Radio Reporter: George Sylvester Viereck, well-known publicist, has been indicted by a grand jury which pictures him as using congressional franks to send-out his material. On the afternoon of August 31, 1940, Lundeen was a passenger on Flight 19 of Pennsylvania Central Airlines, flying from Washington to, Detroit. Radio Announcer: Youre about to hear an address delivered before a meeting of the America First Committee. Hart: What Viereck does is he combines this incredible power of essentially unlimited copies of the congressional record printed at government expense, envelopes that are pre-franked, could be mailed a government expense. In 1934, during the 73rd Congress, Lundeen sponsored the Workers' Unemployment Insurance Bill. Radio Reporter: George Sylvester Viereck, the man who has been prominent for several years as a Nazi propagandist. Watch the full interview with state Sen. Paul Lundeen about the future of the GOP in Colorado on Colorado Point of View this Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on Channel 2. 1. He served from January 3, 1937, in the 75th and 76th Congresses until his death. Norma then proceeded to falsely testify that she indeed took the Viereck files, but the files are gone due to a burglary that has taken place at their residence. May 18, 1941, 11:30 to 11:45pm, the NBC Blue Network. You got to pick your priority, said Lundeen. Lundeen might have added a comma, or changed the spelling of a word, but Lundeen did not do any significant, or even mild editing to the prose provided to him by Viereck. Maddow: Senator Lundeen had built his career on being outspoken against the US joining foreign wars. Senator. 2. in ancient Rome, the chief legislative and administrative body. Senate. She later made a dramatic plea for justice for her late husbands memory, but was denied an President, Mr. The saying in this body is that the minority gets their say, and the majority gets their way. Norma had an answer for that. She was looking for something very specific. House and Senate Rules; Email addresses for the Colorado legislature have changed from the domain to the domain on December 1, 2022. Maddow: One of the reasons Viereck operated so successfully for so long had something to do with the way he did business. He basically operated in plain sight in the United States for years. A note pinned to the speech Sen. Ernest Lundeen was carrying the day he died, describing how the manuscript was found 100 yards from the scene of the crash. To do that, within 2 days after the crash she travelled to his office in the Capitol to retrieve the "Viereck files". The series is Executive Produced by myself and Mike Yarvitz, and it's produced by Kelsey Desiderio. Many of the members of Congress who have been involved with the Viereck scandal and tend towards the anti-interventionist, anti-Roosevelt side of the aisle find themselves as prominent figures in America First. Private activist groups operating outside law enforcement were tracing stolen U.S. military weapons and complex, violent plots involving homegrown violent fascists with help and financing from Berlin. The full episode transcript for Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra | Episode 4: A Bad Angle. Despite the loud protests of the senators widow, Norma Lundeen, on the radio her threats to sue reporters into submission, her attempts to gaslight the American people that her husband wasnt really standing in front of the swastika despite all of that, the details of her husbands relationship with this Nazi agent, those details began to get out. Nancy Beck Young: This group of people, if they were anything first, it was their own political success and careers first. Lundeen was born and raised on his father's homestead in Brooklyn Township of Lincoln County near Beresford in the Dakota Territory. In politics unexpected losses bless you with focused thoughts. Because not only did she know for a fact that that allegation was true, that in fact an agent from Hitler's government really had been writing speeches for her Senator husband, she knew that it was true. It was direct documentary evidence that the Senator had been colluding with a Nazi agent. Note that he may make real-time changes to some of the exact language. Maddow: In the year following the death of Senator Ernest Lundeen, newspaper and radio journalists began to figure out what exactly Lundeen had been up to with this German agent, George Viereck. Mr. The plane, a Douglas DC-3, flew into turbulence from a thunderstorm. We found correspondence from a Vice President at NBC telling Norma Lundeen that he personally had intervened to delete mentions of Senator Lundeen from two different broadcasts. DENVER Below is the transcript of Colorado Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeens (R-Monument) speech on the opening day of the First Regular Session of the 74th , By Darcy G. Richardson on February 2, 2022 2:05 AM. Young: This group of people, if they were anything first, it was their own political success and careers first. And in more ways than one. America First. That tight-little, patriotic-sounding populist slogan was both a don't-get-involved-in-the-war rallying cry, and a good, profile-boosting vehicle for members of congress who for whatever reason were opposed to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was just an electoral juggernaut at the time. 25 people were killed, including Minnesota Sen. Ernest Lundeen. Images: Telephone; U.S. Constitution; Senate leaders Byrd & Baker; John Glenn receives medal; Appropriations Committee Contact Leadership & Officers Former Senators Qualifications & Terms of Service Facts & Milestones States Lundeen was adamantly opposed to the United States involvement in World War I and campaigned on that stance. The word senator has been used WITNESS SAYS HILL USED LUNDEEN FRANK; Mrs. Spielman Testifies Viereck Wrote Speeches for Senator. All accusations of this nature are emphatically denied in the letters of the Attorney General Jackson and J. Edgar Hoover. Republican. Hart: We believe it's millions of Americans. Klicken Sie auf Einstellungen verwalten um weitere Informationen zu erhalten und Ihre Einstellungen zu verwalten. That's what they were expecting. They were all in on the cause. President, Mr. Lundeens secretary arrived at the senators office on that fateful morning and found Lundeen slumped over on his desk: Hes got his head down on his desk, his head is It tends to be our nature as politicians to launch into any debate at full throttle to tell everything we know about a matter. Norma Lundeen: Only a few days after the husband and father we loved had been laid away, this storm of malice broke. That's Viereck's portfolio from Germany. All of us face a public school system that is hemorrhaging quality teachers and failing to meet the needs of far too many students unless we fund and focus on students instead of the system. Hart: This is a man who is a fairly known quantity. To the majority caucus: We will make honest and sincere efforts to work with you. In an echo of Coveys encouragement for to us to seek first to understand then to be understood, lets start from the perspective that every material amendment offeredis a friendly amendment. Space for freedom and opportunity, creativity and ingenuity, and access to support and connection to help when a season of life is so heavy as to overwhelm a fellow Coloradan. But the other members of Congress, that band of America Firsters who were all in on it, too, they were still flying under the radar. When Senator Lundeen boarded that doomed Pennsylvania Central Airlines plane in August 1940, remember that his final destination was back home in Minnesota, where he was slated to deliver a speech on Labor Day weekend. That speech was also a speech against America getting into the war. Because what had really ticked her off was not just the reporting that her husband was being tailed by the FBI, or that he was under investigation for being in cahoots with a Nazi agent, or that he made a practice of standing under a big swastika banner. One reason is: adversity has a clarifying effect. Note that he may make real-time changes to some of the exact language. [6] Lundeen said the experience was "astounding" and that the test showed that American ship designers "need bow to none. To make up for lost time, to get out from behind the eight ball, the Attorney General finally decided to appoint a special prosecutor, someone to start paying attention to these kinds of threats to our democracy. Millions of Americans receive pro-Nazi, anti-interventionist content in this period. In the immediate wake of her husbands death, Norma Lundeen had a good reason for wanting that correspondence to never see the light of day. We insist to be full participants in the legislative process in this chamber, and will offer our best, constructive suggestions for making the future laws of this state better. He felt the United States had become a great power because Party. Former Minnesota senator Ernest Lundeens story of suspected sedition is back in the headlines thanks to a new podcast. In the bestselling Seven Habits of highly effective people, Steven Covey suggested we make more headway and create more good in life when we first seek to understand, and then to be understood. Maddow: George Sylvester Viereck was an agent working on behalf of the fascist government in Germany. Program for the funeral service of Sen. Ernest Lundeen on September 4, 1940, in Saint Paul, Minnesota. So with the current anti-democracy campaign intended to NazifyAmerica (and you know which orange figureheadand faithless political party thisinvolves, as with RepublicanSenator Lundeen in 1940), Rachel Maddow's new podcast Ultra(which premiered today!) Post something that gets attention and likes and shares and viral explosion, or post something that informs, even if it informs people of something theyd prefer not to hear. The members or legislators of a senate are called senators. In his time in the Senate, was accused of demanding kickbacks from his employees. [3], Lundeen was elected to the United States Senate in 1936 as a member of the Farmer-Labor Party. To Senators Pelton (Byron and Rod), [] Declaring her candidacy shortly before the states filing deadline, Lundeens last-minute entry created a three-way race for the Farmer-Labor Partys U.S. Senate nomination, forcing former Gov. The ship reached a maximum speed of 40 knots, came to a complete stop in 58 seconds, and then travelled in reverse at 20knots. All of us face something completely unexpected in Coloradoempty store shelvesand runaway UNaffordability when we do find the products and services we seek. Im entitled to a little justice., During and following the trial, the mainstream media playing to the war hysteria that swept the country after Pearl Harbor delighted in dragging the Lundeen name through the mud at every opportunity. Maddow: Millions of Americans. We face challenges too big to ignore and opportunities too important to fumble. PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION, Exhibit 1 62-CV-18-254 Filed in Second Judicial District Court 1/30/2018 2:53 PM Ramsey County, MN, A Guide to the Records of Minnesota's Public Lands, Sixty-Eighth Congress March 4, 1923, to March 3, 1925. As far as prosecutors could tell, this D.C. publicist, and Senator Ernest Lundeen, and Viereck the Nazi agent, theyd all been involved together in a scheme to secretly disseminate pro-Nazi disinformation and propaganda. Viereck would supply this material, supply these speeches to Lundeen, Lundeen would take them and read them verbatim on the floor of the Senate. Maddow: Norma Lundeen made her case, defending her husband passionately and directly to the public. The speech written for Sen. Ernest Lundeen by a paid Nazi agent. The previous 12 months had shown that the federal government, time and again, was behind the eight ball when it came to this gathering threat at home from the ultra-right the plotting and planning of extremists in this country who were inclined towards violence and, in many cases, hooked up with the Hitler government. Senator Ernest Lundeen and George Sylvester Viereck were old friends. Just as she failed to find justice in the courtroom, the soft-spoken and attractive Lundeen found little fondness and impartiality for her husbands memory at the ballot box as Benson, still enormously popular among Farmer-Laborites in the Twin Cities and with miners on Minnesotas Iron Range, easily captured the partys U.S. Senate nomination, garnering 66,051 votes to Lundeens 24,019 and 17,163 for Arens. Senators The Constitution prescribes that the Senate be composed of two senators from each State (therefore, the Senate currently has 100 Members) and that a senator must be at least thirty years of age, have been a citizen of the United States for nine years, and, when elected, be a resident of the State from which he or she is chosen. Senator Ernest Lundeen in a mysterious plane crash in 1940 left a series of questions that lead to revealing threats to American democracy. To commemorate the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, and recognize the service of the first female senator in 1922, learn about the Women of the Senate. Dec 13, 2022 DENVER Today, Senator Paul Lundeen (R - Monument) announced committee assignments for the Senate Republican Caucus during the 74th General Assembly of the State of Colorado. Hart: This was a closely guarded sort of set of correspondence that Norma Lundeen did not want out in the wider world. She later made a dramatic plea for justice for her late husbands memory, but was denied an opportunity to speak directly to the jury. But Norma Lundeen was just getting warmed up. It is those who love the dead, and who all the years of their lives will bear his name with pride, they are the ones who feel the force of the dagger driven into the back of the dead. Norma Lundeen: The dead cannot be hurt by vilification. Maddow: It was just a bad angle. From both parties. He did manage to turn a sitting U.S. senator into a paid mouthpiece for a foreign fascist government. It immediately led them to start wondering: Were they next? Our Web Producer is Will Femia. The wreckage of the Pennsylvania Central Airlines plane, which crashed during a violent thunderstorm near Lovettsville on August 31, 1940. If they could advance their career by playing footsie with Nazis, and if that meant winnowing away the strength of American democracy, then so be it. Here at Senator we create products that set the stage for people to do amazing things. I had not read about her or her husband before. [10] Norma tried to prevent that narrative by claiming that "no one wrote [her] husband's speeches" and threatening to sue one of the journalists who was reporting on it. Holman, who never ran for public office again,died in 1959. Lundeen was elected to the United States Senate in 1936 as a member of the Farmer-Labor Party. Hart: We have a number of the biggest figures in American politics in this period, men who are truly household names, the biggest names really in Republican congressional politics, they all fall under the spell of this Nazi propaganda operation. We care about your safety and that of your children. His employees would get paid a salary by the Senate, but he would then demand that they hand over a portion of that salary back to him. Maddow: By 1940, George Sylvester Viereck and Senator Ernest Lundeen were a well-oiled, two-man propaganda machine. He was. This promises to be good. So, though in many cases, misguided policies have created or exacerbated the problems of today, I am optimistic that when we more fully embrace the principles and values that have made this country and this state exceptional we change our future for the better. There was no Facebook, no Twitter, there was no news on TV. Covering Third Parties and Independent Candidates Since 2008. But he remained isolationist and was later denounced by the party as a reactionary. When this war is over, she asserted on the campaign trail, we must insist that our sons be returned to America. If the internationalists prevailed, she cautioned repeatedly, the United States would soon find itself entangled in continuous intrigue around the globe, one in which the American people would eventually lose control of their own country and find their own children pushed out of their cradle of liberty.. William Maloney was an experienced federal prosecutor. And that Viereck file that the Senator's wife was looking for and that she took away so soon after her husband died, that file contained more than a decade's-worth of correspondence between Lundeen and Viereck. And all of us face a future where energy is unreliable and unaffordable unless we wisely use the best carbon transition fuels we have and explore alternative energy options, like nuclear. How far did it go? If any media outlet requires photographs of any of our Senators, they are invited to use anything contained on our Flickr account with attribution to Colorado Senate Republicans.. Coloradans remain optimistic. The speech written for Sen. Ernest Lundeen by a paid Nazi agent. He was kind of their top banana here. Like the charter airplane accident that killed DFL Sen. Wellstone, his wife and daughter and four others near Eveleth, Minn., Oct. 25, 2002, the accident that took the life of the 62-year-old Lundeen changed the course of Minnesota and perhaps even American political history. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. The letter reads: "May I be a senator after Wash [ington] and The charming 46-year-old widow waged a relatively low-key campaign, quietly yet passionately defending her late husbands record and promising an all-out prosecution of the war, all the while presciently warning the voters of Minnesota that the internationalists including the Farmer-Labor Partys own Elmer Benson would keep American troops in Europe, Africa and Asia following the war, thereby making the United States the policemen of the world. Mrs. Ernest Lundeen speaks and apparently she's speaking in reply to certain statements about her husband made by Walter Winchell in his broadcast. It's really a scheme of genius in some ways, I think we would say evil genius. He executed a court-ordered search warrant on an apartment belonging to a D.C. publicist, a guy who they believed to be Viereck's employee in Washington. Maddow: The Viereck files. But thats not exactly what Norma wanted to talk about when she stepped behind the mic that day. No one in the public knew that they too had been aiding and abetting this paid agent of Hitlers government. No, the thing that Norma was really set on denying first and foremost was the allegation that someone other than her husband had been writing his speeches. Hart: We have a U.S. His father, C. H. Lundeen, was an early pioneer who was credited with the naming of Brooklyn Township as well as with helping to establish the school and other institutions located there. 513 Hart Senate Office Building. Its a Congressional privilege thats called franking, which still exists today. And as soon as he was assigned to this new job by the Attorney General, Maloney began putting the pieces together, starting with Ernest Lundeen and George Sylvester Viereck and what sure seemed to be an improper relationship there. I mentioned the Republican caucus in this chamber can, and I believe will, make a fundamental difference in the way this body takes on and talks about issues. senador. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. In part because everyone who choosesand most politicians chooseown a broadcast channel. Young: The relationship that the two of them come up with is that Viereck will function as speech writer for Lundeen. Library of Congress Engineer: Cut B-4 sounds like a dynamite record. Maddow: This was the early 1940s. Together we face some persistent problems and it is likely that new challenges will arise. We cannot, nor should we ever, expect the people of Colorado to unwillingly surrender anything that is theirs, including their hard-earned money, their closely-held beliefs, their livelihoods or small businesses, or their basic rights as enshrined in the United States Constitution. Darcy always has the most informative and entertaining articles. senado. They asserted that Lundeens speeches were bitterly anti-British and vigorously against American preparedness. Whether certain foreign agents figured that they were about In 1940, FDR was running for an unprecedented third term as US president. Environments We help to create collaborative learning spaces. Maddow: This wasn't just pocket money, this was a whole new second stream of considerable income for the Senator. They were mostly Republicans, but also some Democrats. Young: Norma Lundeen directed, upon her husband's death, to have given to her all the Viereck files. Main Sections. It helped him transform his scheme from a two-man band into a kind of assembly-line of Nazi propaganda being pumped out of the U.S. Captiol and into the mailboxes of unsuspecting Americans from coast-to-coast. The handwritten note at the top was added by his widow, Norma. With Lundeen's help, a subcommittee of the Labor Committee heard testimony from 80 witnesses on the benefits of the bill and the suffering of the unemployed. DENVER Below is the transcript of Colorado Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeens (R-Monument) speech on the opening day of the First Regular Session of the 74th General Assembly. A copy of the Congressional Record from 1940, containing Sen. Ernest Lundeen's last speech on the floor of the Senate. Hart: It's really a scheme of, of genius in some ways. It hadnt even been a year since her husband had died in that terrible, mysterious plane crash. This was in no way a secret and Lundeen must have known the man he was dealing with was at least pro-German, if not actively working on behalf of the German government. It is almost unanimous, the people we represent, the whole people of Colorado, say they do NOT like polarized politics. Other countries have senators as well, either elected or appointed. Norma Lundeen: A pair of columnists had written that two Department of Justice agents were on the plane with my husband when it crashed, that they had been assigned to watch him. Lundeen was carrying these pages when he died, and they were found near the scene of the plane crash. Testifying as a witness for the defense in Vierecks trial, Norma Lundeen said that she had never heard Viereck utter a single un-American remark. You will experience the difference in the way this body and the broader General Assembly takes on and talks about issues. elected to the Senate in 1936 as a member of the Farmer-Labor Party. What George Sylvester Viereck figured out was that he could weaponize that against the American people. Young: Viereck is a spy for the German government, part of his responsibility being cozying up to those in power in U.S. politics to gather as much information as possible and to try to get them to do things that will forestall U.S. entry into the war. And yet we must not mislead ourselves into believing that the government can solve all problems. On their own, together, in teams, or as organisations. And sometimes they did. In 1941 in New York, a big academic study was done of Germany's propaganda efforts here to try to figure out why the Hitler government was putting so much effort, so much money, into propaganda targeting americans. 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