animals but a witness even testified about how Echols violently killed a sick dog. where is the proof? now have any of his celebrity fans or supporters ever gone to visit the graves of any of those three children? High Magick Original drawings for book - The Middle Pillar. Last week after church, my 15 year old son convinced 10 kids to tie their shoes together (not to each foot but to the other childrens feet) for no other reason but he wanted to know if they would do it just because he asked. While I agree that living on death row is most likely SHAME on you look at the facts! ?you are trying to say that only 1 person witnessed this?? up catholic was questioning this and looking at other religions which is reasonably Damien Echols, fdd Michael Wayne Hutchison den 11 december 1974, var en av tre ungdomar som den 19 mars 1994 dmdes fr mord i ett rttsfall som vckte stort uppseende. why was he always caught in inconsistencies and lies? I cant say for sure they did it, but if I had been on the jury I would have convicted them and been confident doing so. Ive seen a whole lot on this page of you talking a bu one, but fail to articulate the why. I know murder is murder but just look at how these babies were mutilated and even raped after death. Damien Echols Survived 18 Years On Death Row With The Help Of Magick Damien Echols was sentenced to death in 1994 for the infamous West Memphis murders of three young boys, but was freed in 2011. Oh wait, they are. Enough of his life has been stolen. One simple comment the defense attorney said had me convinced theyre innocent. even Echols admitted on stand that his alibi was constantly shifted to cover times in question. reoffender. Even with the long hair, listening to probably the same music, dressing all in black, etc., he was considered by all to be generally a good kid. Let me know when your opinion is based on someyou know.ACTUAL evidence. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. To the other idiot below, they did NOT admit go guilt. You know, I was going to have a long response to this comment then I realized that this commenter is probably just an angsty teen who has no idea how the real world works. Hey, folks - we're making one last pass through our book "Ritual: An essential grimoire", to make certain all is in order before printing. of the loss of his real teeth. Febraury 17, 1994 They both thought they were smarter and better than everyone else and both had their followers. Comparing him to Charles Manson? Anyway, I remember a time when all the evidence pointed to Mark Byers or the mysterious guy from Bojangles. Tim Cotten stated that his cellmate, L. G. Hollingsworth, told him that he struck a deal with Damien to beat up Christopher Byers to get back at John Byers because of a drug deal gone bad and because it was difficult to actually get John Byers himself. http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-reporter-and-vs-journalist/. Is the worship of self, material possessions and intellectual pursuits. Echols, 19 at the time of his trial, was sentenced to death. Please do tell what is my dogma? Thanks Trench. It madethealternative set and their fans feel special, and so much better than all those stupid rednecks with bad teeth and crap tastes in music made them feel like they were on a mission, fighting theMan. Damien and Domini have been friends for many years now and Damien does see his son. They couldnt find him? Just bsing. Hes alsothe one who I thinkhas a decent chance togo back to prison without killing anyone in the process. Does this make him guilty? As Ive said before what they dont tell you about the expert witness is that he also holds several degrees from some physical universities and studied under some of the leading criminalinvestigatorsin the US. I fell hook line and sinker after those documentaries. Satanism, heavy metal music, Stephen King novels etc. The confessions of Echols to third parties are often in admissible as hearsay. Let me guess, Trench Reynolds has his usual worthless and pointless answer to that as well. He lies all the damn time. I just know hes guilty along with the other two drones. I dont even like discussing the killers, because the ones in this crime, the three who should be remembered and discussed, were innocent little boys out riding their bikes. No more time in jail. That before Stevie Branch died he told his aunt that his step-father forced him and his sister to engage in sex acts together in front of him? I believe he will confess on his death bed and have a good laughbefore going to hell, where he belongs. court but 1 was brought up in court that would have to raise huge reasonable licked blood? !), another Jeffrey McDonald. committed in. for what hes done to animals i would love to run him over. dont get me wrongi have no idea if theyre guilty or not. Absolutely NOTHING. YOU OWE THEM WHATEVER THEY NEED!!!!!!!!!!!!! How sad!! what about the lake knife? So why dont you do every one a favor ? And above all, they were convicted in a trial that should have never constitutionally taken place. Im new to this case, and its pretty clear to me that they are all three still technically guilty-so Im not a supporter However, as the spouse of a prosecutor I can tell you, that an Alford plea which specifically allows the accused to maintain and assert their innocence while accepting punishment as likely is hardly a feather in a prosecutors cap. His probation officer would threaten him and others with jail if they didnt give him a blow job. Its kind of a requirement for coming to one position or another. he left during the middle of it all. 487K views 10 years ago Damien Echols makes a chilling statement about the Arkansas Department of Correction in an interview with Amy Goodman for Democracy Now. I think that the fact that people are so one-sided in this case is exactly reason it hasnt been solved. Unfortunately, as time passes, the likelihood of solving this puzzle decreases exponentially. You can not tell one is guilty because he fits the profile of a school shooter You need a proof, not feelingsThats it. Thanks! So hopefully for As of 2023, Damien Echols's net worth is $100,000 - $1M. Did the police properly investigate the homes of the 3 convicted murders? Besides, you said stereotypes. That actually made me *SNORK! Where did he hone his top investigative skills? I wonder how much the makers of the biased documentaries/wm3 celebrity supporters paid him to defend and support Echols. I see past his veneer. Just ask the parents who they believe did it. Dont get me wrong, I fucking love an unsolved murder to read about. These guys went into court laughing. motive: if you have read callahan(and if you havent dont even dare respond to this comment, because i dont have time to hold your hand through the facts) you know that Echols was such a fervent follower of the child sacrificing advocator aliester crowley, that he was one of the 4 most important people in his life during the trials. and the missing blood evidence from Bojangles? Jesus Would. Seriously? He was not afraid to make claims of rape. and when one of them finally comes forward and publicly states(again) they did it, you know what? DAMIEN ECHOLS was born in 1974 and grew up in Mississippi, Tennessee, Maryland, Oregon, Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas. Kind of like how OJ and Casey Anthony walked away? These are raw facts. You can check out his Facebook page to hear his views on the topic and see how he has participated in protests against the death penalty. Hey, thanks for putting those words in my mouth, I was feeling a little hungry. Life after death I believe it was called. Next is the fact that during testimony Echols testified how he would have committed the killings if he was the killer. Damienechols.com Damien Echols Guilty beyond reasonable doubt? I have followed this case for the past 15+ years, and no one (aside from those directly involved in the case) would love to figure out who killed those children more than I would. Its like you just randomly grab labels out of thin air. Hi there my name is felecia i loive in Nz and i pray for many survivors of (S R A) (and mk-ultra) as a prayer intersessor and prayer warrior. Which the famous supporters and non famous continue to ignore the elephant in the room.Proving and pointing towards YUP! Anyone with a brain can see it. Damien failed his lie detector test. Scratch that, hes better than Manson because not only is he basically getting away with killing three children he got thousands of more people to follow him than Manson did. You are aware that Damien Echols is an unmedicated bipolar schizophrenic that was admitted 3 times to the psych hospital in the year before killing the little boys. Damien Echols, center, a producer of the film "West of Memphis," mingles with Pam Hobbs, left, and Mark Byers at the premiere of the documentary film at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. . The West Memphis 3 supporters cant decide if its the mysterious Mr. Bojangles, Mark Byers who is now a supporter of the WM3, or Terry Hobbs. Charming, intelligent, a compulsive and easy liarand he is GUILTY. I see now that the statement was given after the murders took place, but regarded alleged events from before the murders. How long can he go on playing victim now that he doesnt have to? Echols claimed to have sufficient evidence in 2007 when he filed his amended habeas claims. Mr Byers wife seemed to be taking drugs for the same things As for Echolscan he hold it in? What do you have to say about the witness testimony that said Echols stomped a dog to death? use of a particular knife in question, the loss of his real teeth, the timing He also admitted to witnessing Echols stomp on a dog until he killed him. If you had never heard this before in your life and were introduced No alibis, him acknowledging then unknown details about the crime during interrogation. He strongly believes in black magick and has gone on record to say how it has saved his life. for not believing? Were the hog ties all tied differently on each victim ? I dont mean like the correct houror what time of night but the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NOON and NIGHT. Echols has been married since 1999 to Lori Davis, a landscape architect first wrote to him on death row after seeing Paradise Lost and immediately concluding he was innocent. They were convicted and their convictions were upheld even by the state Supreme Court. and really you dont know them. He spent 18 years in prison, convicted of the murders of three 8-year-old boys in . Im also pretty active in the school, so I know everyone that has access to my child there. And while it may be my amateur opinion you may want to look up this thing called criminal profiling. The state did prove their guilt. sample, or it is old or contaminated. While many think they do not need to prove their innocence, I think their actions speak volumes. Now if your gonna believe Michael Carson who is a proven criminal and drug addict whats stopping you from considering what these others have to say? being developed although a lot of evidence is now lost. I believed the movies and the books but then I found out that they only present one side of the argument. dale griffis also has written a book about alien invaders as well.seems to me he is anm experton things that cause paranoia. Proves to me HBO and the film makers do not care about the victims or their families. Notice I made no mention of anything even remotely occult related. Michael Carson who testified against Jason was in juvenile with him a total of 6 days. Youll notice that those details were left out of the documentaries.. No alibi? He used meditation to deal with his extreme physical pain. I think the three should realize that they are being judges by their actions and under the scrutiny of public opinion. days later and will come again In communion you are given the body and blood of uhmm sorry but if N Z means you live in new zealand, hate to inform you, but the Devils advocate DE is there now with his financial nuthugger peter jackson..staying until christmas according to reports..lock your doors.. Jeez, they better not ever come north, We dont want baby killers in Canada. I have no judgement as to his guilt or innocence, but I find the following he has received since is appalling. And you dont have to take my word for it. My only issue with Mr. Reynolds is his writing style. I love it when idiotic morons start throwing out epithets at everyone whose view they disagree with, and in the same breath expose themselves as the ignorant jerk they are. So the case is still open but also closed. The saddest thing is the lives of Christopher Byers, Steve Branch and Michael Moore seem to get lost in all the hoopla concerning the WM3, and thats a shame. There is no information about his parents and siblings in the media. those 3 little boys did not shove any of the supporters into the locker. Where is the innocence??? Those who support the WM3 have a right to their opinions, I have just as much right to mine. Jessies original confession during the Police interview is just ridicules. Putting the 3 at the crime sceneother than confessions. Echols omits incriminating information (of course) but it gives some insight to the perfect storm that caused all this crap. I wouldnt understand this had I not lived in the area and experienced prejudice for being different in Arkansas in the 90s. You are aware that the overwhelming majority of murdered children are murdered by their parents or caregivers, right? By FOX13Memphis.com News Staff March 10, 2022 at 3:47 pm CST. By Rachel Monroe Published: Aug 1, 2019 GROVE PASHLEY Lorri Davis agonized over the first letter she. Shes going to find him cold and hes going to be able to blame it on his isolation for a while but its never going to get any better. If you want to argue that it isnt Hobbs because we used to think it was the Bojangles guy (*who it could still be, who knows) or J. He has been living a largely private life, unlike Echols and Baldwin. 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