AG 1) Adjutant General TIN 1) Taxpayer Identification Number CRTF Commander, Response Task Force GI 1) Geographic Information 2) Alternate Command Staff BOXER Bulk-Only X-ray Enhanced Region -- Children's Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center-- Crisis and Emergency Risk . PPBM Positive Passenger Baggage Match SAAR Secretary's After Action Report DASC Disaster Assistance Support Center 2) Other Federal Agency(ies) NNSA National Nuclear Security Administration CSPI Critical Systems Protection Initiative IR Infrared HSIPP Homeland Security Integrated Planning Process DCS 1) Defense Communications System 2) Advanced Passenger Information System IBWA International Bottled Water Association SIGMET Significant Meteorological Information FM 1) Financial Management GDS Geographic Display System NIBS National Institute of Building Sciences APCO Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials, International DTAPPS Disposable Toxicological Agent Personal Protection System REX Readiness Exercise 3) Post Office FEEA Federal Employee Education & Assistance Suggest. IMSuRT International Medical Surgical Response Team 2) Redundant Array of Independent Disks USAFA United States Air Force Academy 2) Airborne Reconnaissance Low ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile GCO Grant Coordinating Officer EEM Exercise Evaluation Methodology COD Cash On Delivery ULP Unfair Labor Practice Get instant explanation for any acronym or abbreviation that hits you anywhere on the web! NADO National Association of Development Organizations DRT Disaster Response Team (NIMA) SAME Specific Area Message Encoding 3) Telephone Contact Center IEA 1) Immigration Enforcement Agent CBQRF Chemical-Biological Quick Response Force FRERP Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan 2) [Refers to the] FAIR Act LBAD Lexington Blue Grass Army Depot ATP Assistive Technology Professional. TRADE Training Resources And Data Exchange WTO World Trade Organization 2) Streamlined Inspection Program SOF Special Operations Forces Web. NEFSMA New England Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Air (as in filters) 202 ( 5132) Disaster Warnings RRRV Regional Rapid Response Vehicle LFE Lowest Floor Elevation FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map NLT No Later Than 601 ( 5195) Declaration of Policy NAHB National Association of Home Builders DUS Deputy Under Secretary NAP Nuclear Assessment Program NaI(Tl) Sodium Iodide Doped with Thallium (scintillator) 2) Logistics Information Management System NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration Cloudflare Ray ID: 78bb64b4aa809fbc ONA Other Needs Assistance NOK Next-of-Kin NIMBY Not In My Backyard DRG 1) Digital Raster Graphic ANS 1) Alert and Notification System EHM Earthquake Hazard Mitigation NIH National Institutes of Health ALPA Airline Pilots Association SON Statement of Need BMC Bomb Management Center JRERP Joint Radiological Emergency Response Plan ERL Environmental Research Laboratories 4) Intensive Supervision Program NBSAC National Boating Safety Advisory Council 2) Community Rating System HR 1) Home Repair 2) Federal Initial Response Support Team LEA 1) Law Enforcement Agency ERT-S Emergency Response Team Support Capability CMO Civil Military Operations GEMINI Global Emergency Management Information Network Initiative GFI Government-Furnished Information EOV Emergency Operations Vehicle 204 ( 5134) Interagency Task Force Delegation of Authority. TWA Time Weighted Average 2) Transportation Coordination Unit CEE Consolidated Enforcement Environment AL Applicant Liaison 420 ( 5187) Fire Management Assistance PEA Programmatic Environmental Assessment US&R Urban Search and Rescue BWR Boiling Water Reactor AMA American Medical Association DC 1) Direct Current 101 ( 5121) Findings and Declarations EMT-P Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic YLD 1) Yield RORO Roll On/Roll-Off CIBADS Canadian Integrated Biochemical Agent Detection System 2) Preferred Risk Policy NRCSSC Natural Resources Conservation Service State Conservationist RDC Regional Disaster Coordinator SWFL Stillwater Flood Level SERL II Primary event requiring local resource augmentation and limited predeployment of US Government assets 2) NIMS Integration Center DCN Disaster Contractors Network ALSM Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (aka LIDAR) MEAP Mobile Environmental Analytical Platform SAE 1) Site Area Emergency MBO Management by Objectives 2) Judge Advocate General (DoD) SLPA Sea Level Pressure Anomaly NMRT National Medical Response Team DTRIM Domestic Threat Reduction and Incident Management Sort. FISA Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act BT Buying Team TIER Treasury Information Executive Repository AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer EMI 1) Emergency Management Institute 2) Communications Officer 2) Work Order 311 ( 5154) Insurance MPU 1) Microprocessor Unit COC 1) Combat Operations Center EPA [United States] Environmental Protection Agency HSARPA Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency 2) National Security Area 2) Congregate Care CNO 1) Chief of Naval Operations CIAO Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office/Officer UN United Nations (foreign, affiliated with EPR, OIA) IOS International Organization for Standardization . TEMP 1) Temporary Employee JEMP Joint Exercise Management Program AAEI American Association for Exporters and Importers SFO 1) Senior Federal Official MAF Master Appropriation File NCCG National Civilian Community Group EAR Emergency Alert Radio APG Aberdeen Proving Ground FOV Field Of View COLA Cost-of-Living Allowance DAR Designated Agency Representative ATR Advanced Thermal Reactor DSEA Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 NSEC National Security Emergency Coordination SMO Security Management Office (DHS subdivision, affiliated with MGMT) OSD 1) Office of the Secretary of Defense 2) Integrated Management Team 2) Small Business Administration SED Shippers Export Declaration VRP Vessel Response Plan FMC 1) Federal Management Circular MPPP Mortgage Portfolio Protection Program FAIH Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households NAILS National Automated Immigration Lookout System MOX Mixed-Oxide Fuels This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. NPPC National Preparedness and Prevention Council OAS 1) Office of Administrative Support CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2) Information System(s) FASSE Federal Agency Support Service Element PPR Prior Permission Required ST ISAC Surface Transportation Information Sharing and Analysis Center ODRO Office of Detention and Removal Operations Military, Drug, Alcohol. MARR Mission Assignment Reimbursement Request Rehabilitation Terms & Acronyms Glossary 504: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act protects various civil rights of people with disabilities. PHS Public Health Service NOUE Notice of Unusual Event DMV Department of Motor Vehicles MS-1 Medical Service - 1 (Hospital) TNC Terminal Node Controller IAM Incident Activity Manager JACE Joint Assessment of Catastrophic Events SCI Sensitive Compartmented Information 2) Aviation Route Forecast ECC Emergency Communications Center PUBLIC ASSISTANCE AFSOF Air Force Special Operations Forces CSI 1) Container Security Initiative MCMT Mobilization Center Management Team OHS Office of Homeland Security (now HSC) ELR Employee Labor Relations 2) Association of General Contractors OTE or OT&E Operational Test and Evaluation CW 1) Chemical Warfare/Weapons TSWG Technical Support Working Group RPA 1) Regional Planning Agent TEMA Tennessee Emergency Management Agency QC Quality Control DLG Digital Line Graph IED 1) Improvised Explosive Device USADACS United States Army Defense Artillery Center and School E 911 Enhanced 9-1-1 ICPACC Incident Communications Public Affairs Coordination Committee 3) Insurance MT 1) Megaton 2) FEMA Storage Center ISAAG Information Systems Architectural Advisory Group 2) Forms Tracking System 2) Federal Aviation Regulations Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. EAO 1) Emergency Action Officer AACS Automated Access Control System BTA Bioterrorism Act RPO Regional Project Officer CVP Citizenship Verification Procedures IHE Insensitive High Explosive 2) Area Committee AVC Alaska Volcano Center CEOC County Emergency Operations Center PEAD Presidential Emergency Action Document SID Station Identifier 2) Community Based Organization(s) EDR 1) Economic Development Representative EOT Emergency Operations Team eMerge2 electronically Managing enterprise resources for government effectiveness and efficiency TSCM 1) Technical Security Countermeasure EAP 1) Emergency Action Plan MAFFS Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System DCLO Deputy Congressional Liaison Officer -DIY: Do it yourself -RENO: Renovation project -HVAC: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning -FHA: Federal Housing Administration - And, last but not least, DURA stands for the Denver Urban Renewal Authority. TTX Tabletop Exercise AFB Air Force Base EMNPP Emergency Management and National Preparedness Program OFA 1) Office of Family Assistance 2) Library of Congress Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. DOC 1) Department of Commerce MSU 1) Management Support Unit NCSLLET National Center for State & Local Law Enforcement Training, Advisory Committee to the IBIS Interagency Border Inspection System ASIS American Society for Industrial Security RCV Replacement Cost Value NIPF National Intelligence Priority Framework ATO Air Tasking Order GETS Government Emergency Telecommunications System/Service SAAM Special Airlift Assignment Mission UMCA Umatilla Chemical Activity N-TRAP National Terrorism Response Awareness Program RA 1) Risk Assessment DA 1) Damage Assessment DES 1) Data Encryption Standard AEOD Analysis and Evaluation of Operation Data Any doctor, nurse or rehabilitation professional coming from another country to practice healthcare in an emergency needs to come as a member of a team. 2) Civil Emergency Planning (NATO) D2PC An Army computer dispersion modeling capability ISMA International Security Management Association DARO Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office TDD Telecommunications or Teletype Device for the Deaf ATF (Bureau of) Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms GTR 1) Government Technical Representative Exercise emergency authority to stop and prevent unsafe acts. HCF Height Correction Factor ISTL Incident Support Team Leader KAPP Key Asset Protection Program (obsolete; see CAAP) NACCHO National Association of County and City Health Officials GPRA Government Performance and Results Act 3) Emergency Management Division Accelerating the delivery of care and providing superior force health readiness across the Military, Federal, and Civilian landscapes. LFO Lead Federal Official DFSG Disaster Financial Services Group The list of 104 Rehab acronyms and abbreviations (December 2022): 50 Categories. Is subject to call-back during emergency conditions (e.g., severe weather evacuation, post-disaster, etc.). EWO Emergency War Order L-CAR Local Capability Assessment for Readiness NBFAC National Bioforensic Analysis Center POA Point of Arrival v volt CBRD Chemical, Biological and Radiological Defense IEMA Illinois Emergency Management Agency IAFF International Association of Fire Fighters COTR Contracting Officer's Technical Representative NGLO National Guard Liaison Officer MOU Memorandum of Understanding 2) National Foreign Intelligence Program ICF 1) Incident Command Facility Z Zulu (UTC) EMR 1) Electromagnetic Radiation 5) Multiple award contract OCS 1) Officer Candidate School TSCA Toxic Substance Control Act RISS or RISSNET Regional Information Sharing System NWCG National Wildfire Coordinating Group JFC Joint Force Commander 2) Personal Communications Service 3) Forward Staging Areas RAMTAR Radiological Material Transportation Accident Response CPTED Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design FEDD Flood Elevation Determination Docket TOA 1) Time of Arrival SSAN Social Security Account Number E-Gov E-Gov is the use by the government of web-based Internet applications and other information technologies, combined with processes that implement these technologies. AOA Aviation Operations Area NAOC National Airborne Operations Center EMWIN Emergency Managers Weather Information Network NRIMC National Resources Information and Mapping Center RSS Remote Storage Site NFR Notice of Finding and Recommendation AIS 1) Automated Information System(s) CFO 1) Chief Financial Officer AIC Automated Inventory Control (formerly AIS) TOT Time on Target TOC 1) Table of Contents NEMA 1) National Emergency Management Association PANYNJ Port Authority of New York and New Jersey SOG Seat of Government ALTRETCO Alternate Regional Emergency Transportation Coordinator 2) National Infrastructure Advisory Council DEC 1) DCI Environmental Center The pediatric emergency department at Children's Minnesota Minneapolis campus is the only freestanding pediatric Level I trauma center in the area. COMPUSEC Computer Security NARCL Nuclear Accident Response Capabilities Listing STAFFORD ACT - OUTLINE HEU Highly Enriched Uranium 3) Cluster Bomb MEP Management Engineering Plan GPO Government Printing Office Military, Drug, . MRP 1) Machine readable passport AES 1) Aeromedical Evacuation System NUL National Urban League NMJIC National Military Joint Intelligence Center SNS Strategic National Stockpile 2) National Location Code GCS Ground Control Station FLAR Forward Looking Airborne Radar USTRANSCOM United States Transportation Command HMEP Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness TMS 1) Training Management System PRA 1) Paperwork Reduction Act GOSC Global Operations Security Center NFIRA National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994 3) Foreign Air Carrier OPLAN Operations Plan SSE Safe Shutdown Earthquake OCN Optimal Climate Normals Licensed Vocational Nurse Hiring for day and night shift! 2) Applied Technology Council ISOC 1) Information Security Oversight Committee CD 1) Civil Defense FAC 1) Family Assistance Center 2) Director of Operations OFMA Oklahoma Floodplain Management Association HALE High Altitude Long Endurance (see also MALE) RDS Remote Delivery Site NWSFO National Weather Service Forecast Office Sort. ACF 1) Administration for Children and Families ERRO Emergency Response/Recovery Office (USACE) USBP United States. TDO Typhoon Duty Officer 2) Federal Response Subcommittee CST 1) Central Standard Time (GMT-6) 2) Joint Technical Operations Team EMPA Emergency Management Planning and Assistance DHP Disaster Housing Program ODS Operation Desert Safeguard OPS 1) Office of Pipeline Safety AIR Applied Insurance Research ANRC American National Red Cross AH Alternate Headquarters IEMIS Integrated Emergency Management Information System ADRA 1) Act Adventist Development and Relief Agency 2) All-Hazards Situation Assessment Prototype INF 1) Infrastructure CNSC Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission AAMS Automated Acquisition Management System (ProTrac / ProDoc) POTUS President of the United States CAPC Civil Aviation Planning Committee OPPRED Operation Predator 2) Computer-Aided Manufacturing 2) Disaster Safety Officer RTM Regional Training Manager T&C Time and Cost BFE Base Flood Elevation SMG Specialty Management Group 310 ( 5153) Priority for Public Housing ETS Evacuation Time Study Call 866.811.3235 to contact Recovery Connection today. USJFCOM United States Joint Forces Command IVD Interactive Video Disk FCIP Federal Crime Insurance Program COG 1) Continuity of Government FZ Flood Zone CEP 1) Circular Error Probable 2) Help Line OMS Operations Management Systems URL Uniform Resource Locator HTGR High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor 2) Federal Executive Branch DCE/MED TF Disaster Coordinating Element/ Medical Task Force 324 ( 5165b) Management Costs MSL Mean Sea Level BCMC Board for the Coordination of Model Codes 2) Non-Intrusive Inspection 3) National Response Center APE Area of Potential Effect Find out what is the full meaning of REHAB on! IMAAC Interagency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Center TELNET Teleconference Network (42 U.S.C. FEB 1) Federal Executive Board JMMO Joint Medical Mobilization Office AECC 1) Aeromedical Evacuation Coordination (or Control) Center 2) United States Code 6) Cooperative Agreement ChE Cholinesterase NGVD National Geodetic Vertical Datum 2) National Agency Check 3) Crisis Counseling Program 2) Iodine Exposure Intensity FECC Federal Emergency Communications Coordinator 5) Public Assistance SUA 1) Specified Unlawful Activities 2) Disaster Emergency Services CFDA Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance WORM Write Once - Read Many (CD-ROM Drive) DRAT District Response Advisory Team SSC 1) Scientific Support Coordinator EFS Emergency Food and Shelter NPOC Next Port of Call OCONUS Outside the Continental United States ATDP Annual Training and Development Plan 2) Radiological PACAREA Pacific Area OCC Office of the Comptroller of the Currency 2) Prescription (medical) FAIR 1) Fair Access to Insurance Requirements APOE Aerial Port of Embarkation USDA United States Department of Agriculture 6) Internet Service Provider 2) Atomic Energy Commission CEMS Continuous Emission Monitoring System HUD Housing and Urban Development, Department of FIRM-DLG Flood Insurance Rate Map-Digital Line Graph RQ Reportable Quantity TRO Transient Accommodations Only NAOS North American Atmospheric Observing System 2) Automatic Identification System ISA Incident Staging Area CTD 1) Concept and Technology Development ERT-N-NCR National Emergency Response Team for the National Capital Region FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report 2) Per Diem C4 Command, Control, Communications, and Computers 2) Patient Reporting Activity FSD 1) Federal Security Director FRSA Federal Railroad Safety Act 2) American Sign Language ACI/NA Airports Council International--North America Purpose of Your Job Position. ADIZ Air Defense Identification Zone DPW Department of Public Works RRCC Regional Response Coordination Center (replacing ROC) EACT Emergency Action and Coordination Team HHMD Hand-Held Metal Detector RTF-E Response Task Force - East 2) Regional Climate Center FPMR Federal Property Management Regulation RCS 1) Reports Control System P&I Protection and Indemnity OES Office of Emergency Services 4) Automated Manifest System OSLTF Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund BW Biological Warfare/Weapons NGS National Geodetic Survey TVA Tennessee Valley Authority AVIP Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program 2) Microwave LRN Laboratory Response Network (800) 480-2520 DSCA Defense Support to Civil Authority LEGAT Legal Attache NAFAX National Facsimile Network EPC Emergency Preparedness Canada DU Dobson Unit NTR Nothing To Report SSB Single Side Band DFRN Disaster Federal Register Notice IMA Individual Mobilization Augmentee LSV Logistical Staging Vehicle This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. OTS Office of Thrift Supervision SCD Service Computation Date AFD Airport Facility Directory HMMWV Highly Mobile Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle HRPT High Resolution Picture Transmission JFLCC Joint Force Land Component Commander 2) National Research Council ORM Other Regulated Materials 2) Scientific and Technical Analysis and Response Team REL Recommended Exposure Limit USIA United States Information Agency Medical Charting Symbols And Definitions. CDR 1) Christian Disaster Response Emergency management and disaster preparedness fields use an astonishing number of abbreviations to identify organizations, jobs, roles, tasks, events, objects, places - and, of course, paperwork. IEMC Integrated Emergency Management Course SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States 2) Multi-Radio Van (or Vehicle) HQDA Headquarters, Department of the Army NMSAC National Maritime Security Advisory Committee RDO 1) Radiological Defense Officer 4) Computer Evidence Response Training CODEL Congressional Delegation 4) Supersonic Transport HHA High Hazard Area IAP Incident Action Plan NVOAD National Voluntary Organization Active in Disasters 2) Fire Corps (Citizen Corps Program Partner administered by USFA) 2) Crisis Management Center DSP Disaster Support Package 2) Exercise Manual 2) National Crime Prevention Council IRIS Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology MERRT Medical Emergency Radiological Response Team GCE Government Cost Estimate ESA Endangered Species Act Light Metal Buildings . MNAP Mapping Needs Assessment Process BENS Business Executives for National Security EIRS Emergency Information Retrieval System PUP Principal User Processor 2) Officer in Charge IIPLR Insurance Institute for Property Loss Reduction ECTF Electronic Crimes Task Force NPMA National Property Management Association JPMRC Joint Patient Movement Requirements Center TTT Train-the-Trainer JFCOM Joint Forces Command 2) Strategic Planning and Evaluation SDA Seventh Day Adventist 3) Army Regulation 6) Area Contingency Plan 2) Interagency SEAT Operations Guide HEAR Hospital Emergency Administrative Radio DG/CS Dangerous Goods/Cargo Security SITROOM Situation Room IPP Imminent Peril to the Public CPPM Certified Professional Property Manager 2) Concept Based Requirement System ACDA [US] Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. JTF-FF Joint Task Force - Firefighter 2) Transportation Security Administration NPOESS National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) seeks compassionate nursing professionals to apply for our LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE I (LPN I) positions.This an excellent entry level nursing opportunity for potential candidates who are interested in furthering their . CAM 1) Chemical Agent Monitor TROR Treasury Report on Receivables cfm cubic feet per minute 403 ( 5170b) Essential Assistance TIFF Tagged Image File Format MASF Mobile Aeromedical Staging Facility 2) Forensic Services Division SSN Social Security Number EOW Envelope of Water FIS Flood Insurance Study VGA Video Graphics Adapter FIPNC Flood Insurance Producers National Committee IRZ Immediate Response Zone US-VISIT United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology 2) Strategic Storage Center ESIC Earth Science Information Center 2) Truckload USMTF United States Message Text Format FHBM Flood Hazard Boundary Map WMA Washington Metropolitan Area HOPWA Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS SHSGP State Homeland Security Grant Program Comprehensive Overview of Nursing and Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Care of the Stroke Patient: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. ZONE VE Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; coastal floods with velocity hazards (wave action); base flood elevations are determined 2) Airlift Coordination Cell NRCSDC Natural Resources Conservation Service District Conservationist CDEX Civil Defense Exercise DIRC Disaster Information Resource Center 2) Nuclear Detection System