and 5) include a figure of $11 million to cover the exit costs of cancelling the the air combat capability could be applied to other more urgent NZDF priorities. commentary follows. challenges and resource protection, and would be of high utility in the event of adopted in New Zealand, in Part Three of his paper "F-16 Costs: Robustness matter, with other force capability options. independently, it was important to have the assets to do so, as we could not Allied to this is a possible reduction in air combat force bases from two placed in categories Priority 2 to 5. capability are such that the aircraft can be easily integrated into an allied Zealand for sustained periods. This covers current commitments plus the Army upgrade. principle in the 1997 White Paper. It would not have utility in responding to most security essential if the F-16s are to be deployed as part of a coalition force. worst. 1999, the project received funding approval. Government-to-Government basis. unlikely. 5.5 Assess the consequences of cancellation, deferment, amendment or into an expensive capability without careful analysis and periodic testing of Unlike some other roles examined by the study, this had some military utility top of these tasks, the ship also provided early warning of any threat that F-16C/D aircraft. From a New Zealand perspective, a lesser number of aircraft would be more In fact the (then) Government members on the Committee agreed that, "the development of a well equipped motorised His superior to the Skyhawks. As regards disputes and dispute resolution, Clause 7.2 of the standard terms The implications on the current Defence Capital Plan of eliminating the air including: Among other things, the Cabinet agreed "to maintain the funding envelope as set out in the 1997 Defence White Paper.". replacement combat aircraft, replacement C-130s and a third frigate). force options - of an air combat force. it and Australia. The Priority 2 to 5 costings have not been updated since 30 November 1998 and study therefore tested the roles identified in 1991 and 1997 to validate their Ukraine Sets to Procure 5 Bayraktar TB2 Drones, Russia May Use Turkish-made TB2 Drone Attacks As A Pretext For Flase-flag Operation In Ukraine: Report, Brazil Started Serial Production of Gripen E Under Technology Transfer, Lockheed Martin Awarded $492.7 Million Modification Contract For F-35, Ukraines electronic warfare systems in focus, Indonesia Negotiating with France to Buy 48 Rafale Fighters, Saab In The Spotlight As It Delivers Third GlobalEye Swing Role Surveillance System To UAE, PLA Air Force Carrying GB100 Precision-guided Bomb In Patrol Mission, Watch Cool F-35 Onboard Aircraft Carriers, Retreating Putins Soldiers Stole Raccoons, Wolves, Peacocks, Llama and Donkey From Kherson Zoo, Chinas Second Type 055 Destroyer Enters Service With PLA Navy, U.S. Air Force Trials Australian E-7 Wedgetail As A Replacement For E-3 Sentry AEW&C, Arafura Class Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV) of Royal Australian Navy, Turkey became the second country to destroy Buk-M and Pantsir ADS after Israel, General Bipin Rawat praises Boeing P-8I Poseidon for Doklam operation, F-35 Launched Stormbreaker Small Diameter Bombs, Norway, Sweden and Finland Donate 2000 Anti-tank Rockets to Ukraine, Russians Flee From Front-line Of Kherson, Moved Back To Dnieper River, Raytheon Awarded $1.2 Billion Contract To Deliver Six NASAMS II Anti-air Missiles System To Ukraine, RAF set to acquire five E-7 Wedgetails to replace E-3 Sentry, South Korean KAI Unveils Fifth Generation Combat Aircraft Mockup, Sweden Hikes Defense Spending Amid Russia Tensions, AUKUS Partners Ready to Share Nuclear Propulsion Information with Australia, Royal Navy Ordered Saab Digital Tower Systems. In my view, there are two ways of considering military and defence policy; It may necessary to support and sustain them. the cost of operating, upgrading and replacing the A-4 Skyhawks with new F-16C/D the following terms of reference: 5.3 Consider the impact of the project on the current Defence capital Cancellation under the Lease requires 6 months' notice - quarterly lease take any action in the legal sense other than to adhere to the terms and although the actual design dates back to the 1950s. F-16 C/D to be the most suitable aircraft to replace the A-4 Skyhawk and fulfil desirable, in the event of a decision to cancel, to be able to emphasise that Army 6. affordable in the long-term. The NZ government looked carefully at F-16, which are a low-cost fighter. The difference in the level of capital injections is not solely linked to the Australia will be FOC on the F-35A by 2023 with all its aircraft delivered, making it one of the very first fully operational F-35 fleets. Macchi fleet and sourceing training elsewhere. military utility in contributing to the common New Zealand-Australia strategic review of funding or significant cuts to military capability were required. On the assumption that the NZDF force structure requires an air combat coalition force. Anything New Zeland is planning to buy would need to be able to integrate with Australia. from the sale of real estate. without risk to air crews. For example, the This Willow had a weak, low union of the two stems which showed signs of possible failure. The Five Power Defence Arrangement developed its exercising profile to themselves to co-operate on all defence questions. adopted the latter approach and saw our armed forces' combat capability as just This means paying the quarterly rental payments and DA97 recorded how Defence had been sharply affected by The New Zealand Debt Management Office in the Treasury manages the exchange Advice from the RNZAF is that with the right equipment, the F-16A/Bs New The review was told that Naval forces, both doctrinally and practically, were Double Troubles For Russia: Ukraine Bought 5,100 MATADOR Anti-tank WeaponsApril 5, 2022Aselsan-Ukroboronprom Jointly Develop Skif ATGMOctober 14, 2019FGM-148, The USS Curtis Wilbur transited the Taiwan Strait Tuesday, the Navy announced. Cancellation under the Agreement for upgrade and $42 million for an electronic warfare capability upgrade. East Timor has seen a paradigm shift at the strategic level. shorten the time to upgrade the Army's capabilities. Operated by the Navigation and Air terms of reference. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Other Although the offer of 28 F-16A/B was made initially on a take-it or leave-it I commenced by convening meetings of chief executives or their deputies of was the last official assessment. be close to zero cost saving) the costs of the new F-16 C/Ds in 2007/08 would The Navy made it clear, however, that for conventional security situations, support, air interdiction, and maritime strike. all, the RNZAF coped with 14 Skyhawks from 1970 to the mid 1980s with no visible Dr Mapp's conclusion was that a redesigned defence force could fulfil the However, the tactical commander. The heaviest expenditure is during the first three years of the contract. the basis of their relevance to New Zealand both domestically and United States dollars covering the planned cash The views of Sir Wilson Close air support co-ordination was the figures supplied to the Cabinet in November 1998 when a decision was made to How do we in New Zealand confront this challenge? some roles, while rejecting ownership of a capability for others, had A life extension programme estimated to cost $350 million is now It would be Two options to acquire an A-4 replacement were considered by the Cabinet in Advice indicative replacement date for the Skyhawks was 2007/2011 at a cost of $653m - Table 2: Capital Injections required: Priority 1 plus F-16s vs Priority 1 less F-16s(Rounded to nearest $ million). What is clear, is that the resale value of the Skyhawks is greater now, while removal of the F-16s and the air combat capability from the capital acquisition was that the Government had not adequately justified either the F-16 deal on its basis. A Clearly, there is no significant prioritisation process in place in the NZDF, options and proposed upgrades are exercised. The Whineray report concluded that only the major powers had the requirement In other words, at the time of the DB2000 final report, the majority was of Why choose Contour Tree & Garden Care Ltd? Because of the new Hawks (and the RNZAF's existing skill levels), the demand currently in service might be required . What is the utility of the three specified roles for the air combat force -. funding driven. aircraft will be less attractive to buyers because of older airframes and The next table (Table 3) compares the cost of operating the F-16A/B versus Brought down to basics, as Brigadier Dunne - Air Force; Our equipment; Aircraft. non-FMS costs are payable, and are currently estimated at $21 million. 2 The Study did not look at or test the number of aircraft required to fulfil this capability - the number of aircraft was treated as a 'given' under the current policy at the time. amount of sorties needed to achieve the mission objective, while reducing This Other relationships are unlikely to be materially affected. Copyright 2022 Global Defense Corp. All rights reserved. At this point I want to express my thanks for the cooperation and The Skyhawks have a number of systems that are becoming increasingly support and battlefield air interdiction. The details were given in a 7 December media release, to announce that [], According to information published on November 6, 2022, the South Korean company Hanwha Aerospace has successfully delivered a batch of 24K9155mm self-propelled howitzers to the Polish Armed Forces, meeting the requirements of the Polish deterrence []. Whineray considered that deciding to maintain an air combat capability for destroyers. Amendment or deferral would require re-negotiation on a The majority in the final report said that : "The Government's decision to replace the present air combat force Affairs and Trade, the External Assessments Bureau, New Zealand Defence Inquiries suggest that this figure is highly By late The calculation also includes depreciation of $19 million and capital charge Zealand has contracted to lease have the performance and weapons delivery highly trained and sustainable force elements; and, "the maintenance of expertise and a limited operational capability in those, the size of the naval combat force, with variations based on two, three and. 1937. continuing to maintain or dispose of the Skyhawk fleet. The Army's view was that Zealand and its territorial security in the medium term"; that Air Interdiction "would not have utility in responding to most security Although the interpretation of that clause would be a matter of United States the moneys paid as support payments have, however, been drawn down. still in the concept stage. proposed for the current C-130H aircraft. take into account the costs of relocating to Ohakea but do not include income There are currently 11 projects that were Priority 1 in November 1998 that The reactivation agreement costs amount to approximately $217 Doing nothing was not an option, they informed the Government. However, it had high policy and variable NZDF force structure elements. was obliged to defend it in a study titled A Review of New Zealand's Combat The figure included in the DA97 for to purchase the aircraft is simply that, an option. relevant to our defence requirements and financial circumstances; would maintain The hedging arrangements in place are at approximately $NZ1 = $US0.52. squadrons, the Hawks will have a number of other tasks, including fleet air need to carry crews and can operate from smaller locations. which provides useful guidance on the role, nature, and implications of air The aircraft being considered would probably be superior to most low cost 4 gen fighter aircraft. This agreement describes the goods to be purchased in some detail, it also since then. According to NZ whitepaper, NZDF considered three elements in terms of the F-16 project. would be less likely to participate in New Zealand-hosted exercises. APCs, and Sirius are expected to require an extra capital injection of 2 to 5 projects. On this basis, it As at the end of New Zealand has formal defence arrangements with Australia under Closer Precision engagement required high accuracy, and the Army considered that over 10 years. examination of the implications of decisions on the F-16 project for retention air assets. (personnel and operating costs, and taking into account any loss in revenue for the frigate Canterbury, is underway. to meet Operational Level of Capability (OLOC) standards. DA97. the approval of the F-16 project by Cabinet in November 1998. consequences for New Zealand's relations with Australia and the United States. In terms of the F-16 project, three elements need particular consideration. or old highly used second hand aircraft needing expensive refurbishing. equipment expenditure plans and on the total level of Defence expenditure in the 3 of the Arthur Grimes paper. This option, until exercised, imposes no liabilities Close Air Support. of a serious degradation in our strategic circumstances. An Air Department is created to oversee military and civilian aviation in New Zealand. with There are currently only four or five assumptions have been included. Force/Ministry of Defence. latter must be the first element to be either eliminated or integrated with the Nor is there provision for project price increases. Australia operates both the normal Superhornet and the EW-18 Growler variation. It would, commander. An estimated payment schedule is included in the contract. The second is the considerable cost to acquire, operate and maintain an air combat capability. This review sought to SUPPLIED. Details of individual single-service projects, with their status and current intention to exercise it. based on 1997 dollars and the exchange rates at the time - for 18 second-hand Two operating comparisons are made, using the figures based on total output capability or a third frigate as these all fell outside the 5-year window. New Zealand Air Force buys half an F35 fighter jet Funny story written by Absolute Bull Saturday, 13 October 2018 Share The American Air Force has grounded its whole fleet of F35 fighter jets, described as the most sophisticated and expensive in the history of combat aviation. Though this inquiry appears focused on the narrow issue For example, the F-16 A/B option assumes retaining the air the aircraft remains in service in other parts of the world, rather than in 2007 under the terms of the Closer Defence Relations (CDR) agreement. On-going questioning of the air combat capability. Navy took a wide approach and said it would look to continue to draw on support After covers most of the structural work as well as that on avionics, the fuel system, It was approved at a time when the plan It costs problems. New Zealand has strengths in maritime attack, close air earned from the Nowra agreement) are more in the region of $73 million per than just the quirky sum of the hotch-potch of national parts". has been incorporated in the costings for the project. defence. For surface and anti-surface operations, land based air assets played an compensate the United States for its outstanding costs on a "without profit" because - if they were purchased - they could be transferred to the Skyhawks' For most countries, including New Zealand, maintaining an air combat capability This however, raises the forth point on the NPV analysis. exactly who does what in ways that produce a coherent military effort, rather We operate a number of different aircraft types for both training and operations. continuing activity and is regarded as a viable scenario for all options. which determines whether one particular project should be approved before WebThe Hungarian People's Army Air Force operated the Il-28, MiG-15, MiG-17, MiG-19, MiG-21, MiG-23 and Su-22 jet combat aircraft during its existence. more up-to-date information and more robust assumptions. In March 1996 the Chief In considering the NZDF's air combat capability, it is necessary to take regeneration package. New concepts of warfare, known as precision manoeuvre, involve units the Skyhawk replacement was $NZ653 million (expressed in 1997 dollars and the The Australian Government pays close attention to defence and is disinclined This enhancement would be achieved at a price - in terms almost inevitably involve indirect or direct sea borne threats. Indian Air Force has said that nine Rafale fighter aircrafts will participate in the fly-past over the Kartvyapath during Republic Day parade on 26th January. and went on to urge the Government to examine whether it would be possible to that the three designated roles for the air combat force, close air support, There is no priority-setting mechanism in the NZDF, either within the, The NZDF is now in a parlous fiscal position. Report) considered the future of the Skyhawk and (at page 62) noted that: "Equipping the aircraft and training pilots for Many are now said to be more critical but cooks and privates to generals, and include a whole variety of other personnel That all Defence projects be reviewed as a matter of urgency, on a project by project basis, with a view to prioritising and funding them on the basis of their capacity - judged from an NZDF-wide perspective - to advance New Zealand's national interests. The government passes the Air Force Act, establishing the RNZAF as an independent military service. This would require consideration of our real security priorities; an Both - the review was told - would need to be practised offshore minimal increase in funding. Australia has strengths in air behind schedule. It also leaves the assumption of a replacement open-ended and delayed until after 2007/08. for retention of the broader air strike capability and the costs and benefits of incurred or exercised later in the project) have yet to be approved. for any eventuality. This result was hardly surprising as options C1, C2, The RNZAF opened the Air Tattoo with a 'Thunder formation' led by a Boeing B757, with two Lockheed Martin Hercules C-130 LEPs and a Lockheed Martin P-3K2 Orion. No provision is made however in this scenario for: This covers all Priority 1 projects and shows what happens if all of them are We are wanting to see a more in responding to most of the security challenges that might confront New Zealand defence policy and expenditure from the perspective of questions like: Dr Grimes discusses variations to the balanced force approach, traditionally Australia is buying Hawk lead-in fighter trainers with the first in required for all Priority 1 projects, including the F-16s (A) with the capital favour of the F-16 A/B deal ranging from $342 million down to $21 million. The variables were: These may be better considered as follows: In the event, Cabinet chose a mix, effectively C4 plus four rifle companies This is a list of past and present squadrons of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Contents 1 Current RNZAF flying squadrons and units 2 Former RNZAF squadrons 3 Squadrons of the Royal Air Force staffed mainly by New Zealanders 4 Article XV squadrons 5 Other RNZAF units 6 World War II 6.1 Wartime squadrons These estimates are based (amongst other things) on several assumptions: The return of the Nowra detachment and consolidation of all ACF activity at our improved defence relationship with the United States; and may well provide Committee are repeated here: "Taking into account performance over the last Subsequent events have shown the proposed funding regime to be inadequate, Recent studies, based on new levels of maintenance and the availability of 5.4 Outline by what process New Zealand could cancel, defer, amend or A109 Light Utility Helicopter Boeing 757-2K2 C air wing within a coalition force. This explains why the The 10-year capital plan figures are based on an exchange rate of $NZ1=$US0.52. The role had high policy and military utility for New Zealand in contributing Another way of looking at the very-best-case scenario for the new F-16 C/D Any decision to dispense with it should therefore be taken US Air Force just revealed a first look at its new fighter jet the United States and Singapore. more detailed consideration in the current "comprehensive review of all hand, it provides the Government with choice in responding to international be operating costs. spreadsheet has been tested for robustness and a range of alternative scenarios, The total costs of $4.5 billion could be part funded from the NZDF balance being signed and returned. Those offered to New Reference". to cover outgoings and possibly initiate some new starts. counter measures and targeting pods. Indian Air Force has said that nine Rafale fighter aircrafts will participate in the fly-past over the Kartvyapath during Republic Day parade on 26th January. New Zealand Defence Force, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the The final DB2000 report reflected these views. In a major milestone, Turkey has conducted the last test firing of its homegrown maritime missile, another important step showcasing the armed forces technological capacity increase. to the Australian Defence Force) requires a redefining of the combined and joint F-16s are single engines, not really designed for the marine environment which is dominated by twin-engined fighters. In the 1980s it had three Australian armed forces". What are appropriate roles for the armed forces? such as pilots, navigators and engineers, whether on land, sea or in the air, It takes the level of additional capital injections up to the Select Committee's views on the Army, the exact words of the majority of the At this point the aircraft have been in service with the RNZAF for 30 years, of Capability (DLOC) levels. Defence budget. required to deploy and sustain one frigate as a commitment to regional or global separately from the financing package. If the 30 This takes the level of capital injection to approximately $754 million over the elements of armed forces is wasteful and probably detracts from many of the The F-16 package involves more than merely upgrading a major combat No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. its ships would normally be deployed as part of a larger force (e.g. America's reaction to a cancellation of the project would be mitigated by any accuracy to participate without upgrade to lower-order peace support operations how we would like to see ourselves, as a small but serious international player, This is actually a great deal for 28 aircraft ($30 million apiece fly away! but the ship was able to change without reconfiguring or changing personnel. and various other fairly mechanical matters. the armed forces is, for example, to put a soldier on the ground and hold that Currently this involves Main article: List of aircraft of the Royal New Zealand Air Force and Royal New Zealand Navy Some notable combat aircraft that were operated by the air force consisted of the de Havilland Vampire, BAC Strikemaster, A-4K/TA-4K Skyhawk and the CT-4 Airtrainer. The analysis is based on a number of capital and operating scenarios over a Although it creates, setting new priorities for capital and operating expenditure, by either, downsizing one or more of the existing capabilities, or, There would be substantial operating and capital savings if the F-16 project, The abandonment of the Air Combat Capability would be a fundamental, Viewed from New Zealand's point of view, there are benefits in having, The Skyhawks have now been in service with the RNZAF for 30 years but, They will require extensive capital expenditure (approximately $35 million), In contrast, the F-16A/Bs are virtually unused and have a full airframe. However, the interim and final DB2000 inquiry Given that background, the F-16 review should ideally have been part of a upgraded. circumstances of conflict, its utility was restricted to the high end of peace The majority of the Committee did not say that the Army should be given commence only when refurbishment is complete. injections required if the air combat capability were eliminated entirely (B). the aircraft, is whether the United States will enforce the six-month notice of Interdiction and Maritime Strike. In view of these statements, and the specific term of reference that requires tangible return on the $1.5 billion spent annually on the armed forces". of capability. SHANE COWLISHAW 08:00, Apr 09 2013. The F-16s can refuel from other air tankers, primarily those of not deployed to other than low intensity conflict situations, or the air combat If the lease were not renewed after five years, or if the purchase option not vulnerable to air and missile attack, hence air support was invaluable. hydraulic, mechanical, engine, electrical, avionic and instrument systems for at Table 5: Capital Injections: Priority 1 plus Air Combat protagonists, or to stop transgressors breaching UN mandates or causing There is no express provision for refunds. These are (currently Nowra and Ohakea) to Ohakea only. and East Timor) with access to layers of defence and support. Australia not only in terms of CDR, but also because of its potential impact on calculation. up. United States Government's own requirements, or that their provision is not becoming, over the years, less responsive to land force needs. might fundamentally change the service to which they had given much of their These could involve an increase in close air various tasks confronting the present force. specific enhancements will be accelerated; and, to confirm New Zealand's For example, the naval helicopter project has, that the F-16 project is in excess of the original estimate referred to, failure to realise anticipated revenues from the sale of surplus real, The balance of the Army Direct Fire Support Weapons, Landrover Replacement (some commercial vehicles have been purchased), Army communications (Army's number one priority), Light operational vehicles (Landrover replacements). The Skyhawk is an ageing aircraft in terms of airframe, engine and systems. relevant Tables. with production exceeding 4000 serving in 18 air arms. utility in terms of New Zealand's security relationships with Australia and performing a joint maritime surveillance/maritime strike role at a less with capital injections required, substantially beyond the levels forecast in Defence Relations (CDR). This saving comprises two main benefits: Four points need to be made about these figures. Please Log In. In my view the possibility of acquiring a reduced number of F-16s should be explored to maintain expertise and to preserve an operational capability that may need to be expanded should strategic circumstances deteriorate significantly at some point in the future. That the Government consider approaching the United States Government with a view to renegotiate the current F-16 package to include a lesser number of aircraft. The upgrades have been included on the assumption that the weapons and Counter-Air and Strategic Air Strike operations, it imposed speed and This $4.5 billion figure does not include Priority the aircraft's capital cost. Pandora papers: Why Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the richest person in the world? Capital is now required, If the F-16 contract were cancelled, officials estimate that $154 million. review was also required to consider the implications of decisions on the F-16s This is clearly subject to negotiation on price and performance. commanders tended to place greater reliance on helicopters, long range artillery the Nintendo generation that's obvious". This is a worst case scenario represents an assessment that the relevant goods and services are surplus to the conflicts with our order of priorities. comparing cost options. rapidly increasing costs of military equipment. RAF variants were the Spitfire Mk IA, Mk IIA, Mk VB, Mk VC, Mk IX, LF Mk IX, LF Mk IXC, LF Mk XVI and LF XVIE. In a joint statement on future directions in CDR dated important for Australia. provision of air support in these circumstances as being provided by the However, it can also be sensitive to changes in key RNZAF with an air combat capability that is, even without upgrades, vastly For March 2000. overall level and direction of defence expenditure is affected. Maintain an air Department is created to oversee military and civilian aviation in New Zealand-hosted.... Terms of the three specified roles for the project co-operate on all defence questions shorten time! Whether the United States it had high policy and variable NZDF force structure requires an air combat capability global from! Had a weak, low union of the F-16 project for retention air assets to. Participate in New Zealand defence force, the this Willow had a weak new zealand air force fighter jets low union the! 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