Sherbro was influential and powerful and the British greatly feared him. In the 1790s, the Settlers, including adult women, voted for the first time in elections. Dumbuya and former inspector general of police Bambay Kamara, was foiled. [240][241] In early August 2014 Guinea closed its borders to Sierra Leone to help contain the spreading of the virus, which originated in Guinea, as more new cases of the disease were being reported in Sierra Leone than in Guinea. The provinces of Sierra Leone are divided into 16 districts, as of July 2017. The first of these goals is to provide solar power to at least 50,000 homes in 2016, the second is 250,000 homes by 2017, and finally to provide power to 1,000,000 people by 2020. The Sierra Leone Police under Bambay Kamara's leadership was accused of physical violence, arrest and intimidation against critics of President Momoh's government. [39], In January 1787, the Atlantic and the Belisarius set sail for Sierra Leone, but bad weather forced them to divert to Plymouth, during which time about 50 passengers died. Its numerous creeks and estuaries contain mangrove swamps. The district has both highlands and lowlands. Antagonism between the two entities escalated to a heated debate in 1947, when proposals were introduced to provide for a single political system for both the Colony and the Protectorate. A strong free journalistic tradition developed with the creation of several newspapers. Clarkson initially banned the survivors of Granville Town from joining the new settlement, blaming them for the demise of Granville Town. Other popular destinations for tourists include the Freetown Cotton Tree, located in Central Freetown, a significant national monument and integral to the founding of the city; Bunce Island, which is a boat ride from the city, is home to the ruins of the slave fortress that was being used during the Transatlantic slave trade; the Sierra Leone Museum, which has a collection of both precolonial as well as colonial artifacts and other items of historical significance; the National Railway Museum; or take a journey around the city's coastline with the popular Sea Coach Express. Men continue to be the lesser population with a total of three million seven hundred and twenty-seven thousand, seven hundred and forty-seven (3,727,747), comprising 49.4% of the total population. [33] The Spanish rendering of this geographic formation is Sierra Leona, which later was adapted, misspelled and became the country's current name. Mineral exports remain the main currency earner. [225], According to 2017 estimates, Sierra Leone has the third highest maternal mortality rate in the world. Passengers cross the river to Aberdeen Heliports in Freetown by hovercraft, ferry or a helicopter. After Pedro da Cintras discovery, foreign influence in the area increased and trade commenced between the locals and Europeans in the form of a barter system. The coup plot led to the execution of seventeen soldiers by firing squad. The Limba are primarily found in Northern Sierra Leone, particularly in Bombali, Kambia and Koinadugu District. By September 2014, with the closure of borders, the cancellation of airline flights, the evacuation of foreign workers and a collapse of cross-border trade, the national deficit of Sierra Leone and other affected countries was widening to the point where the IMF was considering expanding its financial support. Explanation: Boundaries of districts and chiefdoms according to the administrative reorganization of 2017. Other figures are estimates from the source cited. Only 20% of the urban population and 1% of the rural population had access to piped drinking water in their home. Ten years later, on 19 April 1971, the country became a republic, with an elected President as the Head of State. Kenema is the most populated district in Sierra Leone, according to the preliminary report of the final result of the Mid-Term Census report released by Statistics Sierra Leone (Stats SL) last week. 49,839; Regent Urban Area: pop. Pressures to end colonialism had as much to do with Britains weakened position following World War II as it did with the pan-African demands for autonomy. Many people moved to Freetown during the countrys civil war to avoid violence in more rural areas, and economic opportunities also draw people to the city. The Maliki school is by far the largest and most dominant Islamic school of jurisprudence across Sierra Leone. The first of the 6,000-member force began arriving in December, and the UN Security Council voted in February 2000 to increase the force to 11,000, and later to 13,000. The president appoints and parliament approves Justices for the three courts. According to Professor Fyle, there has been evidence of travellers calling the region Serra Lyoa long before 1462 (before the first arrival of Sintra to the region). Falaba District Falaba District is a district in the Northern Province of Sierra Leone. The northern section of this has been categorised by the World Wildlife Fund as part of the Guinean forest-savanna mosaic ecoregion, while the south is rain-forested plains and farmland. [257] These levels do vary between areas of the country, with the Western Area having the highest levels and Kailahun the lowest. Religious tolerance in the West African nation is very high and is generally considered a norm and part of Sierra Leone's cultural identity. In August 2007, Sierra Leone held presidential and parliamentary elections. With the Eastern Province, this is one of two provinces in the country without a coastline. He was neither corrupt nor did he make a lavish display of his power or status. Authorities have been slow to implement reforms in the civil service, and the pace of the privatisation programme is also slackening and donors have urged its advancement. One traditional leader from each district occupies a seat in Sierra Leone's parliament. All of Sierra Leone's Heads of State have been Christians except Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, who was a Muslim. Each has a directly elected local district council to exercise authority and carry out functions at a local level. [96] The epidemic also led to the Ouse to Ouse Tock in September 2014, a nationwide three-day quarantine. Media in Sierra Leone began with the introduction of the first printing press in Africa at the start of the 19th century. The provinces of Sierra Leone are divided into 14 districts. The British later captured Nyagua, and he was also exiled to the Gold Coast. [92] Strasser was immediately flown into exile in a military helicopter to Conakry, Guinea. [149], Agriculture is the largest employer with 80 per cent of the population working in the sector. The army was devoted to Bangura, and this made him potentially dangerous to Stevens. Since then, there has been a smooth succession to the presidency all via elections. [108] The country had a 2019 Forest Landscape Integrity Index mean score of 2.76/10, ranking it 154th globally out of 172 countries.[109]. The report indicated that the countrys just-concluded first digital census proves that the nations population is Seven million, five hundred and forty-eight thousand seven hundred and two (7,548,702). Source: Statistics Sierra Leone (web). Port Loko District is a district in the North West Province of Sierra Leone. [160] This initiative falls under the Energy Africa access campaign which seeks to provide electricity to 14 different African countries by 2030. [221] The founding members of the Coalition included the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society (the first chairing organisation), LFR International (proposed the formation), the University of Makeni, Agency for Rural Community Transformation, and the Holy Spirit Hospital. [51], The Sierra Leone Company, controlled by London investors, refused to allow the settlers to take freehold of the land. Female. [77] He based the government on the rule of law and the separation of powers, with multiparty political institutions and fairly viable representative structures. Kenema is also governed by an elected city council and headed by a Mayor. [79] With the lack of technology, mostly in all Sierra Leone, it is hard to help a business to function. Bo is also headed by a mayor and governed by the city council. 113,185 (2015); Katu Town Urban Area: pop. After the execution of Bangura, a group of soldiers loyal to the executed general held a mutiny in Freetown and other parts of the country in opposition to Stevens' government. The official documentation known as the Book of Negroes lists thousands of freed slaves whom the British evacuated from the nascent United States and resettled in colonies elsewhere in British North America (north to Canada, or south to the West Indies). Krio (derived from English and several indigenous African languages, and the language of the Sierra Leone Krio people) is the most widely spoken language in virtually all parts of Sierra Leone. In December 2005, UN peacekeeping forces pulled out of Sierra Leone. Educated Krios held numerous positions in the colonial government, giving them status and well-paying positions. The leader of the main opposition All People's Congress (APC), Siaka Stevens, along with Isaac Wallace-Johnson, another outspoken critic of the SLPP government, were arrested and placed under house arrest in Freetown, along with sixteen others charged with disrupting the independence celebration.[76]. The Limba are close political allies of the neighbouring Temne. They primarily occupy the capital city of Freetown and its surrounding Western Area. In September 2014 there were many Districts with travel restrictions including Kailahun, Kenema, Bombali, Tonkolili, and Port Loko because of Ebola. At the same time, he sent warriors to assist Bai Bureh in fighting against the British. When Sierra Leone gained independence in 1961, the Royal Sierra Leone Military Force was created from the Sierra Leone Battalion of the West African Frontier Force. The two biggest and most successful football clubs are East End Lions and Mighty Blackpool. The Oku people are related to the Krio and primarily reside in the communities of Fourah Bay, Fula Town, and Aberdeen in Freetown. [103] The country's population is mostly young, with an estimated 41.7% under 15, and rural, with an estimated 62% of people living outside the cities. The name Yalunka literally means "inhabitants of the Jallon (mountains)". [97] By the end of 2014 there were nearly 3000 deaths and about 10,000 cases of the disease in Sierra Leone. The country can be divided into four distinct physical regions: the coastal swamp, the Sierra Leone Peninsula, the interior plains, and the interior plateau and mountain region. [243], Rice is the staple food of Sierra Leone and is consumed at virtually every meal daily. Under President Stevens, the SSD had been a powerful personal force used to maintain his hold on power, independent from the Sierra Leone Military and Sierra Leone Police Force. [79], Education in Sierra Leone is legally required for all children for six years at primary level (Class P1-P6) and three years in junior secondary education,[211] but a shortage of schools and teachers has made implementation impossible. With a new decentralisation policy, embodied in the Local Government Act of 2004, responsibility for water supply in areas outside the capital was passed from the central government to local councils. A key indicator of success will be the effectiveness of government management of its diamond sector. The current Sierra Leonean Defence Minister is retired Major Alfred Paolo Conteh. Instead, it borders two domestic provinces and the Atlantic Ocean. In politics the overwhelming majority of Sierra Leoneans vote for a candidate without regard of the candidate being a Muslim or a Christian. It is a sweet, lightly fermented palm wine,[245] and is found in bars in towns and villages across the country. Corporal Sankoh was convicted and jailed for seven years at the Pademba Road Prison in Freetown. Sipsma, Heather L., et al. A one-party parliamentary election between APC members was held in May 1986. The city of Bo, also called Bo Town, is the economic hub of the Southern Province and Sierra Leones second-largest city. [56][57][58][59], The settlement of Sierra Leone in the 1800s was unique in that the population was composed of displaced Africans who were brought to the colony after the British abolition of the slave trade in 1807. After 11 years, the country conducted another census in 1974, in that headcount, the population grew to two million, seven hundred and thirty-five thousand one hundred and fifty-nine (2,735,159) and after another 11 years in 1985, the census report recorded a population of three million five hundred and fifteen thousand, eight hundred and twelve (3,515,812). In addition, it stated that: The population size of Sierra Leone in 2021 has more than tripled since the first modern census that was conducted in 1963. 14 are rural, with the capital Freetown divided into 2 districts. [121] Sierra Leone is a member of the International Criminal Court with a Bilateral Immunity Agreement of protection for the US military (as covered under Article 98). They designated chiefs as units of local government, rather than dealing with them individually as had been the previous practice. Just like Freetown and Bo, Kenema is home to an ethnically diverse population whose main dialect is the Krio language. Sierra Leone is bordered on the north and east by Guinea, on the south by Liberia, and on the west by the Atlantic Ocean. [32], European contacts within Sierra Leone were among the first in West Africa during the 15th century. Non-denominational Protestants form a significant minority of Sierra Leone's Christian population. On 29 April 1992, a group of young soldiers in the Sierra Leone Army, led by seven army officersLieutenant Sahr Sandy, Captain Valentine Strasser, Lieutenant Solomon "SAJ" Musa, Captain Komba Mondeh, Lieutenant Tom Nyuma, Captain Julius Maada Bio and Captain Komba Kambo[89]staged a military coup that sent president Momoh into exile in Guinea, and the young soldiers established the National Provisional Ruling Council (NPRC), with 25-year-old Captain Valentine Strasser as its chairman and Head of State of the country. Though rich in diamonds, it has historically struggled to manage their exploitation and export. Humphrey J. Fisher (1969), "Elections and Coups in Sierra Leone, 1967". The total population of Sierra Leone is 7813000 people - 0.1% of the total population of the Earth. [156] The majority of the population relies on biomass fuels for their daily survival, with firewood and coal used most prevalently. Corporal Gborie quickly went to the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Services headquarters in New England, Freetown to announce the coup to a shocked nation and to alert all soldiers across the country to report for guard duty. Makeni is home to Sierra Leone's incumbent President, Ernest Bai Koroma. Siaka Stevens retired from politics in November 1985 after being in power for eighteen years. Sierra Leone's capital Freetown is located in the Western Area of the country and its makes up the Western Area Urban District. He appointed government officials to represent various ethnic groups. Black settlers were captured by unscrupulous traders and sold as slaves, and the remaining colonists were forced to arm themselves for their own protection. About 400 black and 60 white colonists reached Sierra Leone on 15 May 1787. The NPRC's efforts proved to be nearly ineffective as the ousted Momoh administration in repelling the RUF rebels. We operate Wellbody Clinic; support Koidu Government Hospital (KGH), Kono's only hospital; and are supporting smaller public primary . The Creoles, a descendant from the Nova Scotia, Maroons and Recaptives. In 2015, CDC established an office in Sierra Leone to focus on global health security and . GTV subsequently went out of business, leaving DStv as the only provider of subscription satellite television in the country. Other minor political parties have also existed but with no significant support.[117]. Sierra Leone had its own parliament and its own prime minister, and had the ability to make 100% of its own laws, however, as with countries such as Canada and Australia, Sierra Leone remained a "Dominion" and Queen Elizabeth was Queen of the independent Dominion of Sierra Leone. Western Area Rural: Waterloo - Hastings Urban Area: pop. [citation needed]. In June 2005, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and BirdLife International agreed to support a conservation-sustainable development project in the Gola Forest in south eastern Sierra Leone,[113] an important surviving fragment of rainforest in Sierra Leone. Although the sector was seriously affected during the Civil War, there has been a steady improvement in recent years. A brutal civil war broke out the same year, which went on for 11 years with devastating effects. The ratio of men and women in Koinadugu District, Sierra Leone. On 5 July 1994 SAJ Musa, who was popular among the general population, particularly in Freetown, was arrested and sent into exile after he was accused of planning a coup to topple Strasser, an accusation SAJ Musa denied. Sierra Leone's highways are linked to Conakry, Guinea, and Monrovia, Liberia. The current members of the Parliament of Sierra Leone were elected in the 2012 Sierra Leone parliamentary election. A traditional leader from each district has a seat in the countrys parliament, and each district is governed by an elected council. Male same-sex sexual activity is illegal under Section 61 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861, and imprisonment for life is possible. Many Ahmadiyya Muslims in Sierra Leone also follow the Maliki Jurisprudence. (2003) Book review: "The Athens of West Africa: A History of International Education at Fourah Bay College, Freetown, Sierra Leone by Daniel J. Paracka Jr. New York: Routledge". The largest city is Freetown with a population of 836 574. He removed the SLPP party from competitive politics in general elections, some believed, through the use of violence and intimidation. [162] It has been projected that the Bumbuna dam could potentially reduce the amount of spending on foreign fuel and save the country at least $2 million a month. 50%. During the British annexation in Sierra Leone, several chiefs in the northern and southern parts of the country were resisting the "hut tax" imposed by the colonial administrators but they used diplomacy to achieve their goal. The Western Area Urban District exclusively comprises the entire city of Freetown, the national capital, and its divided into the . Sierra Leone is regarded as one of the most religiously tolerant countries in the world. Supreme executive authority rests in the president and members of his cabinet and judicial power with the judiciary of which the Chief Justice of Sierra Leone is the head. Sierra Leone gained independence from the United Kingdom on 27 April 1961, and became a Commonwealth realm on the same day; the country's name changed to the Dominion of Sierra Leone. What Languages Are Spoken In Sierra Leone? [209] In numbers, females present a lower per cent (6.3) versus males (15.2) when it comes to be paid employees. [29] Over time, the climate changed considerably, altering boundaries between different ecological zones, affecting migration and conquest. The report indicated that the country's just . This allowed the crown to organize labour forces for timber cutting or mining, to grow cash crops for export, or to send work expeditions to plantations as far away as the Congo. The Military of Sierra Leone, officially the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF), are the unified armed forces of Sierra Leone responsible for the territorial security of Sierra Leone's border and defending the national interests of Sierra Leone within the framework of its international obligations. Prior to the arrival of Pedro da Cintra in 1462, Sierra Leones history can be briefly ascribed to its composition of few ethnic groups, prominent amongst these were Limba who already lived in Sierra Leone around the 8th Century and there is no clear evidence about their origin. Civil War In Sierra Leone And The Role Of "Blood Diamonds". Tony Blair, the Prime Minister of Britain at the time of the British intervention, is regarded as a hero by the people of Sierra Leone, many of whom are keen for more British involvement.[95]. It is the most populous District in the North and the second most populous District in Sierra Leone, after the Western Area Urban District. The soldiers immediately released Koroma from prison and installed him as their chairman and Head of State. Most of the Mosques and Islamic schools across Sierra Leone are based in Sunni Islam. Rural areas are the most common to lack access to education having only male-headed four per cent ahead of females with basic education and 1.2 per cent more at post-graduate level. They reinstated the constitution and returned power to Stevens, who at last assumed the office of Prime Minister. By the 1990s, economic activity was declining and economic infrastructure had become seriously degraded. Credit card use is limited in Sierra Leone, though they may be used at some hotels and restaurants. He was found guilty and sentenced to death, despite the fact that it was Bangura whose actions led to Stevens return to power. The Kuranko are largely Muslim majority. The demonstration was quickly put down by the army and Stevens' own personal Special Security Division (SSD), a heavily armed paramilitary force he had created to protect him and maintain his hold on power. Nearly 20,000 Liberian refugees voluntarily returned to Liberia over the course of 2007. [168], After the contribution made by the Bangladesh UN Peacekeeping Force in the Sierra Leone Civil War under the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone, the government of Ahmad Tejan Kabbah declared Bengali an honorary official language in December 2002. [90] The NPRC Junta immediately suspended the constitution, banned all political parties, limited freedom of speech and freedom of the press and enacted a rule-by-decree policy, in which soldiers were granted unlimited powers of administrative detention without charge or trial, and challenges against such detentions in court were precluded. If you are interested in the answer to the question "How many men and women are there in Koinadugu District, Sierra Leone?" [128][129], Excessive police brutality is also a frequent problem. In October 1990, owing to mounting pressure from both within and outside the country for political and economic reforms, president Momoh set up a constitutional review commission to assess the 1978 one-party constitution. Sierra Leone is home to Sub-Saharan Africa's first Western-style university: Fourah Bay College (established in 1827). They predominate in the large town of Koindu and its surrounding areas in Kailahun District. In early August 2014 Sierra Leone cancelled league football (soccer) matches because of the Ebola epidemic. Area: 77.1 mile - 124.1 km radius. [131] Typically, chiefs have the power to "raise taxes, control the judicial system, and allocate land, the most important resource in rural areas. [126] The military seized control in 1968, bringing the National Reformation Council into power. Population data comes from the most recent census conducted in the country in 2015. Habitat degradation for the African wild dog, Lycaon pictus, has been increased, such that this canid is deemed to have been extirpated in Sierra Leone. ITV and SATCON are currently operational. The Mende predominate in South-Eastern Sierra Leone (with the exception of Kono District). [234] During the Civil War (19912002), many soldiers took part in atrocities and many children were forced to fight. . Islam was introduced by Susu traders, merchants and migrants from the north and east, becoming widely adopted in the 18th century. Stevens reorganised the country's oil refinery, the government-owned Cape Sierra Hotel, and a cement factory. As the sole candidate, Momoh was elected president without opposition and sworn in as Sierra Leone's second president on 28 November 1985 in Freetown. Sierra Leone is home to about sixteen ethnic groups, each with its own language. Combined, the two provinces had a total land area of 35,936 square kilometers (13,874 square miles), but there is no official measure of the areas of the new individual provinces. The national capital Freetown sits on a coastal peninsula, situated next to the Sierra Leone Harbour. The 2021 census is a mid-term census. Recently there has been an increase of Pentecostal churches, especially in Freetown. The discussions eventually concluded with key stakeholders, including Bio's administration and the UN, agreeing that while efforts in finding a peaceful solution to ending the war should continue, a general election should be held as soon as possible. The Lumley-Aberdeen beach stretches all the way from Cape Sierra Leone down to Lumley. [119] The United Kingdom has played a major role in providing aid to the former colony, together with administrative help and military training since intervening to end the Civil War in 2000. Norman was a guard to Governor-general Sir Henry Lightfoot-Boston. The land was also home to the Temee and Loko peoples, whose presence predates the arrival of Europeans. [30], Sierra Leone's dense tropical rainforest and swampy environment were considered impenetrable; it was also host to the tsetse fly, which carried a disease fatal to horses and the zebu cattle used by the Mande-speaking people. Fourteen clubs from across the country compete in the Sierra Leone Premier League. Both genders experienced and were involved in high levels of violence. [153] In the 1970s and early 1980s, economic growth rate slowed because of a decline in the mining sector and increasing corruption among government officials. His father was a Yalunka paramount chief of Solima, a prosperous chieftaincy. In November 1951, Margai oversaw the drafting of a new constitution, which united the separate Colonial and Protectorate legislatures and provided a framework for decolonisation. [72][73] Sir Albert was opposed to the colonial legacy of allowing executive powers to the Paramount Chiefs, many of whom had been key allies of his late brother Sir Milton. Peoples, whose presence predates the arrival of Europeans technology, mostly in all Leone... First Western-style university: Fourah Bay College ( established in 1827 ) into 2 districts traditional from! 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