For a moment, the picture pulled her attention away from the meeting, and she focused briefly on the day the ward Primary had gone to Palmyra to enjoy the sacred feeling of the temple grounds. Spending too much time in meetings not only keep you away from your most important duty, your family, but it also wears on the people serving to the point they hope they are not in presidencies anymore. He comes to ward council meeting prepared to suggest ways members can improve learning and teaching at church and in their homes.. Russia Yekaterinburg Mission This is not just participation in decision making. See more ideas about spiritual thoughts, church quotes, lds quotes. I have generally been involved in music and managed to avoid lengthy council meetings. Theres nothing more distracting than a smartphone or tablet. The three things I cant stand most about meetings are: We arent saving souls by spending 3 hours listening to 10 return missionaries at HC meeting. It should be a testimony, not a travel log. I have been in Presidencies and the secretary. Mormon Beliefs and Teachings. Nobody has time to pre-brainstorm because (1) nobody plans that far in advance, (2) they actually believe that the Ward Council is the meeting where this takes place. Yet in some ways, this idea wasnt the success the bishop had hoped for. Seems to me the article reflects the authers personal standards and that they want them to be church standards. The Relief Society president represents the women in the ward over the age of 18. Unless the organizations have their own presidency meetings, leaders will bring out to the ward council ANY problem they have related with their calling. So, by virtue of one of my callings, I visit wards throughout the local stakes and am often invited to sit in on ward council meetings. Mainly because many of us use our phones and/or tablets for calendars and such. When I say meeting I am not referringto any meetings in the 3 hour block. He didnt just tell us what to do but stressed a council mentality and discussion. (3) when people in the meeting start contributing comments that arent really relevant or are just FYI-type items rather than what were in the meeting for. I love everything our stake president does, which are pretty much what you have mentioned here. I love to delegate also! This gave the children courage to move forward. The oft-used Cheshire Cat quotation comes to mind: Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here? We need to challenge the status quo. And hold people accountable! I agree. Assisted by his counselors, he helps the presidency of the Aaronic Priesthood (bishopric) and oversees the Scouting program where its available. If there isn't/wasn't then you haven't made it to happily ever after. I am excited to hear of your success with your approach. Id like to reach out to you all and invite ideas of how we can help others implement these principles. 2012, 3033. Sometimes a person has been placed in a position that is designed to stretch them, they will be in above their heads and thats by design. Tons of Coal; FORGIVING. Some came prepared, most did and exceptionally so but those that didnt could tell they were missing out on a very spiritual moment. There are still those that are hanging onto tradition, however, After this next generation, I think itll be gone. "The laughter of the world is merely loneliness pathetically trying to reassure itself.". Why Work Doesnt Happen at Workby Jason Fried, A Look At MeetingsProductivityist Podcast. No Downloading Information: Dont inform for the sake of informing. Especially if there isnt an agenda. Ha haIm a bishop actually. I have served in just about every calling.Temple leadershipMission Presidency, Stake Presidency, Bishop, HPGL, all of that. Cheshire Cat: Then it doesnt matter which way you go. 4 min. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Again go visit a Toastmasters Meeting! Whether you are new at running a ward council, or new at running a ward council where ministering is the focus, here are some great insights that may make it easier to navigate a successful ward council with a common vision for the ward. The bottom line leaders needs to be sensitive to the time demands on members, have an agenda and run meetings as efficiently as possible, and follow the Spirit. Everyone will feel obligated to say something and that doesnt help to keep the meeting under 60 minutes. The bishop always presided but shifted conducting duties to his counselors, who led all discussion and training. Sometimes I think we forget that we are all Brothers and Sisters with lots of faults, warts, weaknesses, and imperfections! The primary work of the ward council takes place in living rooms where tears are shared and dried, and testimony is borne. All of my bishopric meeting was run through Google Docs. Lets treat each other with love and kindness and understanding. Not every meeting can be like that, so by all means, feel free to wrap things up at the designated time if the Spirit does not compel you to continue. If the church leaders would wake up and admit, IT IS I! Power lines were down. This is a last-case action but provides for the key holder to train new council member in the rules of engagement, helping them learn to participate and operate in the desired ward council paradigm. Thats just an idea that really helped us to have more effective meetings. Brainstorming can deplete chunks of time from the meeting agenda. Too many times only the President attends these meetings. Except for a year off for good behavior to teach Primary, I have been participating in ward leadership meetings every Sunday morning for the past twenty-five years. The presiding authority or the conductor should cut it off politely and reconduct the meeting. From Battlefield to Mission Field; The Faith of a Child; FATHERHOOD. I cant imagine sitting through a 3 hour branch coordination. Soon after his call, he shared with me one day how different the feeling is to be a counselor to a presiding authority as opposed to being the presiding authority. This is nice encouragement for those holding 3 hour meetings (you should be ashamed), but in reality there is no meeting that needs to go longer than 60 minutes. Its not exactly their fault if they dont know how to conduct a meeting. We can offer positive suggestions and ideas. But he doesnt have to receive every jot and tittle of the revelation., Your email address will not be published. They were happy to have music . While Church leaders have not addressed Halloween in particular, they have addressed some Satanic practices associated with this time of year. Our Stake President wisely counselled our presidency when we were set apart to not be bound by the traditions of how things have been done in the past. If you do not think that, Lord is it I?..look around the crowded room where everyone is smashed togetherhot, and uncomfortable. Some could argue that it is part of return and report. Or they are afraid to step outside the BOX! I can truly say that the impact to our family life by this calling has been minimal. RE: HC If you have more than six missionaries reporting their missions in the same week (ten minutes per missionary), it is probably time to split your stake. They work together in love to serve and strengthen individuals and families in the ward or branch. I have been in 8 hour meetings in a business setting where every minute was used effectively and set expectations and approaches in a way that guided everything the team did. All were covered with wasp stings. The bishop may also ask him to help follow up with ward council members on their assignments. If you need help with not getting carried away in a meeting, your next meeting should have a kitchen timer present. You will see how to run effective meetings! She did not remind me, and knowing her, she would have attended our meeting. You can run ANY meeting in the world in an hour, if you know what youre doing. One statement that was never uttered in the School of the Prophets, Oh, sorry, I thought I put this on silent.. Ugh, meetings. GOSSIPING. It will also remind the group members to complete assignments previously made. They also discuss the annual budget requirements that will be required to run a scout troop. Planning takes place outside of the meeting. I had a good friend that was released as a bishop because he was called to his stake presidency. Our church Members and Leaders come from all different walks of life and life experiences. We have working sessions while planning cultural arts events that require a lot of creativity, sharing of peoples experience, planning, and task assignment that can easily run to 2 hours, but result in an enthused group ready to pitch in and execute. They love to micro-manage everything! I detest meetings where there are no agendas. I note several spelling errors Please forgive them. Organizations had not been doing regular visits, despite repeated requests, invitations, etc., so he decided to own it at the ward council level while believing that it should have been owned by each organization. I have a problem with calling everything a meeting. Within the Clasp of Your Arms; FAST OFFERINGS. I agree whole heartedly with what you state here: The mind can only take in what the seat can endure. I believe it 100%. Required fields are marked *. I perceive the following mistakes as some of the main reasons: In time, the Bishop asked his counselors to have one-on-one discussions with ward council members to receive their candid feedback on the ward council meeting, specifically: One hundred percent of the responses were right in line with what he had hoped for: by this time, council members really wanted to spend meeting time discussing the progress of individuals and families. We have lots of technology that never seems to get used in the church. Yes we have tried conference calls but all agree it is not the same spirit. So, assume the bishop is misguided until he confirms a final decision. Of all the councils and committees in the Church, I believe the ward council can have the greatest impact in helping our Fathers children.1. I have also sat through high council meetings that were 1 1/2 hours long and wondered where the time went. We can choose to be miserable and unhappy or change our attitude and praise and uplift and encourage. IF everyone is prepared it works very very well and everyone is happy! I no longer have to carry around loads of materials like a bag lady. Spiritual Thoughts and Heavenly Actions Spiritual Thoughts and Heavenly Actions A source for all things spiritually up lifting. There are lots of great books, magazine articles, websites, talks, speeches, organizations, seminars, workshops, classes out there on preparing for meetings, holding effective meetings, evaluating overall meeting effectiveness, and becoming a great leader. When we hold Stake PEC (high council), most of our high councilors drive from 30 to 75 minutes to be there. It felt like we had to decide as a committee how to respond to each email in his inbox. President Hinckley apparently was really big on being super on time. maybe, but it seems to me that were seeing this kind of thinking more and more. Her perspective will be beneficial when the ward council is considering an issue that affects the children of the ward. Same meeting, same prayer and someone else struggles with it for several minutes. I have been in several church positions where the leader doesnt see a need to hold any church meetings. Points well made. Rule 8 Do not establish unbreakable rules of Church meetings by doing so you may limit or constrain the Spirit; we should allow the Lord to direct us in our meetings through the Spirit. The current pattern has certainly been by a unanimous choice/preference of those participating. #3 No administration allowed is a good thing to strive for, but it only works if the admin is actually accomplished outside of the meeting. The leader needs to instruct the secretary, several days in advance, as to what should should be on the agenda and then the secretary can send the agenda out by e-mail, mail or whatever. If you cant help but go over the 1 hour mark, then you need more discipline through a timer. As bishop, he could cancel any meeting on a whim. I have been at Church all day. 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. One thing we wrestle with is it takes 60 minutes to get to the meeting, and 60 minutes to drive home from the meeting (literally). Rifling through papers is inefficient and time consuming. Many people read and apply and others dont for whatever reasons. The bishop replied to his ward member that he did not have a watch with him the night before, but he knew he wouldn't need one. If few want to show up, it isnt a problem with those absent,its a problem with your leadership. We expect perfect church meetings! If these are indeed rules not to be brokenwhy dont we see them spelled out as such in the handbook? Do whateverworks for you, as long as those attending the meeting know what will be discussed and have time prior to the meeting to process the information. After everyone had been cared for, the leaders invited the children to touch the temple. Participants paired (or tripled) up and the ward clerk handed out names of two to four individuals/families in the ward. What a novel idea! I Knew We Needed to Find the Book; CHARITY. Those phone calls we were prepared, we felt the spirit and we went ahead all in about 10-15 minutes. lds ward council spiritual thought Truth is, she has never stopped attending her Mormon ward. I think if we treat the adults like adults, instead of children, you would be surprised how much can actually be accomplished in a meeting even with people using their phones. For the sake of brevity and politeness I wont go into detail. One last comment. Again, I have enjoyed reading all the posts above, and I sure have learned from all of you. The primary work of the ward council takes place in living rooms where tears are shared and dried, and testimony is borne. I think we have the mistaken notion that every element of revelation coming to the ward has to come through the bishop. Its an opportunity for teaching and learning. So true. MLS is terrible at this we put on one page what MLS put on 14. To help stress the principle taught in 2:4.6.11 (see quoted paragraph above), the agenda structure removed all references to separate organizations and instead listed the missions of the Church: Beginning each meeting with a spiritual thought typically out of the scriptures or a general conference talk followed by a very brief discussion (2-3 comments tops) invites the Spirit, sets the tone, and starts the council thinking with a spiritual mindset. No Round-Robin: Just because you are sitting in a circle doesnt mean you need to talk in a circle. Once the bishop has sought inspiration on the base of a vision for his ward, and it is discussed, refined, augmented, and finally solidified by the Spirit in discussion with the bishopric council, it is ready to be taken to the ward council for their input and suggested improvements. You may also wish to review this article where the purposes of councils are addressed. Wow, the comment is depressingly negative and in no way helpful to the discussion. (See Handbook 2: Administering the Church, 4.1; 4.2. I think these points are very good. Been there, done that, experienced that! While that is true, there are many times looking things up online (even on Facebook) to see something relevant to the meeting (that you may not have known about prior to the meeting) is necessary and can help avoid future meetings. Doctrine and Covenants 6:36 Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not. I also think using email is a great way to help discuss items that dont require a formal meeting. Normally this is done at a persons home and they have refreshments available. The exception would be for ward activity planning: we need to know whom to invite and what activities, games, meals, etc., would appeal to a broad or target audience. Have a night when the stake presidency and the high council bring their wives and listen to 60 minutes of missionary reports while eating ice cream. How you run a meeting has a dramatic influence on how you are loved as a leader. I have sat through high council meetings that were 2 1/2 hours long. I agree an agenda should be created and followed. Second, focus on people, not programs. Pursue the integration of new members, activation of the less active, concerns of the youth, the economic plight of individual members, and the needs of single mothers and widows.. Yeah, I think we agree more than we disagree. I dont think there is a bishop in the church that would say they dont try to run their meetings by the spirit. You will be shocked how little meeting time is necessary. This same idea could also be used in the various church organizations. Many leaders are uneducated in these new ways and new technology. As we discussed various topics, the Spirit would guide our conversation as to what we should do, why, and how we should proceed. I have started a silent protest with my spouse. The stake president moved things around so people werent out so late. So the next time you run into a less than perfect church leader, attend a less than perfect church meeting, dont get home taught on time, or members let you down on a ward service project think about What Would Jesus do in this situation and how would he react? Ive tried to practice some of the things listed, but lately Ive felt like my meetings havent been as productive. This is not a step to take if a member simply expresses a dissenting idea! It is so much easier to cancel a meeting if it is unneeded than to try to coordinate everyones schedule and plan a meeting that is needed, but not on the calendar. They work together in love to serve and strengthen individuals and families in the ward or branch. If it can easily be communicated in an email, allow people to read it on their own time and respond with questions when they would like. OR you get TMI info from members at the meeting of things that you wish you didnt know and were not pertinent of the goal of the meeting. So, to go back to the earlier comment about too few meetings, I think that while we become more effective in any given time frame, a lot of us need to spend more time coaching and training and leading just maybe not with everyone in the room. Pretty much spot on. Handbook 2:4.6.1. As Melissa looked at the faces of the members of the ward council, she saw genuine affection and concern. If not you will hear in the halls of the Church buildings. Its not the length of the meeting, its the engagement of those at the meeting that tells you if its no longer adding value. Others might view it as a distraction. The ward council!. After that, we can talk about 45-minute meetings, etc. Note, I did not say playing on their phones. In fact, He expects you not simply to face the future (that sounds pretty grim and stoic); He expects you to embrace and shape the future to love it and rejoice in it and delight in your opportunities." In 1989, Elder Boyd K. Packer warned young men and young women to avoid participating in dark spiritual practices, no matter the circumstances: "A warning: there is a dark side to spiritual things. M.Russell Ballard, Counseling with Our Councils: Learning to Minister Together in the Church and in the Family (1997), 102. Look at their body language. And consider specific items to discuss. Cell phones didnt work. Find out (if possible) what keeps them from preparing, is it the timing of the meeting, is it circumstances at home and in the family. I serve as a stake executive secretary in Southern Spain, where the Church isnt that old (the country was dedicated in 1969). Now, if someone is playing a game on their device, thats a different story entirely. On Sunday last I was in a ward council during which a Bishop made the following statement: "As I counseled with a sister this week, I felt impressed to tell her that the reason she was required to go through what she was facing was because she needed that . I have retired 15 years ago and we are on our second mission. If admin gets done before the meeting, cancel the meeting. Replies to my comments If they are in a meeting and playing on their phones, I will agree that can be disruptive. A simple place to start is searching for the definition of priesthood keys on The effect was that we learned that while the bishop has the final say in decisions, we stopped looking for him to do all of the talking and thinking for us. Im not sure I agree 100% with the No Tech. When that relationship is there and improved, the recommends, baptisms, etc., will come organically. They areasked to. They will connect with someone, somehow, that I cant. I wrote the post with the assumption that everyone runs their meetings according to the spirit. Wow! be part of the solution and not part of the problem! Establish a climate conducive to openness, where every person and group is important and every opinion is valuable. Individuals have different viewpoints and backgrounds, so each can add a helpful perspective to understanding members needs. (because people are just rambling) I found myself becoming more and more irritated the longer that I stayed in the meeting. The Spirit does need to guide the meetings, and I much prefer that that be the stated foundation. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is led by the First Presidency (a president and two counselors) and the Quorum of Twelve Apostles. Looks like I need to write a part 2 focused on preparing for revelatory experiences. These are some valuable suggestions for how to help a meeting run more efficiently and help prevent some of the activities that can really bog down our council meetings. "Don't be put off by the old fashioned reception area, this is a nice hotel. They make all of the decisions themselves! For the sake of brevity, and manners, I wont go into detail. But if the meeting is consistently a revelatory experience, members of the ward councilwont dare miss it. Below is an outline of how our council was inspired to restructure the agenda your council could use this as a template or a starting place. Fighting against tradition and helping members open their minds may have been the most difficult step. Learned that as an Officer in the US Army! Im not trying to push my ideas on anyone, Im just sharing them. . I was concerned when my husband was called about the impact it would have on our family life. As an example of having seen that years ago our bishop asked each auxiliary presidency to fast, attend the temple and pray about a specific scripture and consider its application to their stewardship and how they could ultimately help their members grow closer to the Lord. Im not saying meeting as a ward council more often is a bad idea; but if you do, make sure you set some clear objectives and rules. I have never considered the temptation of gossip in a longer meeting but it makes sense. After we experienced a great deal of success in baptisms and returning members, it was decided to move this activity back to the organization level, where it sputtered and died. If you need more time, go talk to the Executive Secretary and schedule another interview. And it may take several Saturdays to accomplish this year long plan. Thank you. and then start running their meetings based on real needs, and so forththe productivity in the Church would really go up. Dyer asks readers to consider the questions Can the Millennium begin if the Saints are not prepared to live a millennial law? and What will our own wards and stakes look like and how will they function if we are seriously dealing with the question of becoming a prepared people? Joe, This is very true. The bishop recognized that his ideas and experiences alone were insufficient, so he engaged the other four of us (two counselors, clerk, and executive secretary) regularly and without ego. Meetings are for reporting. That said, there are thousands of AMAZING people doing amazing amounts of service and providing tremendous leadership all across the world just now. every other meeting would be done over a conference call we found ways to make it effective by doing certain types of discussions over the phone/video while others might be saved for face-to-face. We can also choose to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. He also provides relevant statistical information from Church record-keeping software., The executive secretary prepares agendas for ward council meetings. He is thinkingI wish that he would shut up! Lets close with prayer. If you go over, you will find the creativity in the room plummet and individuals will agree to anything just to get out of there. What a shock when we had an extremely productive 40(!) However, We also have strengths, abilities, and talents! But in our case, its much less intrusive on the time of our members if we have a meeting that goes a little later instead of having an additional meeting that requires them to travel again. On the other hand, the Spirit should be allowed to break that rule. More succinctly, Elder Neal A. Maxwell said, it is direction first, then velocity!. How would he treat the situation? ~ President Ezra Taft Benson. Awesome points, everyone! The Joplin First Ward was hit hard by the twister, but right away Bishop Chris Hoffman and the ward council started accounting for ward members. Apparently, he had. A committee to help the organization presidency with things such as home teaching, visiting teaching, preparing socials, welcoming people to church, helping people move into or out of the ward, etc. We choose and we decide what our attitudes will be! Fighting against tradition and helping members open their minds may have been the most difficult step. Handbook 2 (4.6.3) states, the ward council seeks inspiration in developing a course of action to bless the lives of members. Prepared people held to 60min or less is highly productive and the spirit can communicate quickly what needs to be done. I once spent 2.5 hours in a Bishops Council where the majority of the time was spent reviewing the calendar. Lds Quotes. SheI need to get home and fix dinner for my family! They dont communicate very well with their counselors. minute meeting and accomplished all that was needed. But wait!!! The Young Women president seeks to strengthen the young women ages 12 through 18. We had a response plan in place because we had talked about these preparations in ward council before they happened, he said. Hold a meeting to have a meeting. Assisted by his counselors, he could cancel any meeting in the us Army want... Isn'T/Was n't then lds ward council spiritual thought have n't made it to happily ever after same! 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