6 Both were upright in the sight of God and impeccably carried out all the commandments and observances of the Lord. Our praise, like that of Elizabeth and Mary, should not only seek to exalt God, but also to edify those who may hear it. 8 Now it happened that it was the turn of his section to serve, and he was exercising his priestly office before God. 38 "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. Perhaps there is a hint here that the words of Marys hymn are divinely inspired, but that the work is her composition, her work of praise and devotion, in response to the revelation of the angel. 3 Pilate put to him this question, 'Are you the king of the Jews?'. 13-17). Luke 1:39-45. Both she and Zacharias were country people, who lived in an unnamed village in the hill country of Judah. (:48a) State of Elevation from Humble Standing. Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. I am thus inclined to view this as Lukes way of informing us that some women may very well surpass men spiritually. While Mary is clearly the principle character in this section, Elizabeth, her relative is also shown to be a remarkable women. 55 -according to the promise he made to our ancestors -- of his mercy to Abraham and to his descendants for ever. [1:51] Ps 89:10; 118:15; Jer 32:17 (39:17 LXX). There is no hint that she thinks God has chosen her to be the mother of Messiah due to her blessedness, but rather that her blessedness is the result of Gods sovereign and gracious choice to use her as His instrument. 1. Holy is his name. When you ponder the specific results of Messiahs incarnation as outlined in Marys Magnificat they have to do with what we know of as Christs second coming, more than with His first coming. ii. Again like Marys canticle, it is largely composed of phrases taken from the Greek Old Testament and may have been a Jewish Christian hymn of praise that Luke adapted to fit the present context by inserting Lk 1:7677 to give Zechariahs reply to the question asked in Lk 1:66. That which she speaks far surpasses what we are told Gabriel said to Zacharias. Mary may not be all that some have held her to be, but she is a magnificent model of discipleship. Q. 39 Mary set out at that time and went as quickly as she could into the hill country to a town in Judah. The Lord is with you.'. Copyright 2019 by Zondervan. In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the hill country, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. Your wife Elizabeth is to bear you a son and you shall name him John. 15 FRom the first word of her hymn of praise in the Vulgate translation, this hymn is known as the Magnificat. From the earliest times it has been used in the praises of the Christian church. Norval Geldenhuys, Commentary on the Gospel of Luke, The New International Commentary on the New Testament Series (Grand Rapids: Wm. He stated that he had investigated "everything from the beginning" and was editing the material into . 41 When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the child leaped in her womb. Not so with Mary. 3 Then Satan entered into Judas, surnamed Iscariot, who was one of the Twelve. Marys role as believer in the infancy narrative should be seen in connection with the explicit mention of her presence among those who believed after the resurrection at the beginning of the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 1:14). Mary understood that Israels hope was rooted in the Abrahamic Covenant, not in the Mosaic. h. [1:17] Sir 48:10; Mal 3:1; 3:2324; Mt 11:14; 17:1113. BEST VALUE in digital Bible study. While there is some truth in the rather dismal picture which I have portrayed, it is not utterly so. Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 1,39-56. Mary saw her blessing as but an illustration, one instance of Gods grace, which leads her to praise God for His grace to all those who fear Him, from one generation to generation. 41When Elizabeth heard Marys greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. John is great in the sight of the Lord (Lk 1:15); Jesus will be Great (a LXX attribute, used absolutely, of God) (Lk 1:32). I doubt that Mary way aware of the fact that Christ would come to earth twice, to achieve two distinct purposes. Both reach out in love and rejoice in the work of God in their live. 21 Charles H. Talbert, Reading Luke: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the Third Gospel (New York: Crossroad Publishing Company, 1982), p. 22. Ignatius Catholic Bible (RSV): Compact Edition - Imitation leather, Burgundy with Zipper, The Revised Standard Version Catholic Bible, Compact Ed. There are many nominal Christians who are tying to live an impossible (miraculous) life, yet who have not been miraculously born again. I fear some of you may be trying to live a miraculous life, but who have not had the prerequisite new birth. May I exhort you to experience this new birth through faith in Christ this very hour. . Mary seems immediately to respond to the praise of Elizabeth by offering her own praise to God. Second, the praise of Elizabeth and Mary provide us with a model for our own worship and praise. She went into Zechariah's house and greeted Elizabeth. For less than $5/mo. Luke-Acts is a two-part historical account traditionally ascribed to Luke, who was believed to be a follower of Paul.The author of Luke-Acts noted that there were many accounts in circulation at the time of his writing, saying that these were eye-witness testimonies. The very moment she entered the house and gave a customary greeting, Elizabeth blessed Mary as the mother of her Lord. Luke is not only interested in the words and deeds of Jesus, but also in the larger context of the birth, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus as the fulfillment of the promises of God in the Old Testament. * [1:45] Blessed are you who believed: Luke portrays Mary as a believer whose faith stands in contrast to the disbelief of Zechariah (Lk 1:20). (7) Mary is a model disciple in that her praise was not only a personal expression of worship, but also was edifying to Elizabeth. While this is true, this must be kept in its proper perspective. This principle may be stated in this way: A MIRACULOUS PERSON BEGINS WITH A MIRACULOUS BIRTH. 67. 39. Perhaps a few women, blessed by financial prosperity and social standing, may have been able to enjoy some of the benefits of the male world. Let us ponder them. He continued as king until his death in 4 B.C. After the announcement is made (Lk 1:1417, 3133) the parent objects (Lk 1:18, 34) and a sign is given to confirm the announcement (Lk 1:20, 36). Catholic Public Domain Version . 23 When his time of service came to an end he returned home. Elizabeths praise surpasses Zachariahs petition for a sign. 65Then fear came upon all their neighbors, and all these matters were discussed throughout the hill country of Judea. 75 to serve him in holiness and uprightness in his presence, all our days. I believe that the similarity of the Magnificat to Hannas praise has the effect of encouraging Elizabeth, whose personal praise focuses on Mary, and not on her own joy in having a son in her old age. 35 The angel answered, 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow. Marys Magnificat reveals the depth of her grasp of Gods grace, which is not only shown to her, but to all the people of God, and from generation to generation. Here is, We should strive to be students of Gods Word, meditating on its terms and theology, seeking to be obedient to its imperatives and its implications. 9according to the practice of the priestly service, he was chosen by lot to enter the sanctuary of the Lord to burn incense.e 64Immediately his mouth was opened, his tongue freed, and he spoke blessing God.j Romans chapter 7). Before we begin to deal with our text, there are some introductory comments which may prove to be helpful. Our praise tends to focus primarily on what God has done for us. (1) Marys psalm of praise reveals a repeated use of the terminology and theology of the Old Testament. Mary did not mention the Law of Moses, the Mosaic Covenant, but only Gods promise to Abraham, the Abrahamic Covenant. (K)50His mercy extends to those who fear him,from generation to generation. It is a happy thing when those who are joined to each other in marriage are both joined to the Lord; and it is especially requisite that the priests, the Lord's ministers, should with their yoke-fellows be righteous before God, that they may be examples to the flock, and rejoice their hearts. From now on all generations will call me blessed. Ps 18:46; Isa 17:10; 61:10; Hab 3:18; 1Ti 1:1; 2:3; 4:10, Ge 11:8; Ex 18:11; 2Sa 22:28; Jer 13:9; 49:16, NIV, Journal the Word Bible, Double-Column, Red Letter Edition, Comfort Print: Reflect, Take Notes, or Create Art Next to Your Favorite Verses, NIV, Biblical Theology Study Bible, Comfort Print: Follow Gods Redemptive Plan as It Unfolds throughout Scripture, NIV, Beautiful Word Bible Journal, Revelation, Paperback, Comfort Print, NIV, The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People, NIV, The Woman's Study Bible, Full-Color, Red Letter: Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation, NIV, Story of Jesus: Experience the Life of Jesus as One Seamless Story. 2. 64 At that instant his power of speech returned and he spoke and praised God. (1) Mary is a model disciple in her faith in the word of God, and in her submission to the will of God. 42 She gave a loud cry and said, 'Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. 14And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, Thank you. 45Blessed are you who believed* that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.u, The Canticle of Mary. (B) 42In a loud voice she exclaimed: Blessed are you among women,(C) and blessed is the child you will bear! The Lord is with you.m Elizabeths words are not as reflective, but seem almost to explode from her lips unexpectedly. This is why the Lord Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born again, even though he was a prominent teacher in Israel (cf. 39 In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the hill country, 40 where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. His self-righteousness is evident in the psalm of chapter 2, which dwells on his dilemma, his danger, and his deliverance, but not on God. She did not have any social standing due to her parentage or class, nor even the dignity of Elizabeth and Zacharias age. Geldenhuys has remarked, It strikes us that Mary in this hymn does not utter a direct word in connection with the Son promised to her. 18Then Zechariah said to the angel, How shall I know this? Whether or not Mary was present when John was born. Mary has a great breadth of understanding. He will be called John.i 39 At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, 40 where she entered Zechariah's home and greeted Elizabeth. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God.q Virtually every commentator agrees that Marys praise is dripping with Old Testament allusions and references. 40where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. 98% of our readers don't give; they simply look the other way. Start for FREE. This is the episode enshrined in western art and iconography as "the visitation," when Mary goes to visit her cousin Elizabeth, and is the occasion for Mary delivering the speech that has come to be known as "the Magnificat.". The Bible requires that men live a life which is miraculous, a life that is humanly impossible (cf. My opinion is that deliverances which are described have already been demonstrated in Israels history, to some degree, but that they will finally and fully be realized in the future, as a result of Messiahs coming. We must seek to dwell much more on the character of God, of His covenant promises, and of His working in history, as well as in the future. 17 The term which is rendered city (a city of Judah, v. 39) is one that is very broad, and does not really indicate the size of the place. 11 Then there appeared to him the angel of the Lord, standing on the right of the altar of incense. 77 to give his people knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins. To press the matter of Marys obedience even further, Mary was not only obedient to the imperatives of Gods word, but also to the inferences of His word. 29 She was deeply disturbed by these words and asked herself what this greeting could mean. Catholic Online is a Project of Your Catholic Voice Foundation, a Not-for-Profit Corporation. * [1:59] The practice of Palestinian Judaism at this time was to name the child at birth; moreover, though naming a male child after the father is not completely unknown, the usual practice was to name the child after the grandfather (see Lk 1:61). Much, perhaps most, of these things will be fulfilled in the second coming of Messiah, rather than in His first coming. Rather than having to try to explain to Elizabeth what the angel had said to her about the virgin birth of her son, Messiah, Mary learned that Elizabeth already knew. Copyright 2019 by Zondervan. Mary also understood the purposes of God as a plan which He had been carrying out throughout Israels history. 2just as those who were eyewitnesses from the beginning and ministers of the word have handed them down to us,b From now on all generations will call me blessed. 51 He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. I will not pursue this in any detail here, but let me point out several areas of contrast between Marys theology, her understanding of the Old Testament, and that of the scribes and Pharisees. For less than $5/mo. 43And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord* should come to me? * [1:13] Do not be afraid: a stereotyped Old Testament phrase spoken to reassure the recipient of a heavenly vision (Gn 15:1; Jos 1:9; Dn 10:12, 19 and elsewhere in Lk 1:30; 2:10). When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the child leapt in her womb. And so, too, will the greatness of Messiah and His ministry surpass that of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Messiah. 34But Mary said to the angel, How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?* Mary grasped the camels and the religious leaders only grasped at the gnats.. To press the matter further, I doubt that Mary understood that the redemptive purpose of Christs first coming would be accomplished by His death on a cross, death at the hands of wicked men. 2 They began their accusation by saying, 'We found this man inciting our people to revolt, opposing payment of the tribute to Caesar, and claiming to be Christ, a king.'. All rights reserved worldwide. * [1:34] Marys questioning response is a denial of sexual relations and is used by Luke to lead to the angels declaration about the Spirits role in the conception of this child (Lk 1:35). It is my personal opinion, however, that she is no just a mere mouthpiece for the Holy Spirit, who has had no knowledge of what God was doing. 56Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home. Is Divorce And Remarriage After Abuse, Neglect, Financial, Or Emotional Issues Okay. (N)52He has brought down rulers from their thronesbut has lifted up the humble. (:46-47) State of Rejoicing in God. (O)53He has filled the hungry with good things(P)but has sent the rich away empty.54He has helped his servant Israel,remembering to be merciful(Q)55to Abraham and his descendants(R) forever,just as he promised our ancestors.. The poor will be helped, but the rich will be sent away (v. 53). 62 and made signs to his father to find out what he wanted him called. Daily Bible Readings, Podcast Audio and Videos and Prayers brought to you by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. p. [1:33] Dn 2:44; 7:14; Mi 4:7; Mt 28:18. t. 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