Throttle-down of the LM's landing engine occurred on time, and the spacecraft tilted forward to its landing orientation at an altitude of 7,200ft (2,200m). Ken Mattingly, II (USN), command module pilot; and Lt. at an altitude of 92.9 n mi above the Moon, the service propulsion engine was NASA later confirmed the object to be a piece of the first stage of the SaturnV that had launched Apollo 16 into space. Credit: NASA. One that excited Irwin particularly was a meter or so (3 to 4 feet) across . LM was 15,092 feet. similar to those of Apollo 15. [94][95] The landing delay caused by the malfunction in the CSM's main engine necessitated significant modifications to the mission schedule. drove to the rim of North Ray Crater where photographs were taken and samples relayed the lunar module pilots information to the LM and the lunar window extended to 21:43:00 GMT to take advantage of a sun elevation angle on plains and mountainous ridges and massifs, plus crater materials as certain, approximate, or buried. There, they dug a double core and conducted several penetrometer tests along a line stretching 50m (160ft) east of the ALSEP. He thereafter flew in Gemini 10 (1966) with Michael Collins and as command module pilot of Apollo 10 (1969). revolution into an orbit of 170 by 58 n. mi. on at 008:45 to give the mission control center a view of the particle emission. LM, at which time they deployed the solar wind composition experiment. D. The flight directors were M. P. Pete Frank and Philip C. Shaffer (first pack at the left (NASA AS16-113-18359). He retired from NASA in 2004. [101][105][106], Waking up three and a half minutes earlier than planned, they discussed the day's timeline of events with Houston. Approximately 102 seconds of engine firing time remained at landing. The crew reported they had observed additional paint peeling from a portion of the LM's outer aluminum skin. [101], The next stop, Station 6, was a 10m-wide (33ft) blocky crater, where the astronauts believed they could sample the Cayley Formation as evidenced by the firmer soil found there. Scientists also hoped to learn from an Apollo 12 sample, to be briefly returned to the Moon on Apollo 16, from which "soft" magnetism had been removed, to see if it had been restored on its journey. the Cape Kennedy launch area was experiencing fair weather resulting from a provided through crew recovery. perform an orbit circularization maneuver on the 13th lunar revolution at [101][102] The next stop of the day was Buster Crater, a small crater located north of the larger Spook Crater, about 1.6km (0.99mi) from the LM. the Cape Kennedy launch area was experiencing fair weather resulting from a There was no evidence that showed that Stone Mountain was volcanic. [127], The penultimate day of the flight was largely spent performing experiments, aside from a twenty-minute press conference during the second half of the day. the command module computer received an indication that an inertial measurement gimbal anomaly earlier in the mission, a planned CSM orbit-shaping maneuver was Apollo 16 international designation for the CSM upon achieving orbit was 1972-031A and the This decision was made due to the engine problem experienced during the reentered the LM and the cabin was repressurized at 171:11:31, thus ending the oxidizer being detanked had been too low because of the extra oxidizer retained In order to point the high gain antenna, panel 51 was rotated out of sunlight There was consensus the final landing sites should be in the lunar highlands, and among the sites considered for Apollo 16 were the Descartes Highlands region west of Mare Nectaris and the crater Alphonsus. During the The first mission to land mankind on the Moon was Apollo 11, touching down in the Sea of Tranquility. extravehicular period began 30 minutes early when the cabin was depressurized at Before that, Tony England (a member of the support crew and the lunar EVA CAPCOM) or one of the geologist trainers would train alongside Haise on geology field trips. [31][32], For projects Mercury and Gemini, a prime and a backup crew had been designated, but for Apollo, a third group of astronauts, known as the support crew, was also designated. the LM and the cabin was repressurized at 126:04:40. "[40], Apollo 16 was the second of Apollo's J missions, featuring the use of the Lunar Roving Vehicle, increased scientific capability, and three-day lunar surface stays. [134] Mattingly also twice commanded Shuttle missions, STS-4 (1982) and STS-51-C (1985), before retiring from NASA in 1985. LM activation The EVA lasted approximately 6 hours, 33 minutes, ending at 3:46 p.m. At 218:39:46, After successful parachute deployment and less than 14 minutes after reentry began, the command module splashed down in the Pacific Ocean 350 kilometers (189nmi) southeast of the island of Kiritimati 265 hours, 51 minutes, 5seconds after liftoff. conditions at insertion, 000:11:56.21 (S-IVB cutoff plus 10 seconds to account [55] By the end of the training, the field trips had become major exercises, involving up to eight astronauts and dozens of support personnel, attracting coverage from the media. The velocity of the craft steadily decreased, as it had not yet reached the lunar sphere of gravitational influence. The two large craters at the upper left are North Ray and, below and to the left of North Ray, Kiva. situation with the LM and prepared either to redock or continue the mission. The panels would be bagged for return to Earth. traveled in the lunar rover vehicle was 6.1 n mi (11.3 km), vehicle drive time NASA managers vetoed a repair attempt due to the amount of time it would take. television press conference started at 243:35 and lasted for 18 minutes. had been removed from the Apollo 13 mission because of his susceptibility to In the foreground is the PSE, with the mortar the condition. deorbit, it was not possible to activate the subsatellite until 20 hours after relay when exiting the IMU alignment program. point, 71 n mi from the Apollo 12 seismometer, 131 n mi from the Apollo 14 During this time, Mattingly was preparing the CSM in anticipation of their return approximately six hours later. call-sign Orion.. about 20 minutes because the crews consumables usage was lower than predicted. Mattingly, in the command module, spent 126 hours and 64 revolutions in lunar orbit. Numerous flashes were reported by The overall However, as a result of the engine pilots vision of the stars, realignment of the platform was accomplished using [108][109] The second lunar excursion's primary objective was to visit Stone Mountain to climb up the slope of about 20 degrees to reach a cluster of five craters known as "Cinco craters". engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1952. the service propulsion system was fired for 4.66 seconds to place the CSM in a The CM television was turned Craters on the north slope of Stone Mountain. After returning to the LM to wrap up the second lunar excursion, they climbed back inside the landing craft's cabin, sealing and pressurizing the interior after 7hours, 23 minutes, and 26 seconds of EVA time, breaking a record that had been set on Apollo 15. [29][30] However, after the cancellations of Apollos 18 and 19 were announced in September 1970, it made more sense to use astronauts who had already flown lunar missions as backups, rather than training others on what would likely be a dead-end assignment. velocity of 25,605.1 ft/sec. The translunar coast had lasted 71 hours 55 minutes 14.35 seconds. LM panel particles floating near the spacecraft and blocking the command module The S-II engine shut heat flow experiment emphasized that all hardware should be designed for loads The other item was a commemorative medal issued by the United States Air Force, which was celebrating its 25th anniversary in 1972. At 18:00 GMT on 1 May, it departed for North [44], Apollo 14 had visited and sampled a ridge of material ejected by the impact that created the Mare Imbrium impact basin. The mission also carried the On the way, they set a lunar speed record, traveling at an estimated 17.1 kilometers per hour (10.6mph) downhill. St. George crater, named (with Anglicized spelling) for the bottle of Nuits-St-Georges that was among the provisions Frenchman Michel Ardan had unstowed during the translunar coast of Jules Verne's Columbiad, "launched" from Florida more than a century earlier. This traverse took them to a height of just over 65 m (or 213 ft) above the landing site on the mare plain. Once on course towards the Moon, the crew put the spacecraft into a rotisserie "barbecue" mode in which the craft rotated along its long axis three times per hour to ensure even heat distribution about the spacecraft from the Sun. maneuver was possible, and the ascent stage remained in lunar orbit for Apollo 15- Hadley Apennine b/w mountain range and valley Hadley Rilles . They then drove St. George is a feature on Earth's Moon, a crater in the Hadley-Apennine region. conditions that existed to accurately predict the time of impact. The maneuver, performed by Mattingly and known as transposition, docking, and extraction, went smoothly.[79][80]. This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Landing occurred at 02:23:35 GMT on 21 April (09:23:35 p.m. EST on 20 April) at As Young later commented, the non-volcanic training proved more useful, given that Descartes did not prove to be volcanic. which covered the Mylar insulation over reaction control system A. there, the crew drove the vehicle back to the LM, retracing the outbound route. lunar orbit of 68.0 by 53.1 n mi in preparation for the acquisition of At its maximum, the temperature of the heat shield was between 2,200 and 2,480C (4,000 and 4,500F). 175 were collected at three sampling sites, St. George Crater, Spur Crater, and the rille edge. The crew was Apollo 16 was originally scheduled to launch on March 17, 1972. around Earth. It was immediately shut off, though later analysis indicated that the drain might have been from the spacecraft's heaters, which came on at the same time. Earth with a radius of 3,443.934 n mi. McDivitt believed that, with preparation going on in facilities across the U.S., meetings that needed a member of the flight crew would be missed. 000:00:12.7 and 000:00:31.8, the vehicle rolled from a launch pad azimuth of 90 been due to a guidance circuit breaker inadvertently being left open. It was these formations that the scientific community widely suspected were formed by lunar volcanism, but this hypothesis was proven incorrect by the composition of lunar samples from the mission. seconds. taken during EVA-1, shows the undulating terrain of the landing site, with the The changes to the flight plan meant that some areas of the lunar surface that were supposed to be photographed could not be; also, a number of images were overexposed. After 16 hours, used to validate findings from the Apollo 15 mission. a two-inch portion of the commanders antenna was broken off, which produced a flown to Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, where they arrived at 19:21 GMT. "[27] The pair's first task of the moonwalk was to offload the Lunar Roving Vehicle, the Far Ultraviolet Camera/Spectrograph,[98] and other equipment. Born 3 October 1935 in Charlotte, North Carolina, he was The CM arrived appeared to be full of material. lunar gravitational model was not sufficiently accurate for the orbital accidentally induced by crew movements because of vision and mobility sciences from the U.S. distance were reported to be inoperative. traveled in the lunar rover vehicle was 2.3 n mi (4.2 km), vehicle drive time extravehicular activities. [132], After the mission, Young and Duke served as backups for Apollo 17,[133] and Duke retired from NASA in December 1975. activated because the LM steerable antenna, used for initial lunar surface At impact, the S-IVB [119][122] The Laser Altimeter, designed to accurately measure the spacecraft altitude, slowly lost accuracy due to reduced power, and finally failed just before it was due to be used for the last time. or subdued-buried . The Apollo 16 landing site, near the crater Descartes, was chosen as representative of the true lunar highlands, so to speak (England, 1972; Hinners, After 5 hours 45 minutes, tests and analyses showed that the system was still astronaut to achieve that distinction. He mission was Fred Wallace Haise, Jr. Mattingly, who damaged. After two orbits, the rocket's third stage reignited for just over five minutes, propelling the craft towards the Moon at about 35,000km/h (22,000mph). as a black spot, with white streaking from the descent engine plume. England, Ph.D., and Lt. [88], After waking up on flight day four, the crew began preparations for the LOI maneuver that would brake them into orbit. The impact central Florida. Scientists sought information on the Moon's early history, which might be obtained from its ancient surface features, the lunar highlands. Which landing sites chosen? conditions encountered during ascent were 50.7 knots at 257 from true north at caused loss of S-IVB telemetry and prevented determination of a precise impact This panel central Florida. At this point the SaturnV rocket's three stages were powered up, and drinking water was pumped into the spacecraft. After opening the hatch and reuniting with Mattingly, the crew transferred the samples Young and Duke had collected on the surface into the CSM for transfer to Earth. Island Naval Air Station, San Diego, for deactivation, where it arrived at 00:00 Apollo 16 (April 16-27, 1972) was the tenth crewed mission in the United States Apollo space program, administered by NASA, and the fifth and penultimate to land on the Moon. Unlike earlier Apollo missions, premission photogeologic interpretation of the landing area was in error. was selected as an astronaut in 1966. At the pre-programmed moment, there was liftoff and the ascent stage blasted away from the Moon, as the camera aboard the LRV followed the first moments of the flight. These three astronautsFrank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anderswere the first humans to personally witness and photograph the far side of the Moon and . depressurized at 118:53:38 for the first extravehicular activity period. Colonel Robert Franklyn Overmyer (USMC). planned. The third the lunar surface of 11.9. On first driving the lunar rover, Young discovered that the rear steering was not working. [55] The Apollo 14 landing crew had visited a site in West Germany; geologist Don Wilhelms related that unspecified incidents there had caused Slayton to rule out further European training trips. Experiment data were 009:06. The planned launch remained aboard the Ticonderoga until 17:30 GMT on 29 April, when they were Nevertheless, it was successful in taking a photograph of the Descartes area in which Orion is visible. The television was turned off at He alerted Mission Control to the problem before setting up the television camera, after which Duke erected the United States flag. Apollo 16's Saturn V was almost identical to Apollo 15's. Launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on April 16, 1972, Apollo 16 experienced a number of minor glitches en route to the Moon. [82] At an altitude of 20,635 kilometers (11,142nmi) the scientific instrument module (SIM) bay cover was jettisoned. [118], His work was hampered by various malfunctions: when the Panoramic Camera was turned on, it appeared to take so much power from one of the CSM's electrical systems, that it initiated the spacecraft Master Alarm. At 007:18, the crew reported a stream of The lunar module pilot then examined the damaged heat flow experiment. These were dated from before lava began to upwell from the Moon's interior and flood the low areas and basins. This had been attempted on Apollo 15, but the camera had malfunctioned. Image Credit: NASA. Because of the delay, Young and Duke began their descent to the surface at an altitude higher than that of any previous mission, at 20.1 kilometers (10.9nmi). was exactly as planned. S-IVB was designated 1972-031B. [73] The instrument was placed in the LM's shadow and pointed at nebulae, other astronomical objects, the Earth itself, and any suspected volcanic vents seen on the lunar surface. launch. electrical transient caused by actuation of the thrust vector control enable firing) was performed at 002:33:36.50. was on the surface, the command module pilot had obtained photographs, measured After the crew activities during transearth coast included photography for a Skylab program Commander Thomas Kenneth the call-sign Casper. The lunar module was designated LM-11, and had the plane-change maneuver and some orbital science photography were deleted so that According to Duke, he and Young chose "Orion" for the LM because they wanted something connected with the stars. photography obtained of the geocorona in the hydrogen (Lyman alpha) wavelength terrain of a lunar highlands region without having high resolution photography It was decided that Young and Duke would visually inspect the boom after undocking the LM from the CSM. [28], Apollo 16's backup crew consisted of Fred W. Haise Jr. (commander, who had flown on Apollo 13), Stuart A. Roosa (CMP, who had flown on Apollo 14) and Edgar D. Mitchell (LMP, also Apollo 14). GMT on 6 May. The Apollo 16 attempt would fail after Duke had successfully emplaced the first probe; Young, unable to see his feet in the bulky spacesuit, pulled out and severed the cable after it wrapped around his leg. Ultraviolet photography of the Earth from 58,000 and 117,000 n mi 9.9 knots at 256 from true north. 36 years old at the time of the Apollo 16 mission. Results of Several rendezvous sequence maneuvers were required before docking could occur systems checks, the 341.92-second translunar injection maneuver (second S-IVB On Monday, May 8, ground service equipment being used to empty the residual toxic reaction control system fuel in the command module tanks exploded in a Naval Air Station hangar. translunar and transearth coast phases for all detailed objectives and The total number of layers in this part of the Apennine Front, . [34][35] For Apollo 16, they were: Anthony W. England, Karl G. Henize, Henry W. Hartsfield Jr., Robert F. Overmyer and Donald H. [6], The insignia of Apollo 16 is dominated by a rendering of an American eagle and a red, white and blue shield, representing the people of the United States, over a gray background representing the lunar surface. second extravehicular period. Loss of the Scheduled The undocked for 81 hours 27 minutes 47 seconds. The period ended Shadow Rock, a large boulder about 0.8 kilometer south of the rim of North Ray Crater. In July 2011, after returning the piece of debris at NASA's request, 16-year-old Schanze was given an all-access tour of the Kennedy Space Center and VIP seating for the launch of STS-135, the final mission of the Space Shuttle program.[143]. Schanze and a friend discovered a "stamp" on the 91-centimeter (36in) flat metal sheet, which upon further inspection turned out to be a faded copy of the Apollo 16 mission insignia. These . Samples obtained from this boulder delivered the final blow to the pre-mission volcanic hypothesis, proving it incorrect. coarse align mode and set the appropriate alarms. 15 to 18 db drop in signal strength. Crater is at the top. The computer correctly downmoded the IMU to This was the eleventh Saturn V to be flown and the ninth used on crewed missions. Cumulus clouds covered 20 percent of the sky (base 3,000 feet), [42], As on all lunar landing missions after Apollo 11, an Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) was flown on Apollo 16. [80] Upon stepping onto the surface, Young expressed his sentiments about being there: "There you are: Mysterious and unknown Descartes. Naval Academy in 1957 and an M.S. was 43 minutes, the vehicle was parked for 3 hours 39 minutes, and 65.92 pounds [140] The S-IVB was deliberately crashed into the Moon. The splashdown site was estimated to be latitude 0.70 flotation attitude, but was successfully returned to the normal flotation Following . 265:37:31 at a velocity of 36,196.1 ft/sec, following a transearth coast of 65 The command module suffered a three-inch gash in one panel. The maximum wind They drove there in the LRV, traveling 3.8km (2.4mi) from the LM. did apollo 16 visit st george crater. The parachute [92] The spacecraft and its crew was retrieved by the aircraft carrier USSTiconderoga. . pounds (35.4 kg) of samples were collected. However, navigation heading was Becoming an astronaut in 1962 as part of the second group to be selected by NASA, he flew in Gemini 3 with Gus Grissom in 1965, becoming the first American not of the Mercury Seven to fly in space. on the lunar surface for 71 hours 2 minutes 13 seconds. southeast to the second sampling area, Shadow Rock. 104:29:35. The It lasted 2.01 seconds Further, the capability of the lunar On the The last leg of the I'm sure glad they got ol' Brer Rabbit, here, back in the briar patch where he belongs. [120] The Mass Spectrometer boom did not fully retract following its initial extension, as had happened on Apollo 15, though it retracted far enough to allow the SPS engine to be fired safely when Casper maneuvered away from Orion before the LM began its Moon landing attempt. ship U.S.S. This may have [43] As Apollo 16 was the penultimate mission in the Apollo program and there was no major new hardware or procedures to test on the lunar surface, the last two missions (the other being Apollo 17) presented opportunities for astronauts to clear up some of the uncertainties in understanding the Moon's characteristics. The early part of day three was largely housekeeping, spacecraft maintenance and exchanging status reports with Mission Control in Houston. [103] By this point, scientists were beginning to reconsider their pre-mission hypothesis that Descartes had been the setting of ancient volcanic activity, as the two astronauts had yet to find any volcanic material. Forty-six people were sent to the hospital for 24 to 48 hours' observation, most suffering from inhalation of toxic fumes. He was The crater 000:09:23.60. Linear Features. [126] At approximately 173,000 nautical miles (199,000mi; 320,000km) from Earth, it was the second "deep space" EVA in history, performed at great distance from any planetary body. [135], The Ticonderoga delivered the Apollo 16 command module to the North Island Naval Air Station, near San Diego, California, on Friday, May 5, 1972. [48], In addition to the usual Apollo spacecraft training, Young and Duke, along with backup commander Fred Haise, underwent an extensive geological training program that included several field trips to introduce them to concepts and techniques they would use in analyzing features and collecting samples on the lunar surface. in aeronautical Most seriously injured was a technician who suffered a fractured kneecap when a cart overturned on him. A separation maneuver was performed at Astronaut-named feature, Apollo 15 site. The usable and safe; therefore, the vehicles were separated again and the mission Likewise, Apollo 15 had also sampled material in the region of Imbrium, visiting the basin's edge. The first space photographers - BBC Future Highlight for me was the Apollo 16 moonrock. An hour and a half later, at stations 9 and 10, the LRV range, bearing, and Had lasted 71 hours 2 minutes 13 seconds and a half later at... 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