Sandie Brindley of RCS will be on the Radio Scotland 12:00 lunchtime programme to comment on the Spectator case. 11 February, 2021 at 1:14 pm Ok so the evidence can be published and as long as no one outs themself we can proceed on the basis no one is identified? In May 2020 Scottish prosecutors charged journalist Mark Hirst for comments he made arising from the Alex Salmond trial. I have never been a willing participant in Alex Salmonds advances towards me, and never will be.. Jennifer Robertson, a former aide to Alex. Elected politicians only should speak to the public the advisers should be greatly reduced and silenced. Ha Ha thats how fkn stupid this whole set up is you would need a bloody good memory to figure out the moves in this Machiavellian tragedy or balls up whatever suits the description. Is he related to Dominic Cummings? 1. What a stupid, pathetic, feckless piece of trolling you inflict upon others with your baseless Alex Salmond jibe. ALISON Youre right and also never underestimate in this debacle its not even a double cross more like a heptagon cross! 11 February, 2021 at 10:13 am Im not a SNP member, and I thought I was contributing, not to party funds, but to a separate fund. On the list, 35% of men voted for the SNP, but only 27% of women. Dont make the mistake of thinking nobody will notice you doing this. Almost certainly Police Scotland will allocate it to a special unit to deal with. @eileencarson it is Jennifer Dempsie, as was then, now Mrs Angus Robertson. Why didnt the Parliament petition the court themselves on the basis that the current order is hindering their inquiries into what went wrong? The 33-year-old . Backstabbing briefings and furious outbursts. Sir, - Since the Holyrood election we have had a host of correspondents banging on about respecting the will of the Scottish people. Her own reputation may already have been tarnished beyond recovery and the Tories now think she is a big asset to them because she is so unpopular on the doorsteps. Keep on pointing them out please and be cool with allies from anywhere. If they did, they would not have put their (fake) names to a document which tells those women that the legal system will not protect them. Makes you wonder why they got her involved in the first place if she was never that capable?, Sturgeons spokesperson says: Its time to take this stuff out of the murky world of the blogosphere and subject these conspiracy theories to proper scrutiny, under oath, in parliament and thats what the First Minister will be doing in parliament next week.. She cant possibly lead the party into the next election, whether thats Holyrood or Westminster. Will Mr Aberdein be accusing Alex of sexual harassment. jennifer dempsie alex salmond. Spectator Case Clancy says if the court can take an early lunch break so he can take further instructions. The minister said: This would not be a good time for us to face an election.. This is what the Fabiani Farce is really all about. Man tells court the woman was at private dinner at Bute House with him and Alex Salmond. Highland Coast Hotels are recruiting 50 new staff, EXCLUSIVE: Aberdeens ongoing concerns over Scottish Cup tie fan experience but Darvel chief promises fantastic view, North-east MSP wants to 'explore' allowing children as young as eight to change gender, Who even asked them to do this? It is understood the Spectator will argue there is a strong public interest in disclosure under article 10 of the European convention on human rights, given the significance of Salmonds allegations about Sturgeons government and party, @mac Interesting tweet from Tompkins MSP (Con) today,, BREAKING Poor Alex, surrounded by that lot. Can someone clarify for the hard of thinking. He is in the position John Swinney was in, so I think he would be the natural person if John Swinney is not going to put himself forward again., BUT would he want to go for the job, since he has suggested privately he is not interested? It will be moderately prestigious in keeping with the modest international significance of Scotland. They obviously feel the trap was not successful the first time, so they are trying for a second time. There is every likelyhood, that once one complaint is made, many more will follow, and it will in effect become the equivalent of a class action. SHOCK. Re the Spectator trial today, be Lady Dorian does her usual no ruling any time soon. Liz Lloyd in this photo who did she work for at this point in time? It comes after Jennifer Dempsie, a former aide to Alex. (More), Stats: Yes had been behind by 18 points in February but now, with days to go, the same pollster put Yes two ahead. I didnt contribute myself as it was obvious theyd no intention of pursuing independence. Sounds like a campaigning video, with a very firm attack on the nonsense Growth Commission. The 33-year-old, a special adviser to Mr Salmond when he was First Minister, has been at the centre of claims of cronyism after the festival was awarded 150,000 in taxpayers cash. The 33-year-old was once known as 'Mrs Message' in recognition of her PR acumen during the referendum campaign. More importantly, how do they prove you are! she will be a source of great pride for wee Scotland. Her judgment is in serious doubt. It will be a tough act to follow, but if selected, I believe my experience at Holyrood, the Scottish Government, and as an advisor to the former first minister as well as working in PR and journalism in the private sector, willstand me in good stead to deliver on the priorities of the people of Aberdeenshire East.. Penny Mordaunt is wrong to lecture the Church of England on gay marriage. For long stretches [], Snow question: Europes most reliable ski resorts, Rishi Sunak should welcome lively MPs, not shun them. Its all become too complex, hasnt it. Wouldnt it kill 2 birds with one stone if one of the Committee invite Alex Salmond in to join when Nicola being questioned with nothing to hide as we are so often told, then Im sure Nicola wouldnt mind clearing this all up in a oner. Totally lost now, like what is even the formal point of it? Stuart MacDonald, Michelle Thompson, David McKay, Joanna Cherry, Neale Hanvey. The wife of the SNP's Westminster leader has gone into business with a disgraced politician and is boasting of the contacts in her "little black book".Jennifer Robertson, a former aide to . Then again, the SNPs signature policy independence is a radical proposal that also frightens some people. I guess youd need to know what the event was to know the answer. I believe they both accompanied AS at the meeting at NS house on 2nd April 2018. JC posted that herself and was pleased to do so. In one source, this is even tied to previous innuendo of 'links between Alex Salmond and media baron Rupert Murdoch, as well as businesspeople like Donald Trump and Ineos . Was Jennifer Dempsie not the one who had set her sights on Salmond in a romantic sense but then ended up with sloppy seconds Robertson. SOME in the party even admit that the explosive row between the two heavyweights of the Nationalist movement is threatening to tear their party apart. Me being dopey again, I thought it was an actual physical think, Greek Orthodox style. Some activists visiting Aberdeen might also ask themselves why this party of fairness and justice has allowed Jennifer Dempsie, the PR specialist at the heart of the T in the Park imbroglio, to. In the case of more negative or problematic articles, she will often set off her top attack dogs led by chief of staff Liz Lloyd, a confrontational Geordie who is Miss Sturgeons loudest defender to dispute the story and try to ensure no other media, particularly the BBC or the Press Association news agency, decide to follow it up. what is the actual proper remit of the committee? Cyberbully. Why didnt the Parliament petition the court themselves on the basis that the current order is hindering their inquiries into what went wrong? Monday started like any other day inside the austere headquarters of the Scottish Government at St Andrews House in Edinburgh, as a civil servant handed the First Minister her early morning news digest summarising the stories in the media that day. @robertknight; Well done, sir; you are joining the dots. Its high level and theres nothing obviously incorrect except the claim of Sturgeon that Salmond tries to get her to drop the investigation. Mr Sillars said: She has not handled it well at all. . The Stuart Nicolson photo is a photo of the group of Spads that worked for Salmond, at the point of his departure in 2014, including a few who had moved on during Salmonds tenure. I have seen this repeatedly in the questioning at the Inquiry. I have been honoured to have received lots of lovely support and made many new friends along the way, of which I am very thankful. People need to be VERY careful what they say at this point in time unless money to pay QCs hourly rates is of no object to them. As a former SNP candidate in a target seat and indeed a long time on the NEC it is getting embarrassing. Nicola is certainly fully on board with the Blair/Campbell/Tory neocon,US dominated policies represented by the aforementioned illuminati and I am pretty sure that how ever this whole fiasco falls, she will be appointed to some sinecure of international significance, possibly connected to UN, or some prestigious international org. But the downside is that theyre also conservative. I said 3-4% was realistic, but Scottish Skier thought 0-1% was just as likely. Disgusting. And one source in the party said that a lot of people would want him back but admitted that might be problematic for Miss Sturgeon. Alex Salmond Nicola Sturgeon: Precedit bi: Alex Salmond: Succeedit bi: Ian Blackford: SNP Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs; In office 10 May 2001 - 30 March 2015: Leader: Alex Salmond: . A former aide to Alex Salmond has revealed that she has decided against standing to become an MSP for the Highlands and islands. But the strongly worded attacks angered some within the party who think it plays into the hands of their opponents and makes it impossible to make the party look united. Jennifer, another ex-journalist, is now a lobbyist, helping to secure meetings for her clients with SNP ministers [11]. Jennifer Dempsie was planning to stand for the SNP at next years Holyrood elections but yesterday announced that she will not be standing. So Tories, Labour and SNP have/had ex Daily Mail advisors,,perception-is-everything-how-politicians-public-servants-and-corporate-bosses-learn-the-art-of-spin_8551.htm. Weve already had a court say the original process was unlawful. If you doubt that then ask Craig Murray. Nicola Sturgeon led the congratulations after the couple posted a picture of themselves on social media. He cooperated with Labour and Liberal Democrat politicians in Scotland to produce a shared plan for devolution and was a prominent and articulate campaigner in the successful 1997 referendum to establish a Scottish Parliament, with limited tax-levying powers but virtually complete control over Scotland's legislation and public services. Nicola Sturgeon says Ms Hyslop acted appropriately but public spending watchdog Audit Scotland is to investigate. Especially Derek MacKay being touted as leader so soon before his fall from grace. find off-putting , more focus on health and education (both subject to major SNP pushes in 2007) and so on. They want Nicola to have the last word because the last words are remembered. He regularly used to explode when confronted by negative newspaper headlines. Who are ya.. Who are ya.. Whos that behind the mask?. speaks for the sake of it but nothing of substance. I know there are resources out there but is what you are doing able to help me choose cards better? You are on the verge of identifying one of the alphabet women and unless you actually work for the Scottish MSM you run the very real risk of being charged with contempt of court. On 27 February, project manager Jennifer Dempsie - who had previously worked as an adviser for former first minister Alex Salmond - first contacted the office of Culture Secretary Fiona. A certain senior official had thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money spent on lawyers getting her out of it by trying to pre-determine what questions she could be asked, while Alex Salmond has been "invited" to appear, but literally threatened with imprisonment if he turns up and tells the truth. Privately, some in the Government also worry about losing their grip on Scottish politics at the next election and dread the prospect of one coming along before 2021. Robert, you are right on all counts. 2. Salmond was leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP), on two occasions, from 1990 to 2000 and from 2004 . Then again you might be staunch Nicola. So the SNP/SG have got a former political editor of the Daily Mail AND Murray Foote of The Vow fame working for them? I look forward to hitting the campaign trail with fellow SNP members to help re-elect Nicola Sturgeon as First Minister and return an SNP Government., However, I have realised that there is still more I want to achieve in my career in business with some exciting new opportunities arising. @DreamBrut @Sylivia There are at least 3 plotters/accusers. They try again eventually. Thought this was going to be about the position of Special Advisers in the Ministerial Code. 'CYBERNAT' is fast becoming the byword for the kind of troll every political party could well do without, writes Jennifer Dempsie Cybernat. Bald small man syndrome? Political editor of the Scottish Daily Mail, a paper that just loves the thought of an independent Scotland, and now hes Sturgeons Special Advisor. for months that year but just not sure, SPADS expenses etc 2020 Whats a heptagon cross, sounds interesting. wins its legal challenge over Salmond trial court orders: Lady Dorrian to vary an order which now allows Salmond and Geoff Aberdein evidence to be published. There is a huge choice. let down by the courts/legal system has two purposes: 1) garner sympathy from women, #metoos in particular and 2) make it look like Salmond got away with it. She helped run several election campaigns, was public relations manager for the pro-independence Yes campaign in the run-up to last years referendum, and is a former associate director at global communications agency Weber Shandwick. I contributed. I had her sussed in 2016 and Im not even close to any of them, so how did he miss the warning signs? Suddenly, from being a friendly place full of laid back people, some eccentrics and oddballs and having an almost family feel to it, it seemed to be rammed full of young people in sharp suits and management consultancy types. At this point, SNP headquarters code for Murrell and businessman Mark Shaw was effectively running the show, I might be wrong. Courage, of the leaders and people at the time of declaring independence; And to think, not so long ago, people were asking questions why the SNP wasnt giving a leg up to Scotlands indigenous new media. Are the press allowed to name either the victim or the alleged perpetrator given the case has no relevance to a previous case they may or may not have been involved in ? Well done again Stu no wonder your blog has the highest numbers and best ratings. Its not hard to guess where the ring fenced moneys gone. Whats a heptagon cross, sounds interesting. Is there any hope this depressing shit show will be over any time soon? Theres something very unnatural about Aberdeins front leg and the hand on his shoulder is very clumsily edited. In 1999 Duncan Hamilton had a brief encounter with Jane Smith (daughter of the late Labour leader). Roll on Holyrood 2011. I have been racking my brains to think of the names because I knew you would ask. jennifer dempsie alex salmond December 14, 2021 in guinness surger uk All this was facilitated by Jennifer Dempsie, lobbying for DF Concerts, but who happens to be an ex-Alex Salmond advisor who worked for the SNP and Yes Scotland, as well as partner of Angus Robertson MP - leader of the SNP Westminster group. Theyre a dirty bunch Mr Wings. You know, the one that cracked after seeing your Addams-Family-Uncle-Fester visog so often. The committee is duty-bound to do all it can to get to the reasons why the Scottish Governments procedures were so badly flawed and why the women involved were so badly failed to do so, we must have all the evidence available and the chance to question Mr Salmond.. So it takes chutzpah for some wee nyaff to pipe up off camera, of course and try to goad a committee that his employer has obstructed every last step of its way into the farcical, futile situation of forcing someone to appear but not letting them talk about any of the relevant facts on pain of prosecution by the massivelycompromised monstrosity and all-round offence against human decency and justice that is the Crown Office. Her conclusions and recommendations are hardly surprising: more women in high-profile positions, a softening of language and the political rhetoric that many women (and men!) Before, we had people who were part of a team with one leader. Yes, regarding Robertson the Odious, allegedly he wasnt a very nice guy re his first wife. One minister admitted to this being a low point for the party and said that an early general election or an early Holyrood vote called as a result of failing to pass the Budget would cause serious problems. By Democrat reporter SNP ministers have been branded "a joke" and accused of "running down @spectator Last year he married Alex Salmond's former aide Jennifer Dempsie, whose own career in politics was derailed by the row over a Scottish Government grant to the T In The Park music festival. All carefully choreographed which means theyre all equally guilty and due for a long rest away from the slimelight. Personally, I was ambivalent on the policy there are pros and cons to staying in NATO, especially when the other small independent countries around you are members, and there was still a commitment to rid Scotland of Trident. Last week, a group of opposition MSPs united to write a joint letter to the culture committee urging Ms Hyslop to be called to give evidence on the award. The alarm bells should be ringing.. Because the Parliament is a majority SNP by way of the Greens, as is the committee of the inquiry, they would never do anything to jeopordise their role. Mr Salmond will stand down as Aberdeenshire East MSP next year following his election as the MP for Gordon in May. One senior SNP politician said: Youve got people in the party showing clear sympathies to either party. This site will be watched, make no mistake about that. . Coincidentally the only pro-independence party so far proposing an independence plebiscite at this Mays election is Solidarity. Now Mark is taking action against Scotlands prosecuting authority, the Crown Office by bringing a malicious prosecution case against Jennifer Dempsie, a special adviser to Mr Salmond when he. And 11,915 has been raised so far , so if anyone can spare any money in these difficult times please do so as this is a very important case for all of us who believe in freedom of speech in Scotland . Would you say he cheating on his wife Jennifer Dempsey? Could someone give details and a name check for that photo? Whatever you want to call it,. Its not abundantly clear to me what it is. He was never sexually unfaithful to Moira.. So when Angus Robertson had the affair 2014/2015 with another woman. But I don't have to worry about saying goodbye. Jennifer Dempsie (m. 2016) Alma mater: University of Aberdeen: Wabsteid: Official website: Cant see Lady Dorian agreeing to that. It would be bliss, never to see that gawping avatar or reads those life-sapping words ever again. Alexander Elliot Anderson Salmond (/ s m n d /; born 31 December 1954) is a Scottish politician and economist who served as First Minister of Scotland from 2007 to 2014. She will return triumphantly to Holyrood to address the assembly of wee people that still gather there, rather forlornly, eager faced an hopeful. So for me, its either staggering naivety or he had a wee plan cooked up himself which has backfired badly. Hearing ends. The men standing behind AS, JD and LL have impossibly small heads in comparison to their feet and the man on the right of the back row looks as if he is hovering above the floor. The decision to award the 150,000 grant has been mired in controversy after it emerged a former aide to Alex Salmond set up the crucial meeting between Ms Hyslop and the festival organisers. We see Scot Gov now no better than Westminster, sadly. Never judge a book by its cover shes even more odious than Robertson, well suited. The sooner theyre booted out of Holyrood, the better. He could not remember if any of the guests were carrying any injuries, and could not say whether any guest was drunk. There are now a lot of different people from different backgrounds with different views, one SNP politician said. If I can see the current situation is legally farcical, then Im sure a Judge will too. Some interesting faces. 11 February, 2021 at 12:50 pm. On a normal day, that provokes little more than gentle discussions with her inner circle about how to react to any developing stories. Would you say he cheating on his wife Jennifer Dempsey? Suppose it could, crikey I sat opposite him The 33-year-old said last night that it was a great honour to have been encouraged by colleagues to throw her hat in the ring for nomination, but that it would be a tough act to follow for whoever gets the chance. On the list, 35% of men voted for the SNP, but only 27% of women. Jennifer Dempsie announced that she will no longer bid to become an MSP, Sturgeon stands by her threat to veto new tax powers, David Cameron faces fresh pressure to quit after tight Scottish referendum, Cameron warned against blocking a second independence poll, SNP fury at drone attack snub, but Sturgeon was told, Political rivals unite to condemn lack of action on migrant crisis. Etc 2020 Whats a heptagon cross, sounds interesting mr Sillars said: she has not handled well. As the MP for Gordon in May 2020 Scottish prosecutors charged journalist Mark Hirst comments! Getting embarrassing they prove you are doing able to help me choose cards better its. Nicola Sturgeon says Ms Hyslop acted appropriately but public spending watchdog Audit Scotland to! So for me, its either staggering naivety or he had a brief encounter with Jane Smith ( of... 35 % of men voted for the SNP, but Scottish Skier jennifer dempsie alex salmond. 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And Alex Salmond secure meetings for her clients with SNP ministers [ 11 ] even more than! The highest numbers and best ratings headquarters Code for Murrell and businessman Mark Shaw was effectively the... A very firm attack on the basis that the current order is hindering their inquiries into what wrong! Running the show, https: //, perception-is-everything-how-politicians-public-servants-and-corporate-bosses-learn-the-art-of-spin_8551.htm their inquiries into what went wrong ; you are able. The congratulations after the couple posted a picture of themselves on the basis that the current situation is farcical...