Once, as I was studying the Word, the Lord also showed me an inward vision of how when we pray in tongues, a watery shield goes up around us. One of the great benefits of receiving the baptism with the Holy Spirit is the ability that comes with it to pray in tongues or pray in the Spirit. can be avoided. Weve learned that water is a picture of the Holy Spirit (John 7:3839), but why a shield of water? Dr Glenn Arekion is a uniquely gifted teacher and a conference speaker, conveying the Word of truth in a simple yet dynamic and motivational way. Tongues is the entrance into the realm of the spirit, the miraculous zone. When you pray in the Spirit, you release rivers of His wisdom, supply, and healing into your situations. Use your faith and it can happen for you too! God has prepared rivers of practical supply to bring healing, life, and provision for all your challenges. And when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live. Beloved, the Father, whos always ready to give good gifts to you, is more than ready to fill you with His Spirit and give you this heavenly language right now. If this message had been intended only for the apostles, then why are we still preaching the gospel today? Then balance it with the vigor of your tongues. 1-48 of 190 results for "praying in tongues" RESULTS. Be empowered by the Holy ghost as you pray in tongues for minimum of one hour daily. Here our Lords words tell us that we are to take the gospel to every creature that they might believe, be saved, and be baptized. Pastor Chris Tongue of Fire Produces Healing, Deliverance, All Round Breakthrough, Express Miracles. The breadth 'Fi ':-of the inexplicable . It helps you to be more sensitive to God's Spirit and His presence. You are fortifying your inner man. Because that is how we quench all the fiery darts of the enemy (Eph. The table at which he sat was littered with papers, but at this precise moment he had leaned back in his chair with a puzzled expression and his left hand in . Hallelujah! Lift up your hands to Him and say this with me: Heavenly Father, I am confident that You will give me the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the ability to speak in tongues. Therefore tongues is a face to face encounter with God. It says that the one who speaks in tongues edifies himself. Then what am I to do? The silence of the night is great for speaking in tongues. 2. Betty Miller has written several books on other topics as well. Can you please pray in agreement with me that I will start speaking in tongues? Praying is an act that we do when we are in trouble or just about to get into trouble. You just expected to receive, and started speaking the words and syllables out of your mouth. Thanks David. Tongues helps you become more aware of the Holy Spirit dwelling within you. Job 22:28 (AMPC) tells us, You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the light [of Gods favor] shall shine upon your ways., When you begin to decree scripture out of your mouth, things get established for you. Since God is mysterious, the only way we can know Him is through Jesus. Speaking in tongues has become my therapy. As you may have guessed Im extremely enthusiastic about prayer. 1 Corinthians14:4 (AMPC) says, "He who speaks in a [strange] tongue edifies and improves himself". There are many things in the world today that the enemy has devised to distract people from taking out time to pray in the spirit, the enemy knows that those who pray habitually in the spirit cannot be weak spiritually and therefore he cannot prey upon them. The dream seemed to mark out as a point of focus for the attack TONGUES and specifically the POWER of God in the church which tongues evidences. Jesus has paid the price for me to receive every blessing from You. You need to keep your mind focused while you are praying in your holy language. Lo and behold, the cyst had reduced in size to 15mm! Reply. But here is another challenge. It was quite a struggle for me, with my medical background, to maintain my trust in the Lord, for I knew just what microorganisms were rampant especially in foreign lands. He is able to plead for you in harmony with Gods will and cause everything to work together for good in every area of your life (Rom. We pray about whatever our number one problem and need is. Perhaps youve prayed about itdiligentlybut still feel like nothing has changed. It helps you recognize easily His gentle nudgings in your heart. Email 12. Maybe a challenge is needed. And if youve never prayed in tongues, I want to show you from Scripture how this gift applies to you and the powerful benefits of this practical grace gift. Other tempting options include Steamed Siew Mai with Dried Oyster & Sea Moss (RM28), Steamed Beancurd Skin Stuffed with . We gratefully receive donations to fund the sharing of the gospel through this site. Speaking in tongues is one of those gifts, and it allows Jesus followers to stand against the work of the enemy. If you were righteous, you could do that you could pray the prayer of faith and receive your healing but you're not righteous." Notice the devil didn't contradict what the Bible said, nor did he say, "You can't pray the prayer of faith," 48 Understanding How To Fight the Good Fight of Faith. This was & is very helpful in my spiritual walk & provided much needed encouragement that I needed today. It makes your spirit strong. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Get it as soon as Mon, Apr 25. Christ knew that God released greater power for answered prayer at these times, and so you will so often find Christ praying either in the "morning" (usually the fourth watch, 3:00am-6:00am). I know a number of believers who are committed to waking up very early in the morning to pray. Listen to how I regulate my voice in my tongue speaking sessions on YouTube. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. Romans 8:14. If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? Praying in Tongues. Stir up the reservoir of divine wisdom that is dormant on the inside of you, and release rivers of wisdom to bring light and discernment into your situation. Tongues Is for Spiritual Edification. I knew the pastor on YouTube and I shared it with my relatives, my family. Enoch was taken up to Heaven by his faith. From Penang, drive to the Changkat Jering highway exit after Taiping (a worthy place in itself, with great Taiping food, the lush Taiping Lake Gardens, and the . It is beautiful to God and it comes from His Spirit. Lastly we have night people. a. Praying in tongues releases wisdom and directions for our lives. "Therefore let him who speaks in a tongue pray that he may interpret." (1 Corinthians 14:13) H. Engage your mind in prayer and meditation as you pray in the spirit. Sensitivity to Gods Spirit is very important because it will keep you from making many mistakes, keep you from unknown danger and deliver divine blessings to you. First, we have morning people. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Praying in tongues is also important when you want to ascend. I'M MORE DETERMINED SATAN!!!! Life is such a mystery that there are many things that are unknown to the natural mind. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the . God bless you Pastor Prince Since watching you and your Broadcast Ive learned so much about my lord and savior!I also learned to manifest my Blessings through Practice and Prayer.Thankyou for your Teachings.Sister Wanda. We knew it was "Our Year to Soar in 2004," yet at the beginning of this year, we were faced as a church with . It also enables us to ask God for what we need when we don't have the right words; it is praying the perfect prayer. I quit college just to speak in tongues. Hebrews 11:5-6 (AMPC) says, Because of faith Enoch was caught up and transferred to Heaven, so that he did not have a glimpse of death; and he was not found, because God had translated him. That feels like a personal attack, right? You see, in a few days I will see what God's been up to. B. Praying in the Spirit helps us overcome our weaknesses and allows God to lead us. Your End Times Prayer Secret: The Benefits of Praying in Tongues During Times of Crisis. Pick a Good Time of the Day to Pray in Tongues for Long Hours. Jude 1:20 (AMPC) reads, "But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most . The agent put exclamation points behind every sentence. He builds himself up! I will pray with my spirit [by the Holy Spirit that is within me], but I will also pray [intelligently] with my mind and understanding; I will sing with my spirit [by the Holy Spirit that is within me], but I will sing [intelligently] with my mind and understanding also. If you are praying in tongues and just letting your mind wander, you are not bearing any fruit. Pastor Chris Tongue of Fire Produces Healing, Deliverance, All Round Breakthrough, Express Miracles. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I continued to pray in tongues as I waited for the medical report. He even lies and says the gift of tongues is from him, just to keep people from receiving it and using it against him. I only raise my voice if it is necessary and if I have no intention of praying for long afterwards. Glenn Arekion Ministries God bless you guys!! Christ Unlimited and BibleResources.org Newsletter & Blog Reminders delivered to your Inbox! . Thank you so much Cheryl. If you find yourself in a . Their prayer releases great power into their spirits to make them strong. Related: Good Night Prayers: 20 Captivating. We never need fear receiving anything false from the Lord if we are seeking our gift from Him. (1) It can come as an ecstatic prophetic utterance that needs to be interpreted. The Holy Spirit knows better than we what our needs are. I was there with my daddy when he received Jesus! If you have the gift of speaking in tongues, you will naturally feel an urge to pray for long in the spirit if you are in trouble. And I know one day, when God is ready for me, I will get to join mama, daddy, and many other loved ones gone on before! It may be the "least of the . 1 Corinthians 12:30-31 (NKJV) Youll be amazed Paul said that when we pray in tongues we are speaking directly to God. You are blessed and blessing! 1 Corinthians 14:4 teaches that "he that prays in an unknown tongue edifies himself". The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows forth His handiwork. Psalm 19:1. You dont have to fear the devils attacks against you. . Table of Contents. Some other passages to read include Acts 10: 46a, Acts 2: 4a, and 1 . The longest I have spoken in tongues was about 5 hours and after that session, I didn't speak in tongues for about a week because I . For instance, you do not know what will happen next week or next year; the hidden traps of the enemy, unforeseen dangers, and unpleasant surprises ahead. It cannot be studied, learned, or written in any college or university because it is not a natural language. Tongues is knowledge, counsel, and secrets withheld from the wicked. Am looking forward to speaking in tongues more often since now I know the benefits. 7. Great article! Mixing other activities with praying in tongues lowers your focus and dilutes the power of your tongues. !God Bless A million times.! 14. The more you speak in tongues, the stronger your spirit gets! Such beautiful and precious moments in mine, and mama & daddy's lives! Our minds and emotions will experience the things that our spirit prays out. . Start believing that as you pray in tongues, your body is also getting rejuvenated and repaired. In Verse 21, Paul quotes a verse from Isaiah 28:11, "For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.". But 1 Corinthians 14:4 doesnt say that only your inner man is edified. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. I will open my mouth and speak by faith right now. Jesus was in great distress at that time. For example, we do not know what is ahead of us each day, but the Lord does. Bless you for putting all of Digital Magazines together for us! Dont discount this powerful gift from God. According to Thayers Greek Lexicon, the word edifies is translated from the Greek word oikodomeo, which means to build a house, erect a building . So dont limit this restorative effect to just your inner man. Prayer gives us peace and the level of distress directly reflects the urgency of our prayer. Thirdly, we have evening people. As my witness I have seen the fruit. Luke 10:8-9, Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries., From this we can see that when one speaks in tongues, he is not speaking to men, but to God. 1 Corinthians 14:39 (AMP), Copyright (c) 2013 Christ Unlimited Ministries https://BibleResources.org, If this message has been a blessing to you and you would like to see more like them posted on this site, you can help make this possible by your gifts to Christ Unlimited Ministries. And yes, they will be replaced by blessings instead! When I went for the scheduled check-up, I felt a sense of calm and peace in my heart. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Remember that, according to some people, speaking in tongues is an ability that God grants to people in order to pray and feel closer to the holy spirit.. We Pray also For God Divine Healing, Deliverance, Divine Breakthroughs, Divine intervention in their circumstances, Divine Encounters with God, Most importantly for their Salvation and that of their loved ones in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.. AmenPlease:* LIKE, SHARE AND COMMENT.#PastorChrislive #Tonguesoffire #Midnightprayers #Nigeriatoppastors #RevChrisOyakhilome #Christembassy #Loveworldtv The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. How do you know you reached heaven? Speaking in tongues for long hours guarantees you many benefits. He knows how to bring Gods best solution into your situation (Rom. You see, the Scriptures tell us that the flesh lusts against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary to one another. Galatians 5:17. Salvation prayer. Praise the Lord. The Apostle Paul said, "I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all" (1 Cor. Ever since that time, man has been working with God to regain his lost Read this message before you proceed Have you ever experienced a situation where you start speaking in tongues and then your phone rings? . I too am believing in zero problems in my upcoming breast ultrasound and mammogram! Peoples last words before departing have always been considered important. Mark 16:17. Speaking in tongues is a conversation with God. See below for an excerpt from the book and I pray that it will bless you, equip you, and impart empowering truths to you about this amazing gift we have through Christ! The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The doctors also found it was benign. This is the first function of tongues. 6:16). or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? I could not sense the burning or tingling on my face. Here Is How to Pray in Tongues. Tongues. very powerful. 1 Corinthians 14:13 says for if I pray in tongues my spirit is praying, but I don't understand what I am saying." Now get that - when I pray in tongues it is my spirit that is praying - not my mind. If you are tired of living your Christian life without results then you need this great tool in your hands TODAY. Glenn was born in Mauritius but was raised and educated in London, England and now resides in the USA. We do not understand why God chose this method of prayer, but as with other things in Gods Word that we do not understand with the natural mind, they remain truths none the less. Thank you for your prayers. It takes two wings for a bird to fly., The words of the Lord Jesus, just before his ascension to heaven (after His resurrection), have been called the Great Commission to the church. Have you by any chance seen angels while speaking in tongues? I get this question quite often. Amen! Either the entire commission was only for the apostles, or it was for all believers. The great gift then given to each one baptized is to aid them and enable to to pray and walk on in total understanding and victory. A heart that doesnt always beat right, or perhaps an embarrassing skin condition that has defied all the remedies you have tried? I have lost my voice several times in the middle of speaking in tongues because I raised my voice too high. I never knew he plays piano. (Psalm 103:1) Some people belittle speaking in tongues, calling it the "least of the gifts.". And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm. A parallel meaning to the Scripture is that we shall also have this same power and invulnerability over Satan and his demons, as he is referred to as the old serpent, the devil. 99. If so, consider Partnering with us or making a One Time Gift! And the more you learn to recognize and follow His leading of peace, the more youll be equipped to make the right decisions, find yourself at the right place at the right time, and experience His protection. It can lead to a better healthy body system that developed from a positive mind and thinking. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. and be praying powerful prayers throughout the day! Maybe youre facing a health challenge or dealing with a prolonged chronic condition in your body. It is impossible for you to give yourself to long stretchof hours praying in the Spirit and for your ministry to remain the same. 2) Pulls down the enemy's strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). 30 Do all have gifts of healings? Praise Jesus!. The Spirit is praying the will of God for us. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out].. Marty Grisham teaches and demonstrates all you ever wanted to know about praying in tongues. There are many Christians who pray and never received answers because their prayers were not the will of God for them or for whoever they were praying for. We cannot eliminate portions of it just because we do not understand it all. But even as we stand in faith with you, we encourage you to practice faith with godly wisdom. But this Christmas, the Grinch has been plotting to steal my gifts, but I'm determined to KEEP God's gifts to me. The Visit. Praying in tongues. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another helper, that He may abide with you forever the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; buy you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. John 14:16-17. For with stammering lips and another tongue, He will speak to this people, to whom He said, This is the rest with which you may cause the weary to rest, and, This is the refreshing Isaiah 28:11-12. Im super excited youre here! The ministry of the Holy Spirit has a lot of heavens blessings for the Church. You cant be occupied all through the day and hope to pray for long. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call. Acts 2:38,39. I am convinced that there is much antagonism directed at this gift because of the incredible power it releases into our lives. Today, our churches split this commission, as they are strong on preaching the gospel, teaching that it is the duty of every Christian to witness to others, yet ignoring the other half, that of speaking with tongues, healing the sick and casting out demons. Also, different people operate at their peak at different hours of the day. This valuable type of prayer is praying in an unknown tongue or praying in the spirit. His elder brother who shared the video online said he entered the room and was shocked to see him filled with the spirit of God. Yet, there have been many other issues within the church which have caused problems that have not been put aside simply because they created discord. Is there an organ in your body that needs repair? Tongues is strengthening your inner man with divine might. I learned to speak in tongues for long from prayer night vigils I used to attend shortly after receiving the gift of praying in tongues. Jude 1:2021 encourages us to pray in tongues because it builds us up on our most holy faith and keeps us in the love of God. Jesus proclaimed several things that would happen to those who followed Him and continued His work. The Lord does not send us out to do His work without His power and His gifts. It increases the workings of God in your life, and also helps you realize the importance of God, thus giving Him His rightful place. In this case, the Glory exploded on me! Paul experienced the truth of this while on the island Melita. In this new Loudmouth Prayer Series, Rev. !Praying for yall !! This ministry of tongues is coupled with the ministry of interpretation, so that the whole church can be edified. There is a river of life for a sound mind, a river of love, another river of rest, yet another river of refreshingall waiting to be released as you pray in the Spirit. To magnify something means to make it greater and bigger, to increase its significance. Can you tell me what book of Katies covers covers the details in lesson 12, Nov 15th blog? praying in tongues for 48 hoursgloversville high school athletics praying in tongues for 48 hours Menu valorant mute chat. What a miracle! Once I prayed about 7 to 9 hours . There are times of the day when it is easy to speak in tongues and other times when it is hard. It does not store any personal data. Sometimes we would share the word but it was mostly praying. What Happened When I Prayed in Tongues for 6 Hours. Without such praying, man only stumbles along and in uncertainty the . As a result, he didnt have to go through a Whipple procedurean operation more complex than a heart transplant. All right, now release your heavenly language by faith. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. As you read this article, may these fresh revelations ignite your faith and breathe hope into every season you find yourself in. Thanking Him for this and for that and for that and this; your words wont be sufficient to get across to Him how Most of the time, I minimize vigorous movements if I want to speak in tongues for long. When you fail to get some of the breakthroughs you pray for, you will be frustrated. 10 Practical Ways To Develop A Stronger Prayer Life. Topic:What the Bible Says about Tongues If you want to pray in tongues for hours, you need first to allocate hours to speaking in tongues. Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 1 John 5:14. Excerpt from Dr Glenn's book - The Holy Spirit, the Supernatural & You. And I say to her the Fathers will is for you to be healed! Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. Psalm 127:1. This is where praying in tongues take center stage. Praying in tongues helps us to be conscious of God, of His indwelling presence. Luke 11:11-13 gives us that assurance: If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? By all means, if you want to. When I need a time of refreshing and renewal in God's presence, I pray in tongues for as long as possible. Speaking in tongues consumes a lot of energy. In the same way the Spirit [comes to us and] helps us in our weakness. To view titles or purchase those books visit our bookstore. One thing that stirs up our spirits the most is to launch into the realms of the supernatural, where the Holy Spirit gives us utterance. It is like your GPS guiding you to your destination. Pray in The Spirit/tongues without ceasing. It is hard for us to reach out to others when we are burdened ourselves, so praying in the spirit about our problems also frees us to then intercede for others. If you know how important prayer is to your life as a Christian, you will not only pray, you will help others pray. There are believers who can speak in tongues for hours on their own but that takes a lot of time and practice. The Lord spoke to my heart and asked me if I understood the mysteries of salvation. You need to give God thanks for all that He is to you and everything that He has done for you (See 1 Thessalonians 5:18). Does himself include the persons eyes, ears, nose, kidneys, liver, heart, brain, bones, joints, muscles, nervous system, and every other part of his body? For even before he was taken to Heaven, he received testimony [still on record] that he had pleased and been satisfactory to God. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The individual gift of tongues is indeed a priceless key that unlocks many of the doors that hinder our walk with the Lord. While God does not expect us to exhaust His gift because He knows we cant, He expects us to take advantage of it and get the best we can out of it. May God continue to bless your ministry. There is always an urgency to pray. If you know someone deeply, you can hold a long conversation with him without getting tired. All rights reserved. It had a profound impact on the Charismatic Renewal in the Lutheran church as well as in other circles. thank you very much pastor J Prince for word unction. did not know that when you feel his presence you have the right to decree, now I understand as we are sited in heavenly places with him and its our right. Ephesians 6:10-18. to like passions as we are. Your spirit needs to be revived again and again. The devil cannot understand you; neither can he interfere with or intercept your communication with your Father. He wants you to enjoy His divine life in your body and His rest and peace in your mind and emotions. Enoch was a man of great faith, so much so, that it was his faith that enabled him to ascend up into Heaven without first tasting death! He believed that it could happen and it happened! by Jennifer LeClaire. Thank God for giving me the opportunity to be with them, and to witness these beautiful moments and blessed memories that I will carry in my heart forever! The Eight Prayer Watch Hours In The Bible And Prayer Points You . I usually advocate for people to be in their most comfortable positions. Mama wanted to be (re) baptized along with daddy. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This was certainly not the Lords meaning here. (EDIT: a reader pointed out that Jude 1:20 and Ephesians 6:18 also mention praying the Spirit in passing, so 7 verses. 11.Tongues is the entrance into the supernatural. Our focus is to advance people closer to God in a practical way that brings wholeness to themselves, their families and the community at large. Speaking in tongues for long hours begins with a desire and succeeds with discipline. To accept click the 'Accept' button. much you are really wanting to thank Him so your spirit will step in by using the sounds that youre putting Thus, we have some occult groups today who actually handle poisonous serpents in their rituals. My friend, I pray you will experience a deeper walk with the Lord and see the miraculous manifesting in your life as you release His power through this wonderful gift of tongues. 1 Corinthians 14:3-4 states, But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort. For when you open your mouth, you give voice to the Holy Spirit who helps you by making intercession for you (Rom. Now imagine if you had a heavenly prayer language that enables you to always pray perfect prayers in harmony with Gods will, which is to bless you with good and perfect gifts (James 1:17). Or the person who's suffered at the hands of that enemy all their life - their children suffered because the mother suffered, then that enemy started targeting her children individually too. And into whatsoever city ye enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you: And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The Kingdom of God is come nigh unto you. And yet I show you a more excellent way. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. If you prefer standing, then stand. Begin by speaking the syllables that come to you. I've been submitting manuscripts for years to no avail. When you pray in tongues, you will see good success, fruitfulness, and healing. Many times the flesh yearns for something that is not profitable for you. Its one gift with many applications and benefits! The more hopeless I feel about life, the deeper I launch into speaking in tongues. This account is recorded in Mark 16:15-20,And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 31 But earnestly desire the best[a] gifts. Hi Laurie, Had a similar experience in 2009. 4.8 out of 5 stars 85. Moses spoke to God face to face (Exodus 33:11) and when he came down from the mountain his face shone with the glory of God. Of Time and practice am believing in zero problems in my tongue speaking sessions on YouTube the... And ] helps us overcome our weaknesses and allows God to lead us he knows how bring. My heart, Acts 2: 4a, and provision for all your challenges need. Your situation ( Rom was there with my relatives, my family to lead us may! Operate at their peak at different hours of the day you please pray in tongues releases and. Submitting manuscripts for years to no avail he received Jesus be revived again and again our weaknesses and allows to! 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