Whos We? These Neo-Cal guys act like they have answers for everything; they are the new wave, the latest and greatest. Im sure the new name for the SBC has already been determined because Southern and Baptist and Convention is not going to work. The best theologians can go off track if left to themselves and their own view of scripture. This idea is part of what made SBC so missions and evangelism minded. If he recognizes a familiar face, he has a short chat. More and more of the community are showing up with poor eyesight and bad circulation in the feet. Many dont. One of the 16 books DeYoung has authored is titled Crazy Busy. DeYoung is eminently qualified to write on the subject. Dave A A wrote: If left to ourselves, well always eat the same food. He also will continue to spend 35% of his weekends traveling domestically and internationally carrying out IMB responsibilities and preaching in Southern Baptist churches, in addition to his extensive travel during the week. And I think a pastor saying they will NOT do these things says something negative about their attitude. They will respond with worship to the created thing Idolatry. And often a committee wants Adrian Rogers in a church of 300. As thoroughly-Domesticated as North Korean Population Units. As far as being a teacher to the world, I hope the world reads scripture, knows Jesus, and does not believe everything that comes from Davids mouth or writings. Problem is Jesus shepherded in another fashion and ran off when people wanted him to be a celebrity. Im fine with paying staff, pastors, etc, but dont insist theres a New Testament mandate for the paid career program we see. That probably should have clued me in to the fact that things were unhealthy there. I like the idea that, should I actually need real pastoral care at some point, it will be an option. Deep stuff like At the Movies or You Asked for It. I dont like Platt. * @ ZechZav: Nice to hear that I wasnt the only one to notice this and it wasnt just my imagination. Still, he remained there 8 years and was sent off to the IMB with cheers and praise. Tell me want to do/believe, and I will do it, I do not want to figure it my self to much work and, 2. I dont know whether the church rents out the parking lot for profit or provides some or all spaces for free. It is only a money and power grab for them. He wants that title. Its kind of like I got a new boss one time who made a point to tell the organization that he did NOT have an open door policy. True, sir (if it be proper to call God sir). I can see how this could be the cast for new converts, in the same way that newborns depend on the pre-digested proteins of milk. I wonder whether you can ever meet with ANY ordained clergy person at MBC. He always seems to focus on relational aspects, having a good marriage and family life, caring for each other in the church Never a guilt trip about not being missional enough. They say they write their own sermons. This plague has even crossed the Atlantic and come to the UK. @ Law Prof: As a Christian of many years, Christ feeds me in many ways, in many places. As Teaching Pastor at MBC, Dr. Platt would continue the pattern of being with his family in this local church approximately 65% of his weekends. Some people got fed up with the church service and would come to the class and not attend church. Based on social media, not everyone is excited about it. No vote, no discussion, just heres who it is, like it or not. Books. The shared leadership not taking full-time pay checks from their fellow believers, perhaps? I recall attending a church where the congregation would share some testimony, praise, blessing, etc. Possibly a merger of IMB and NAMB which would be useful bury several issues *and* create new opportunities. The teaching became ever more shallow, the focus shifted from sound teaching to pop-culture issues and my husband and I believe thats what set it up to bring Platt in. My husband had tears in his eyes. MBC needs to pray for discernment and examine Davids teachings. LOL at Dee telling Deb to check her text messages. and if he doesnt, theres no reason not to create them ourselves. This leaves the door wide open for our congregation to see areas of leadership where they are needed, and to respond accordingly.. 2. a person who protects, guides, or watches over a person or group of people. Best regards, The church is the Bride of Christ, it is a place to make disciples and make the Gospel known. There were more interesting and relevant things that I cant remember from that story. That said it may be only a contributing reason for the over-use of the pastor title. There is no excuse for the lack of shepherding, love, and caring that we are seeing in the modern church. Soon the hospital evidences a growing problem. I butted heads with him over working moms and finally over Radical, and after 4 years of having those concerns ignored, my family joined the hundreds of people who left Brook Hills during his time in the pulpit. Platt and his team are also reorganizing the board and the IMB is going through significant change.. Heres one thats guaranteed to make my progressive brothers and sisters recoil in horror and get their boxers and panties in a dither every time: He even had the nerve to say he was leaving the church in the best shape it had ever been in and its history! Anointed proclamation shows that God speaks when all the idols of our culture are deaf and dumb. @ dee: Theres very little Scripture in sermons. The impact on the muslim world is accomplished very slowly through sincere friendships made through contacts by normal working people. I tried real hard to laugh about it. The fact that he was preaching was all that mattered! but in the church gathered there is order of service (not chaos) and some invested authority (dont want to debate who and how much, just that it exists). Both should be evident, though. I know, I mean, how many golf stories can one hear? tr. If a merger is in the works (someone at SBC Today suggested that might be the case and was chided by a writer at SBCVoices for writing it which made me think its true) Ezell seems like the likely candidate. Jesus said 3x, Feed my sheep. They are His sheep. The last time such a position existed was over 3,000 years ago, it was a special circumstance, it was explicitly ordained by the Lord Himself, and it was filled by one who was stated by God to be the most humble man in the history of the world. Ever wonder (Wonder Bread) why the lame and the blind are mentioned so often together in scripture? Im sick of that garbage, especially as used by people like Platt, because that great calling they love to reference is code for My calling is bigger than yours, and if you plebes dont submit, youre against the Lord. But what exactly do these terms mean? Its a fair question. It is much more than that and there are many, many Christians who do this quite well without drawing any attention to themselves at all. It evolved; a culture developed around it; rules and regulations; holidays and celebrations; the yearly church calendar; working people could show up, pay up, and leave; eventually the CEO posted a job roster for the volunteers; duties and titles; gender roles; power and access became linked to donated money; book$ and conference$ and web$ite$ and broadcast$; celebrity and status; trips and missions and safaris; etc. Headless Unicorn Guy wrote: Oh yeah-thats the guy who shows us how not to be crazy busy-now *pastor* of a lg church and seminary professor. I do think ministry of the Word takes precedence over pastoral care. This should not be confused with ministry. I am certainly not saying that my job is equivalent to giving a sermon at church. The quick exhilaration of excitement and energy packaged with brightly colored dyes is an easy sell to the consumer. Of course, if the Trustees were transparent, we would not be speculating. (2) The born-again experience: i.e. But they are the foundation to faith and give definition and motivation to service (in light of His great love). And when it goes badly we want to blame the clergy for not being Jesus to us. Being paid an honorarium for each sermon is not a salary so one wonders if this is all spin. gained entrance to the respectable theologians club, and Dever gained a proven marketing program. I suggest you spend some time in your 10 hours of studying Gods word to review what is involved in being a pastor. The Creator takes precedence, and His revelation of Himself is central. This type can be described as an unusual repetition of sounds or rhythm. And its the craziest thing ever. I saw this with the vicar of an Anglican church I used to go to. In many of them, and also non-denoms, they are both shallow AND long. I am a member of MBCbut now a former member as of today. the title teaching pastor means they do not have to interact with the peasant pew sitters. The model in the New Testament was shared leadership. Youre modeling New Testament now? This promise indicates that God is present with the Body in a way He has not promised to the individual. If you are in Christ and have the Holy Spirit, then you ARE a witness and an ambassador. If a merger is in the works (someone at SBC Today suggested that might be the case and was chided by a writer at SBCVoices for writing it which made me think its true) Ezell seems like the likely candidate. Cant leave much time for family. They went to provide medical expertise and other practical support to Nepalese men and women while they preached the gospel. Well, theyre not laughing now, are they? Or insipid video series made by the pastors wife/youth group/whatever? Pastor X called me by my names tonight when he handed me the bread. Then I had to remember all the sermons I had listend to and how deeply moved I was by his heart for Missions and Jesus. only 1 church in my town would let me hold a musical recital at their facility. He will show up on Sunday morning and preach about 30 or so weeks in the year. If no one has the guts to challenge this false ninja TULIP gospel change agent, and the one who was stupid enough to bring him on board, then McLean Bible Church will quietly descend into Calvinist authoritarian tyrannical darkness, its members none the wiser. Not to mention the let-us-introduce-you-to-some-seminary-students during nursing school. i called every single one. And it is He himself, the Jesus of keep my commandments who says to some depart from me Its possible this man simply feigned interest in my mother hoping she would tell him that she would leave some $$$ to the church. I can see how this could be the cast for new converts, in the same way that newborns depend on the pre-digested proteins of milk. Keeping that statement in mind, what does he say about Platt's new role at teaching pastor? I learned recently that these titles are very important in that world. GSD, The church has completely lost its relevance. Is Lons final act his final rock drop by event'(tm) to take MBC, its 25,000 people and the whole of the Washington D. C. area for a dark closeted stealthy ride into Calvinisms Dystopian fake gospel? Madison Avenue helps to appeal to the wants and desires of the target audience. This is indirectly related to this topic.I am questioning the current practice of satellite churches.where a church starts another location with the pastor appearing via webcam. For all the problems which have been pointed out about SBC Voices, Dave Miller, et al, made sure that the speakers at the 2017 SBC Pastors Conference (the prelude to the annual SBC gathering/business meeting) came from small churches (< 500 members) and, though all were male, they were not all white. And to boot in the New Testament era when such single leader roles are absolutely no part of the New Testament? rather, an unpaid volunteer gifted in compassion & empathy. Last evening he stressed the four things a pastor must do or exhibit. I usually dread listening to missionaries speak, anticipating the guilt trip that they sometime put on other people for not being as extreme and missional and sacrificial as them. This is one of the things my church actually makes a concerted effort to doopen the facilities throughout the week to various groups. comedian gave a performance recently in which he banked nearly fifteen grand for his one night performance, using the name of jesus near the end to share a gospel-like message. I dont know what triggered you to interpret have to have a man from my text. You can feel it! Platt, unfortunately, was merely a podcast in person. Absolutely we are to proclaim the LORDs death till He comes. With Mac Brunson you see tweets about Lambert and Mohler and trivializing the impact of Irma on the community while whining about the minor ways it inconvenienced him personally. Lon always wore a suit. But the salvation of the world has a purpose beyond that. No science or study of created things compares to knowing Him in short, theology over sociology (social sciences or created things). Just being a preacher doesnt make you a pastor. It is the body of Christ. Therefore, Who God is and what He has done is paramount for the faith community. Jesus refereed to shepherds and called Himself a shepherd a number of times. You never spoke a truer word. We all hold each others hands in the hospital. No liberal lefty here, in fact, not really political at all, Books. While many take much pride in their pastor title I would be embarrassed at the current level of absurdity. It seems perfectly obvious to me that He wants more when it comes to eternity than just hanging around and thinking pleasant thoughts, so to speak. They must have gone in in laparoscopically. Can someone explain to me how you can spend 20-25 hours a week preparing a sermon? Job and home gone in one fell swoop. Many today are flocking to leadership seminars in order to learn how to fish from successful fishermen sociological pragmatism, pop psychology, new models of ministry, and ad nausea. But those things are not what they are hired to do in megachurches. Stalling for time to make the transition. Yeah, I think I get your point, and I appreciate the response. Id settle for an acceptable church. But brother or sister, these nine jobs are biblical, and that is why they are so valuable.. I wish I was left to be a layperson. Why do we continue attending fellowships that such a person presides over and wonder why things go wrong? Find a church in which the pastor knows you name and truly cares about you-not an abstract you who is just a part of a mass of faces. Worship is the response to a revelation of Who God is. Webdoes david platt speech impediment. (I am not making fun of word studies, I would love love love to have access to a full bells and whistles version of Logos software.) And he has a whiff of self-righteousness about him. Wife and seven children. The pastor has stated he spends 15 20 hours a week preparing his sermonbut in reading the comments above about how pastors will say that but just copy & paste other people I just found a sermon by MacArthur on Psalm 19 and it sounded exactly like the sermon my pastor preached a few weeks ago on Psalm 19. I bought my house and they promptly jacked up what it supposedly was worth. So what? Im sure they could help Mr Platt find a fulfilment of his dream. I dont know of any other job where an employee is granted 2 months of vacation after working for 6 months. He was preaching at this annual thing called The Northern Mens Convention in Manchester although I dont know what the subject was. Agreed, especially when the pastor who is taking money from the church would claim to be more important than those putting the money in. It would seem that Paul is drawing attention to those who perform their offices well. Moses and Joshua ministered unto the LORD; Samuel was ministering unto the LORD (trimming the lamps); Paul and Barnabas were ministering unto the LORD when the Spirit separated them unto Himself (Acts 13:2). I find it curious that those that are not Roman Catholic expect the preacher to function as the parish priest. So far they havent bothered us too much about the whole covenant signing thing, but Im concerned Whats going to happen when the new church covenant to replace the old (two churches are merging) comes in, and the push comes to get everyone to sign the new one? I don't think he has a speech impediment. If God is truly visible in our midst, we will not have to build bridges to the community; they will build them to us to get to God. Please dont tell me that Lon believes in Calvanismwould break my heart. Yes marketing is creating more customers, and increased investment in distribution helps to deliver the product and access to more markets; but a shifting of resource allocation and cost-cutting measures are needed. Actually, liberal lefty functions only as temporary place holder for me. Seminary professor. . The non-denominational fellowship had its services in I think it was the auditorium of a middle school in McLean, VA. As I recall, the teaching was Bible-based and for the most part spot on. And somebody please give me chapter and verse where it says that all these task skills need to be present in one person. Something negative about their attitude in your 10 hours of studying Gods Word to review what is involved in a. I actually need real pastoral care at some point, and i appreciate the response of many years Christ... This idea is part of what made SBC so missions and evangelism minded ( social sciences created. 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