Only a president who lives with heart and soul can ever offer this nation what is most valuable in a living, vital way. Because of this lack of serious attention, Americans have typically failed to identify and enumerate a clear set of high standards and qualities that we the people should expect, admire, and strongly desire in our President as well as our Senators and Congressmen. Do they know when to stay quiet? There are two kinds of people who get into politics: one who uses people to accumulate power to himself, and the other is he who uses power to create quality of life for the people. A great leader needs to affirm the truth and advance right action whenever and from wherever it manifests in the nation. Commitment According to recent research from Elizabeth WebThrough my study of leadership these past five years, I found a family resemblance of traits and patterns of behavioramong them humility, empathy, resilience, courage; the This is because what strengthens the whole also strengthens the parts- when these parts are properly connected; and what strengthens the parts also benefits the whole because the whole is dependent on the parts. All rights reserved. While we live in a free country, it does not mean that the Constitution was set up to protect the violating of moral and spiritual laws. Spiritually True (Active, Strong Faith) Strong in Character. By far and away the most important quality a president can have is a strong abiding faith in God. Its more fruitful to examine the specific cases where Romney showed flexibility, compare them with cases when President Obama changed his position, and then decide which candidate acted out of a lack of conviction and which was simply light on his feet. When problem solving is attempted through political maneuvering rather than practical application, disaster follows. A smart president will save the country from astronomical amounts of chaos, waste, and stupidity because he acts according to first principles and true design. In their day, no man worthy of the presidency would ever stoop to campaigning for it. In short, his inspirational energy must be consistent with the nations inspirational legacy. Putting a weak or an unproven person in real life situations in the highest office of the nation is to literally gamble with our future. Yet the talents do not necessarily convey. Createtransparencybycommunicating thetruthtotheAmerican people; 4. The goal is to help us better think about the qualities these presidential candidates may actually need once in office. Among Republicans, 80 percent say the ability to take (These included Washington, Lincoln, T. Roosevelt, F. D. Roosevelt, Reagan, etc.). Leadership. Discouraging all behavior that leads to vice and personal social ruin. Perhaps the most well-known presidential nickname is Honest Abe. Mr. Abraham Lincoln earned this nickname prior to his first inauguration, though speculations vary as far as exactly when. Successful business leaders are confident in their own hiring decisions, and give employees the freedom they need to come up with innovative ideas, initiatives or processes on their own. There is a difference between social issues and social problems, and they should not be confused when it comes to political action and social service. A politically correct president can be neither a transformative problem solver or a true leader, because his duplicity will undermine that which is spiritually correct- which is the action of strength, truth, and goodness soundly applied to all problems. Challengers vow to show leadership, but that Lewis said: Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.. The man of great faith, on the other hand, will remain steady and strong while tethered to the power and light, and have the composure to see the clear way to guide the country towards its highest good through all forms of adversity, uncertainty, and other extreme forms of pressure. How will he manage that and take on repealing health care? No greater preparation can a man have for the highest office in the land than to have been battle-tested and to have been found an overcomer and warrior in the realm of spiritual warfare. WebPresidents must know and understand the American people to gain popular support. He cannot allow the agenda of a biased media, close minded political opposition, or an insincere portion of the populace to dictate to the rest of the country their narrative on who he is or what he is actually saying. Good leaders know the importance of fostering a. Honesty is the fundamental trait a president should possess. Lyndon Johnson crushed Barry Goldwater in 1964 in part because of his attention to the minutia of the contest. A patriotic president is someone who connects the people to the unifying core ideals of faith, family, and country. I know youll also feel free to critique the reasoning in these articles, and Ill write a follow-up article reframing my thinking based on the best input. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. America is tired of passionless politicians who care more about their politically correct agendas than they do about building the stability and prosperity of the country for the sake of the people. Because of this, we do not take selecting a president seriously enough. Persuasiveness: Do they know how to deliver a good speech? Ultimately, it is a presidents personableness and warmth that emanates from their soul that people most easily connect to, and identify with. As a leader, its important to make sure we create an environment of being Mitt Romney, right, and running mate Paul Ryan speak to a crowd at Randolph Macon College in Ashland, Va.,in August. Though he was paralyzed from the waist down and had lost the use of his legs, his political career had hardly even begun. Therefore, the best indicator of experience is proven success in the dynamics of actual life situations that required leadership in real time and according to true purposes. By the very nature of his office, a president is essentially the countrys spokesman. Problem Solver This series will look at the qualities a president actually needs to do the job as a way to better test for them during a presidential campaign. Isnt one of these more important than the other? Wise A true leader with vision is someone who sees the potential of a country and knows how to get to that potential. Well, nuts. Learning to embrace honest feedback with an open mind and the willingness to improve where necessary will make individuals, teams and the business stronger. P- R- E- S- I- D- E- N- T- Loved by our community 207 With keen insight he is able to apply a certain skillful knowledge of what to do in each particular situation. Most leaders struggle with disengagement, dysfunction, and non-productive behaviors with their teams. A president who is transparent and likeable will automatically have a huge advantage in getting critical things done for the countryas he is more apt to navigate through a myriad of special interests and opposition. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Share your experience with Vida Aventura. Americanpresidentsshoulddemonstrateandutilize the behaviors/traits which measure their character andcompetence: 1. Hell need a majority in Congress if he wants to follow through on this promise. For 85 percent of Democrats,and 80 percent of Republicans,the ability to take responsibility is very important, which makes it the top characteristic for members of both parties. WebWhat a presidents critics really mean when they say he isnt leading is that he hasnt announced that he is supporting their plan. Accountability. tell only a fraction of who they are or what they are capable of. Candidates are so guarded, the hiring committee would have little to go on. It is the laziness underpinning much talk radio, but it misses the essential paradox of the presidency: presidents move between both ends of a spectrum. Therefore, an effective president will take time and learn as much as he can about these disciplines. Its probably fairest to match their promises with their skills. Its a much calmer approach, and everyone in question will react more favorably than if you were to hurl a couple of poorly prepared insults. Wisdom is far deeper than having information about things, it is knowing the inner nature and workings of things; it is understanding the relationships between the living elements of life itself. Barack Obama has arguably never stopped since he took the oath of office. An experienced person, one tested and found true, will prevent an inestimable amount of waste, lost, and suffering. His opponents point this out as if thats all you need to know to disqualify him. One nation under God is the strongest rallying cry that only a truly patriotic president can give to his countrymen because it places the people under the highest source of power, goodness, and truth. The real question should be, Is an individuals creativity consistent with the first principles of life and government? It is that distinction of creativity that enables a leader to access the full spectrum of social, political, and economic genius. Strong in Character You have to be able to deal with each of those situations effectively by connecting with the person and showing him that you care about his unique situation. How are they with uncertainty? Two years later he was president. You can have inspirational quotes and company values framed on the wall all you want, but modeled behavior will always be more effective. Why America Does Not Have Enough High Quality Leaders, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Why America Does Not Have Enough High Quality Leaders, 4 Historical Facts of the Founding Period, Scriptural Rationale for Prayer and Fasting. Post author: Post published: May 28, 2022 Post category: neurologmottagning stockholm Post comments: butinox terfrsljare butinox terfrsljare Today the world is more destabilized, dangerous, and complex than at any time in history. Today campaigning isnt an interruption but a permanent condition. Its also hard to put your finger on how to measure certain qualities that will be revealed only under the pressure of a presidency. Furthermore, a leader who knows in depth about the world around him, and understands the various nuances of life issues can address these issues in the most accurate and effectual way for the people. Remaining open at critical moments that require strategic maneuvering can literally make all the difference in the outcome of national and world affairs. Its hard to say what the Founding Fathers would think of the modern presidency. Franklin D. Roosevelt may have been one of the most dedicated politicians of all time. Which ones are not? It would seem obvious that a president should be patriotic, but in truth not all political leaders are necessarily so. A truly progressive leader is going to at once conserve that which is essential to be conserved, while always seeking to improve upon all aspects of American life. Your email address will not be published. January6, 2021 will go down asa day of infamy and shame for all Americans who love our nation and democratic republic. The promise of America is so great, so bold, so venturesome and cutting edge, that the nation must have a continuous revolutionary spirit working through it in order to keep pace with its inherent genuineness of greatness. In order for a society to be healthy and stable, it must first place a premium on character, for without character it is impossible for society to function in a healthy manner since every interaction within society, to some degree or another, is dependent on the character of its people. He understands the superiority of what could be rather than what currently is. But believe it or not,Democrats and Republicans are somewhat aligned ontheleadership qualitytheymostwant in a president: taking responsibility. Employees need to know where the organization is headed and what the expectations are for getting there, both from an individual and team perspective. A good leader of a country respects the constitution, Quite simply, strong leaders walk the walk and talk the talk. Scripture for Rulers When a president lacks vision, he lacks the ability to compel true effective and efficient action, both for himself and others. Confidence is the mother of all the other attributes that makes a successful presentation. In fact when a president promotes any agenda that goes against the essential tenets of God and life, he has already sold the people and the nation out, and even though the consequences may not be apparent at first, disaster is sure to follow. Only a president of strong character can ultimately gain the respect of the country and influence the people to strive for the noble ideals of the nation. Web1. Both tasks require a candidate to perform well under pressure, communicate effectively, and build a team that trusts you and can function with little sleep and lots of stress. Money spent wisely by the government translates into improving the overall standard of living for the people, and the quality of the infrastructure of the country. 6 Roles of a President WebConfidence. Trustthe opinionsandviewpointsoftheAmericanpeople. Because of the size and scope of the federal government, as well as that of the country, the distance between labor and the result of labor is too great to be understood and managed by anybody other than the wisest and most conscientious leaders. When a president has passion, he exerts energy from the core of his being in the execution of his office. A humble president is far more likely to seek out essential assistance and Godly advice than a president who is not humble. Healthy conflict is good for relationships and organizations because it challenges assumptions and creates great results. There are countless incentives to tell the truth, but perhaps none more important than it will eventually come to light, whether you verbally acknowledge it or not. A good president understands that he (she) is the head of the state. While most Americans understand that who we elect as President is important, we dont typically understand just how vitally important the election really is. Its important to spend time talking with other team members individually to understand them. A president who is committed to teamwork proves his unselfishness as well as his wisdom, and is more capable to take on the peoples causes than what he alone could possibly assume. The first reality that any intelligent and enlightened man should know before even running for the office of the Presidency is that the job is essentially an impossible one, and is so beyond him, and that without humility which attracts the aid of the heavens- he will entirely be overwhelmed and rendered ineffective. By understanding the principles of life and health, he will be able to direct the nation in paths that are sustainable and truly productive. Encouraging the free expression of the religious faith, which in turn positively impacts the whole culture. Mitt Romney promises to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with an alternative. Honesty A president who fails to communicate effectively opens the door for rumor and misinformation to spread, leaves greatness to chance, and allows for misunderstanding to flourish. This principle transfers perfectly to governments acquisition and use of the peoples money. Alas, when candidates are asked questions that might shed some light on these abilities, they run or dodge. At the very heart of America is courage. A distinguished leader has a positive If a people elect a president who is not patriotic, the people will increasingly lose the love they have for their own country and grow colder to its idealism. That raises questions about his priorities and how he sets them. Required fields are marked *. An uninformed and unenlightened populace that allows an unhealthy mindset of apathy and acceptance to be formed around a problem relating to the general public. Still, weve got to do something with all of these television hours, rallies, and conversations with the neighbors, so consider four qualities to guide the way we evaluate candidates for the job: Political skill: Campaigns give us a good idea of a candidates priorities, but can they read the political landscape theyll face when they get to office? All I really know is that he loves this company and thinks its best days are ahead of it. In this, the negative associations with traditional labeling will give way to a more enlightened, radical, and true to form expression of these terms, while their counterfeit definitions and expression should be rejected. Demonstrateyourrespectandtrustfor theAmericanpeople; 3. There is no training for the Oval Office. Republicansseem tovalue strength(76% percent say its important), and Democrats valuehonesty (81%) and competence (77%). Arrogance in a leader almost entirely disables his ability to truly serve the people. A presidents courage is going to be tested, there is no way around it. He has a mind that is trained to know truth and apportion it accurately according to authentic needs. Challenger Joe Bidenis seen by his supporters as someone who's honest. Spiritually True (Active, Strong Faith) A president of passion finds the truth, lays hold of the truth, and leads the country in that truth. But he was also one of our least effective presidents. This sample was weighted according to gender, age, race, and education based on the American Community Survey, conducted by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, as well as 2016 Presidential vote, registration status, geographic region, and news interest. A truly smart person has a combination of intelligence, common sense, and spiritual discernment. A spiritually strong president is the greatest asset to a country in terms of leadership because he will have the foresight and fortitude to steer the country in the right direction- of which direction the positive results can only be realized after the fact. These attributes, unlike the vaporous leadership mantle, are more measurable qualities. A great president and wise Congress understand that the capital used by the government comes from the fruit of the peoples labors, and therefore they must use that capital in such a way that helps foster a true quality of life return for the people. Demonstrate your loyalty to your staff and to the American people; 6. Maybe there is a better way to evaluate our presidential candidates, and come to more reliable conclusions about which ones are likely to have the skills actually required for the job. It may have been during his youth as a star customer-service store clerk, or later on in his law career when others observed his intolerance of lying in the courtroom. He has to have the skill necessary to follow through on his promises and translate his position into policy. We can all learn a thing or two from fellow President Clintons refusal to admit to a certain a mistake. Presidents who cannot find it hard to be strong leaders. He thinks the head office in D.C. is out of touch with customers. Therefore, the experienced person is a tested person- one proved by the refining fires of life. A courageous president will take on the enemies of Americaboth internally and externally- in a way that an ordinary leader never could. On how to get to that potential even begun a fraction of who they are capable.. An ordinary leader never could part because of his office, a president is someone connects! 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