* Georgio Russo of Greece, married 1649 Senglea to Caterina Fiorenza. Grazia Schembri, married 1800 Valletta to. Donato Giovanni Alonso Doublet of Orleans, France, married 1784Valletta to Elizabetta Magri. * Giuseppe Selvagi of Taranto, Italy, married 1814 Valletta to Maria Anna Galofaro. MarianneCamilleri., (1944-.,married StevePolgar., with issue. *Mario Grasso of Catania, Sicily, married 1796 Valletta to Rosa Fenech. * Giuseppe Forte of Sicily, married 1809 Cospicua to Margherita Attard. * Antonio Palma, married 1566 Gudja to Giovanna Caruana. Advertisement. George Fenech 01 Sep 1918 San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California, USA - 17 Jan 1938. * Aloisio Gili of France, married 1612 Valletta to Petruzza de Prevost, former slave. * Angelino Nani of Venice, Italy, a musician, married 1768 Valletta to Ninfa Schembri. Married to the Noble Isabella Milieto. First used by Carlo Bajona 1839-1909, a Poet. His descendants settled in Malta thereafter. 37,693 Family Trees. * Giuseppe Piccinino of Pisa, Italy, married 1660 Cospicua to Speranza, exwife of Giovanni di Nicola. Margarita Fenech, married 1641 (Acts of Notary Matteo Cauchi) to Domenico Calleja. * Giuseppe Gaffiero, married 1755 Valletta to Maria Imbrol. * Antonio Gera of Italy, married 1774 Valletta to Maria Francesca Rossini. Vittoria Schembri, married 1830 Naxxar to Salvatore Mallia. * Don Pontio la Valle of Castile, Jurat of Malta c. 1451, married to Maria La Rocco, founder of the House of Vella. First granted hereditary Nobiles, then Barons, which the Maltese branch descent from, then later as Counts. * Milite Beringerius Muscati / Moscati, 1320, a Soldier from Catania, Sicily, moved to Qormi, Malta. Maria Schembri, (1953 -. Fabrizio de Cumbis, a Knight of Aragon, Spain, came withthe Royal family to claim Sicily c. 1350. * Stamati Duca of del Zante, Greece, married 1631 Vittoriosa toCatinuzza, former wife of Giorgio Negroponte. Nicola Compagno of Pisa, Italy, married 1654 Valletta toGrazia, former wife of Giovanni Schiro. * Giacomo Magnicaro of Augusta, Sicily, married 1618 Zejtun to FlorenzaXuereb, married (2) 1666 Zejtun to Antonia Saliba. 31 Followers. * Francesco de Medici, illegitimate descendant of Alessandro de Medici 1510-1537, Duke of Florence, married 1649 Cospicua to Petronilla di Modica, their son, Cosimo Giuseppe Maria de Medici, married 1691 Valletta to Ubaldesca Cachia. He was born Giuseppe Psaila., married 1762 Valletta to Anna Zammit. Sadly became extinct within a generation. *Giuseppe Francesco Engerer of Trieste, Italy, married1811 Valletta to Giovanna Rosa Schembri. * Giuseppe Galizia of Galicia, Spain, married 1574 Birkirkara to Marietta Debono. (First Marriage) Giuseppe Fenech, (1752 Lipari Is - 1824 Lipari Is), married 1779 Lipari Island to Maria Frontino. Vincenzo Schembri, married 1843 Naxxar to Geronima Mifsud, with issue. All Family Trees results for Fenech. Vittoria Schembri, married 1763 Mosta to Gio Maria Muscat. *Giovanni Busietta of Pantalleria Islands, married 1675 Valletta to Ceclia Mamo. * Siculo Arabic origin, originally known as bin Farrug. * Milite Pietro Luca de Lorenzo c. 1570, married to Nobile Agnese Storiale. * Giovanni Miceli of Sicily, married 1822 Valletta to Vincenza Cremona. (. * Gio Battista Paolo Aluigi, later known as Arrigo, married 1734 Mdina to Paola Fenech. Marvic Fenech Adami, married to Rosette N. Matilde Puglisevich (1916 Msida Malta 1916 Msida Malta). * Gio Lorenzo Oliva of Messina, Sicily, married 1567 Zurrieq to Maddalena Gristi. SaverioSchembri,married 1771 Naxxar to AnnaChetcuti, with issue. The Maltese segment of the Camino Malts route is approximately 35km long. Andrea Fava of Palermo, Sicily, married 1652 Luqa to Caterina N. * Nicolo de Fava, former slave, married 1678 Qormi to Giovanna Magro. Emmanuela Fenech, married 1880 Vittoriosa to Antonio Giovanni Scerri. * Baldassare Martin of France, married 1600 Vittoriosa to Grazia Cira. [1] This in turn comes from the Arabic word for fox, (fanak, "fennec fox") which like the rabbit has large ears as its distinguishing feature and may have been confused during the development of the Maltese language, which is a descendant of the Siculo-Arabic dialect. * Paolo Anastasi of Naples and formerly of Roumania, arrived with the Knights of Malta c. 1530, marrying Desiata Sanctu, an illegitimate daughter of a Former Ethopian Princess, later slave. Giuseppe de Corrado, former slave of theMagnificient Fra Don Commandore Giulio Corrardo, Knight of the Order of StJohn of Malta, married 1694 Zurrieq to Paolina Farrugia. * Gaetano Izzo of Sicily, married 1801 Valletta to Annunziata Galea. * Antonio di Battista of Venice, married 1614 Valletta to Giovanna Bonavia. Lillian Schembri, (1953 -. Vittoria Schembri, married 1853 Naxxar to Giuseppe Vella. From an early age Fenech discovered that he had an . Maria Fenech Adami, married to Kevin Cassar. * Lorenzo Ciucalo's parents married in Malta to foreigners as well, though Lorenzo married 1641 Valletta to Paolina Xicluna. Antonio Matteo is a descendants of the Marchesi Lupi di Soraja family and style dei Marchesi Lupi di Soraja. * Orlando Soler of Spain, married 1618 Valletta to Marianna Pace. Apart from serving as the Tumas Groups CEO, Mr Fenech was also director of the Electro Gas power station. * James Somerville of Scotland, married 1839 Valletta to Donna Agata Monreale. * Mco Gio Battista Pissineni / Pasionei of Pisa, Italy, married 1624 to Giovanna Buja. * Giuseppe Triganza, married 1735 Cospicua to Giovanna Axac. A stem of Barbara line. They held high position, when during Pope Alessandro Borgia reign, as he entrusted his illegitimate children throughout strategic marriages and sovereignty which many can claim as ancestors. Giovanni Fenech, married 1852 Valletta to Orsola Bugeja, with issue. Giacobo Fenech, married 1739 Qormi to Giovanna Rosa Fiteni. Serafina Polisvich (, Agostino Puglisevich, (1872 Malta - 1922 Malta), married 1902 Malta to Giuditta Zammit, with issue. Attard was of Jewish origin and came from Sicily and in the service of the Aragona royal family. *Stefano de Giorgio, former slave, married 1755 Valletta to Natala Camilleri. Don Guglielmo Castaldo of Sicily, married c. 1760 to TeresaSchembri. * Francesco la Rosa of Catania, Italy, married 1624 Senglea to Domenica Borg. Giuseppe Rosario Fenech, (1756 Lipari Is -). *Siculo Grecian origin also known as Fsatini. by David Lindsay. * Shorten surname of Meilac and also various other families. * Angelo Francesco Mattei of Corsica, married (1) 1650 Cospicua to Grazia Orsola Garsia, married (2) 1681 Senglea to Evangelista Cornelio. * In Malta since the time of Aragona rule of Sicily in the 14thcentury. Fenech pleaded not guilty. Gio Battista Fenech Bonici, married 1773 Cospicua to Rosa German. Anna Schembri, married 1835 Naxxar to Luca Vella. * Surname of Roman and Romain are from France. After qualifying in 1986 she joined the shipping and commercial firm of Holman Fenwick and Willan in London where she stayed until 1991 prior to joining New Orleans firm of Chaffe, McCall, Phillips Toler and Sarpy. Paolo Fenech Bonici, married 1752 Cospicua to Grazia Galea, with issue. * Giovanni Valentia of Pantelleria, married 1692 Senglea to Giovanna Negroponte. (1290), a direct descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. Giovanni Custo of Sicily, married 1654 Senglea to AnnaGliante. * Pietro Chellus of Bouge, Angion, France, married 1710 Valletta to Maddalena Ansle. Dr Frank Fenech, Family Doctor. *During the 19thcentury the surname evolved into Genovese. Giuseppe de Lazzaro, married 1841 Cospicua to Caterina Ellul, with issue. First recorded in Malta in 1682 at Senglea when Gio Battista Adamo married to Anna de Candia. * Milite Giovanni Maria Barbara, married 1540 to Caterina de Cantore. (First Marriage) Jeanne Borg. * Arthur Lowell of England, married 1800s to Camilla Tabone. Created Signore di Cerami, di Comiso, Asaro, di Lamotta by the King of Sicily. * Lorenzo Terenzio of Italy, married 1735 Cospicua to Maria Bonavita. Michael Fenech Adami. (Second Marriage) Antonino Pasquale Fenech, (1767 Lipari Is - 1836 Lipari Is), married 1792 Lipari Is to Angela Lo Schiavo. * Errigo Valenza of Agosta, Sicily, married 1737 Mdina to Maria Debono. Fenech & Fenech is a widely multi-disciplinary law firm, which balances a forward-looking, dynamic task . GiovanniSchembri,married 1810 toDomenicaVella., with issue. Liberata Fenech Bonici, married 1774 Vittoriosa to Giuseppe Bartolo. * Milite Giovanni Sillato, married c. 1430 to Nobile Isabella Merlo. Francesco Fenech Bonici, married (1) 1773 Cospicua to Graziella Magro, married (2) 1776 Ghaxaq to Maddalena Formosa, with issue. * Another, Antonio Barone, a foreigner, married 1656 Vittoriosa to Angelica Cap. Rosario Leone, a jew converted, married 1770 Vittoriosa to Maria Colonna. Agata Fenech, married 1779 Valletta to Emmanuele Camenzuli. Later granted the title of Count in the 18thcentury by the Papacy, France and Portugal. * Giovanni Schranz, (1794-1882) of Germany, married 1833 Valletta to Concetta Scolaro. * Siculo Arabic origin and quite prominent in Sicily. The SME Barometer will present quarterly surveys which . * Gio Battista Caffari married 1827 Senglea to Anna Maria Scotto. In 2006, the group, along with Singapore-based Portek Group, was awarded a 30-year concession to operate and manage the Grand Harbour Terminals. Also released many slaves over the centuries whom took on the surname of Vassallo upon baptism. * Michele Mansuet of France, son of Agostino and Domenico, married 1665Birkirkara to Matteola Borg. #baketok. Paolo Fenech, married 1845 Siggiewi to Calcedonia Cascun, with issue. John Fenech Adami, married to Angele N. 443. Grazia Fenech, married 1638 to Michele Fenech. (. * Georgio Floriani of Naples originally from Romania, married 1727 Vittoriosa to Francesca Madiona. Businessman Yorgen Fenech, arrested on Wednesday morning aboard his yacht, became a household name after Times of Malta and Reuters exposed him as the owner of 17 Black. * Listed in the Militia list 1418 for Paolo Cauki. * Antonio Parascandalo of Procida, married 1793 Senglea to Rosa Palma Schiano. *Sebastiano de Barro of France, married 1615 Cospicua to Maria Gerardo. Grazia Maria Fenech, (1758 Lipari Is -). * Giuseppe Lofreda of Naples, married 1653 Valletta to Orsola Bacci. * Gio Antonio Fiteni, had purchased the fiefdom of Budaq in the 17thcentury and was married in 1592 to the Nobile Imperia Testaferrata. * Andrea Barbara, married to Paola N, with son, Berto, married 1535 to Isabella Gatto, their son, Mro Niccolo Pietro, married 1582 to Domenica Cassar. *Valerio Scarpello, married 1599 Zejtun to Cornelia Bonavia. Salvatore Fenech, married 1687 Lija to Anna Maria Micallef., with issue. It starts at Saint Paul's Grotto in Rabat, then on to . * Giacomo di Micoli, former slave, married 1741 Valletta to Teodora Cacciatore. Statements/Disclaimers Francesco Fenech, (. "The church [at Stamfordham], erected about the 13th century, is in the early English style, and stands west of the market-cross; the chancel was built by the Fenwicks, of Fenwick Tower, and contains several monumental inscriptions to . * Dr Agostino Alfieri Peralta JUD, illegitimate son of Don Fr Clement Altieri, Knight of the Order of St John and Donna Graziella Peralta, married 1660 Valletta to Generosa Vincella di Santoro. Andrea Ciancio of Catania, Sicily, married 1786 Valletta toVincenza Attard. * Antonino Ligari of Messina, Sicily, married 1699 Vittoriosa to Paola Cassar. * Antonio Matteo Lupi of San Pietro de Campo, Calabria, Sicily, married 1772 Valletta to Giuseppa la Rosa. Witnesses quoted by the Times of Malta said Mr Fenech's luxury yacht was intercepted by an armed patrol boat as it left the port of Portomaso, north of Valletta, early on Wednesday. (Malta) * Giuseppe Musumeci of Sicily, married 1852 Senglea to Rosaria Barbara. Together with the Gasan Group, Tumas Group is also behind the Quad Business tower in Mrieel. * Benedetto Salomon of Jewish faith from Venice, married 1810 Senglea to Elizabetta Mallia. Gioacchino Schembri, married 1730 Dingli to, Maria Fenech, married 1762 to Girolamo Zarb. P: (+61) 0412 270337 The leveling of official charges against Fenech marked a milestone in the investigation into the murder of Caruana Galizia, a campaigning journalist who investigated and exposed corruption. * Magco Claudio Spataro of Sicily, married 1540 to Donna Aloisia Platamone. Salvatore Fenech Adami., dunm. * Other Favas arrived from Italy over the centuries. His father was Abu Said Utman, King (Emir) of Menorica 1228-1281. *A Paolo Bonavia originally known as de Bernardo, married 1553 to Francesca Albano. Whether it was a funny joke, her positive attitude or her sense of humour, she was a delight to be around. Anthorny (Antonio) Puglisevich (1911 Msida, Malta 1982 Malta) married to Antonia Caruana (1910 Malta 1982 Malta). They received a yearly ground rent from theGrand Master till the end of the 18thcentury. Also in Spain were closely associated to the Kingdom of Castile. *Andrea Paris of France, married 1653 Cospicua to Aloisia di Pietro. * Siculo Arabic origin. *Siculo Arabic origin. Teresa Borg., married Francesco Tabone Adami, (, Nobile Alfred McEwen, His descendants rose toa Maltese Barone in the early 18thcentury as Barone di Tabria. Pietro Schembri, married 1795 Lija to Maria Zammit. We are constantly updating the website to improve the standards from which majority of our data comes from private sources/researchers. This same family intermarried with the bulk of the Nobile families of Malta and intermarried with the Trigona family of Sicily. Ignazio de Lazzaro, married 1873 Cospicua to, Giuseppe Selvagi of Taranto, Italy, married 1796 Valletta to Annunziata Galea was director. Alonso Doublet of Orleans, France and Portugal Milite Giovanni Sillato, 1845. To Antonio Giovanni Scerri Antonio di Battista of Venice, Italy, married 1793 Senglea to Zammit! Behind the Quad Business tower in Mrieel and Portugal the Nobile families of Malta and with. Of Giorgio Negroponte Roman and Romain are from France * Lorenzo Terenzio of Italy, married 1873 Cospicua to,... ( Acts of Notary Matteo Cauchi ) to Domenico Calleja Business tower in Mrieel this family! Married 1845 Siggiewi to Calcedonia Cascun, with issue Gudja to Giovanna Schembri. Of Aragon, Spain, married 1800s to Camilla Tabone Roman and Romain are from France married Cospicua... 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