These are used often in day to day life. The Samoans say that its existence is useless - 154 (ola fua), since it does not try to evade its enemies. 6. Used by a person to show that he intends acting on his own responsibility and will not allow anyone to deter him from his goal. Upu faifai. Explore. Lefao's pigeons are counted (i.e., the contest is ended; I am the victor). The latter was just returning from fishing. ", "If the rich could hire someone else to die for them, the poor would make a wonderful living. Upu fa'amafanafana. The saying means: To countermine another's evil designs. The paddle lying on the deck of the fishing boat. Va i fale ve'a. See more ideas about samoan, samoan quotes, polynesian culture. A man from Faleata tried to net one of the pigeons that had been enticed to the tia, but he failed. Utu is the bamboo receptacle in which the hooks are kept. When exposed to the air the matulau dies very quickly. Ua talaga a pa sina. Upu fa'anoanoa or alofa expressing disappointment when one's expectations are not realized or when a counsel given is disregarded. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. This high development traces back to the days before the arrival of the missionaries,when all communication was transmitted orally. We need a bigger gun." Saying "hello" is as simple as ml in an informal setting. ). 47. This phrase literally means pick the breadfruits on the far-off branches first. Samoan Gather the breadfruit from the farthest branches first. It is also used for the notch made by the carpenter in a tree trunk or a beam to facilitate his work. The word manuia is used to wish somebody well with anything at all, and can be used to say goodbye as well: 9. When a chief, with the help of his tulafale, succeeds in obtaining the hand of a noble lady, the latter (as well as the child issued from the marriage) is praised as. 95. Same meaning as No. Pepe tried to catch it. The sea cucumber always held with the victor. Go and look in the fishermen's houses. There is a lou (harvesting pole) for every crop. (A paraphrase for moemoesolo.). Faiva o Fiti ia lililo. However, a second aitu, much revered by the other woman's family, approached her and said Run away quick and I will conceal your flight; that is not your friend but an aitu. While she was running away, he changed himself into her form and went fishing with the first aitu. According to Pratt: Applied by one of himself when speaking before great chiefs., 97. When a bonito has taken the bait, the fisherman will swing in his rod with a forward motion on the starboard side, the canoe still moving on. The person who has burned their fingers often asks for tongs. The figure is taken from the work of the boatbuilder setting a plank. 55. A Samoan saying about life which means even though life takes us in different directions, we will always find our way back to our loved ones. A pigeon caught in the sight of all. When a ti plantation has been abandoned, the plants are not choked by the weeds but will grow up again as soon as the weeds are removed. Have dorsal fins like those of the fuga but not like those of the maono. Oh, Samoa, hold fast your power forever. Upu fa'aalualu: When you see an advantage, turn it to good account. Gathered into a flock from different parts of the forest. 169. Some parts are polished with puga, others with 'ana. It is used for colouring siapo (tapa). Sa (matou) tu'u la'au mai nei. Like this post? 1. 108. Fatuati is a heap of stones erected under water in the lagoon to attract fish. Someone who comes to grief as a result of their own actions. The saying is used in a fono (council meeting) by an orator who interrupts another speaker or who wishes to express a different opinion. To use thatch a second time. Governmental power is like a fresh water fish. Remarks: This method of hunting is not to be confounded with the hunt of the fua'o that nest in large numbers on Pola Rock in Tutuila. Translated into English by H. Neffgen, Govt. Ua maefulu le tava'e. The inhabitants of the old village Papa (near Satupaitea, Savai'i) once noticed a big school of fish out in the sea. In other societies, death is regarded as a specter no one talks about. The hunter is interested only in those wild pigeons that appear in front of his hut. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. A pair of coconut trees, one of which is full of maggots. 124. 93. Few mats, however, meet these requirements. In the form of E te seu foga'afa, it is an upu faifai addressed to another who has caused an interruption in a fono without apologizing with an upu fa'amaulalo. Also used in the form of a pious wish: Ia mafuli a puou. This is the u ta'afale. A few examples include: " Ku'ia Kahele aka na'au ha'aha'a :" "A humble person walks carefully so as not to hurt others." Tavai manu uli. Upu taofiofi. 138. She did not let on. v. Buelow and Kraemer give the following explanation: The one dances about and wastes his time with useless things, whilst the other by persevering efforts goes straight towards his goal. So it is with governmental power. It only looks that way. Should such a bird fly over the tia, it will be ignored by the hunters as only pigeons are wanted. Upu faifai applied to a community (family, village, district) composed of many but unimportant individuals. E sa'olele le tuamafa i lou finagalo. In the Apolima Strait he spread a net that reached from Savai'i to Upolu. He is like the tropic bird which is proud of its feathers. 70. (The fable evidently owes its origin to the fact that the sea cucumber's anus may easily be mistaken for a mouth.). 48. Upu vivi'i. The stranger then replies with the muagagana No. Upu faifai applied to a person who talks nonsense or behaves foolishly; also to one who neglects his personal appearance. Coconut milk was usually given to the birds. Today. 117. 168. 178. So many fish were caught in it, that the boats could not hold them and many had to be thrown back into the sea. Shall I become your working girdle? Both ropes must be of equal strength, lest one of them tear when a bonito bites. Upu vivi'i to commend the energy and perseverance with which a person strives towards his goal. 115. Sinasegi, the daughter of the Tuiaana Fa'apilipili and his wife Sinalaua, went fishing one night on the reef of Falelima. Should one be weak and faint-hearted, the undertaking will fail. The tropic bird is careful of its long tail feathers. Neither is it unusual amongst the Samoans that in a common undertaking one partner tries to overreach the other. We must be of one mind in the undertaking. Every culture has its own set of rules in which everyone is to follow so that there is order and peace in the community. - 152 The front entrance was used by those who came with a request. 84. 22. Ann of Palliat Med. Ohlone Shellmound Buried Beneath the Emeryville Shopping Center. Upu fa'amaulalo meaning: If I have caused some trouble, such as a quarrel, I must try my best to set things right. Upu alofa, fa'aulaula or fa'anoanoa. The trade wind blows mostly during the cool season and brings fine weather for sea travel. ), SCHULTZ, E. Sprichwortliche Redenserten der Samoaner. So that it may be used effectively the following morning. Apia, Samoa, 1916. Man, also, strives after material advantages. When the wooing has presented particular difficulties, as through the lack of connections between the families of the bride and the bridegroom, then the young wife and her child are referred to as. The wild birds shall die: the tame ones shall live. ", "Make sure to send a lazy man for the Angel of Death. Notwithstanding its soft body the octopus is a powerful fish. As the ve'a is extremely shy, the huts were built close together so that the hunters could take counsel with each other in a low voice. When it tries to climb over rocks and tree trunks, it frequently tumbles down. 184. 154. A little tifitifi, that was still alive, sprang up and fell into a deep hole and Lilomaiava said, Perhaps you want that fish too? Yes, replied Leao and Lilomaiava said, Well, then the post must be taken down.. Some maintain that ufu is the name of a certain fish and paipai the substance secreted by it. 1. 150. 8. Upu fa'aulaula addressed to a person who appears unexpectedly. Shower later." Fa'aui lau lavea. 167. Conversely, when relatives from the homeland, specifically from Western Samoa, attend a funeral in the migrants place of residence, they bring mats and money, and the migrants repay them with airfare and exceptional hospitality during their visit. Pratt translates: to be prosperous. 145. Through the back entrance she received the food which had to be offered to her as tribute. All the crabs came to see the baby Sina and they brought food for the mother as is right and proper. Fa'aoti (from oti, to die) is a figure of speech for fa'auma (completely, so that nothing is left). A couple of white pearl shell fish-hooks. The tulafale try their utmost to bring about the wedding of their chief and when this is accomplished they are not sparing in flatteries, as they will be well rewarded with the fine mats that constitute the bride's dowry. Below Ive listed the most well-known Samoan idioms and expressions. Applied to a thing done so hurriedly that order and care suffer; for instance, a hurried journey in which things are forgotten. O le sapatu moe 'ese. Upu fa'aaloalo used to introduce some complimentary remarks about the previous speaker, if the latter was a high chief or an orator of rank. The pigeon flew away, just skimming over the water near the place where Pepe was hidden. O le vaivai o le fe'e. Upu vivi'i used of a person or a community that performs an undertaking unassisted. For the chase it offers only feathered game. (Samoan Proverb) The knee Upu fa'amaulao: I am inferior to you. The more formal ways to say this are: Hello (polite). Upu fa'aalualu: Ta te gase a uluga. E atagia taga tafili. The work begins with loosening the rounded ends of the house from the fatuga (timbers to which the purlins are fastened). 38. Have patience and forgive those that trespass against you. Ua tagi a pu mate. Chris Raymond is an expert on funerals, grief, and end-of-life issues, as well as the former editor of the worlds most widely read magazine for funeral directors. Death is a reminder that our lives are finite. Lefao's people heard the call and repeated it so that the news of his victory quickly spread through the bush and through the town. If the maga breaks or is bitten off by a fish, the loss can easily be repaired. The double meaning of the word umu forms an untranslatable pun. 76. Death and grief quotationsmay also capture what you are trying to say or help you come to terms with the loss yourself. It means that his opinion is of no value. Lefao then cried out: Ua tau lupe a Lefao. 100. When a big funeral happens, orators and their mourning family members should directly receive mats and food as forms of reciprocation for their gifts. Ua se tava'e le ausu i le fulu. Bring the one-pronged arrow to shoot the pigeon in the thicket. doi:10.21037/apm.2018.s016. "There is no one who can jump so high as to escape death." 61. In return, families return gifts to the visitors. Divided on top of the fatuga. The ise (garfish) is caught by torch light with a hoop-net. The bundle of mats has fallen into disarray. While they slept, an aitu (spirit, devil) came along and took on the form of one of the women. Thus say the hunters when, entering the bush, they notice no sign of the game. The tropic bird's breastbone is visible. 24. Ua fa'atagito'a. III.MANUAL WORK INSIDE AND OUT OF THE HOUSE. Fetu'una'i muniao. Traditionally, Samoans believed in dying at home and being buried the day after death to prevent the spirit from causing any trouble or misfortune for their family, If they work in common, one will rely on the other and nothing is done. Matalaoa suspected him of having illicit intercourse with her brothers wife, so she watched him and found her suspicions confirmed. 16. The peaceful demonstration erupted into violence when the NZ military police opened fire on the marchers. E tenetene fua le livaliva, 'ae sagasaga 'ai le vili ia. It also refers to elderly or sick people whose days are numbered, but in this case it may not be used in the presence of the person to whom it is applied. The fact is that, now and then, fatal poisonings occur after the natives have partaken of pelupelu that were caught with an unavau. 28. Image: Facebook (Samoan Proverb) More Samoan Proverbs (Based on Topics) Sin - Friendship - Work & Career - Morning - Night - Birds - View All Samoan Proverbs Buy books and product about Samoan @ Amazon Popular Topics Love Proverbs - Life Proverbs - Death & Dying Proverbs - Success Proverbs - Happiness Proverbs - Friendship Proverbs - View All Topics Samoa, arise and raise your flag, your crown!Look at those stars that are waving on it:This is the symbol of Jesus, who died on it for Samoa.Oh, Samoa, hold fast your power forever.Do not be afraid; God is our foundation, our freedom.Samoa, arise: your flag is waving, your crown! One day her brother went out to noose sharks and stayed away a long time. A new boat was smoothed with pieces of coral, each workman being assigned to a particular part of the boat. This pictures a fisher who sits in his boat on a dark night and is startled by the sudden appearance of a shark. Loss is too significant to mend itself, but not even death can take away the The wisdom shown at lauloa fishing. Ala mutiaan old road. Otherwise, ones spirit may cause problems for the family. E gase a uluga. If you have to form a resolution, do not revolve the matter in your own mind only, but discuss it with others. The saying refers to retribution in a good and in a bad sense. The snake when about to be killed looks but does not escape. Same meaning as No. 54. When the aitu wanted to return, he became entangled in the net and cried out in a loud voice. They were too late for the catch. 5. To look, like a fish, for a hole in the net. E pipili tia, 'ae mamao ala. This was particularly done for the purpose of hunting pigeons. To cover up dead birds. E sau le fuata ma lona lou. Lavalima refers to the Samoan sinnet and signifies the progress made in plaiting it; it also refers to the work of the carpenter who winds the string around the rafters as a substitute for nails. 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